I Wanna Hold You And Fly

Whisper You'll Stay With Me

Chapter 5


“Is your brother always that affectionate?” asked BamBam.

“Not at all. This is the first time we’ve seen him like this too,” replied Yugyeom, surprised.

“I mean, he’s always been protective. But not to this degree,” said JB.

"I think it comes with being the eldest. Mark is the same way,” injected Jr. 

"He's like a mama bear protecting her precious cub," giggled Yugyeom.

"More like a lion stalking his prey," smirked JB.

“Mark isn’t going to like it when he wakes up,” chuckled BamBam.

“I agree. He doesn’t like being vulnerable or showing any signs of weakness,” said Jr.

“He shouldn’t have healed the both of us,” sighed JB.

Jr placed his hand on JB’s shoulder. “I told you not to blame yourself. Mark would’ve done it for anyone. We just have to be more careful next time."

JB just nodded his head. 


After Jackson caught Mark as he was fainting, he never for one second let go of him. With a wave of his hand, he moved an entire tree so that it would provide shade for him and Mark. He then positioned himself so that he was sitting against the trunk of the tree with Mark sitting in between his open legs; Mark’s back against Jackson’s chest. He then used a branch with leaves to fan the exhausted Mark, careful not to disturb him. How can someone so powerful be so beautiful and gentle at the same time? Well at least when he’s sleeping laughed Jackson to himself. This feels so natural. If only we could spend the rest of our days like this. Not a care in the world. If it were only that easy.


Awhile passed; too long according to Jackson. Mark finally began to stir from his slumber and upon opening his eyes the first thing he saw was Jackson’s face inches away from his.

“Welcome back sleeping beauty,” smiled Jackson.

Mark looked at his surrounding and was shocked to see that he was laying in between Jackson’s legs.

“Why is your face so close to mine and why am I positioned like this?” accused Mark, as a blush crept on his face.

“What ever do you mean? I saved you from falling and hitting that pretty little head of yours. And you made me promise that I’ll never let you go,” teased Jackson.

“Liar. You promised to always catch me if I fall. No one said anything about never letting go.”

“So you do remember what you said before you fainted. Here I thought you wouldn’t own up to it,” giggled Jackson.

“I wasn't fully myself. I had a moment of weakness. I was delusional at best,” lied Mark.

“Who’s the liar now?” teased Jackson. 

Feeling embarrassed, Mark tried to push himself up and away from Jackson. But he was still too weak and fell against Jackson, making them closer than they were before.

“If you wanted to get closer to me, all you had to do was ask,” provoked Jackson. 

“You’re lucky I’m too weak to fight back. Can you please let me go of me now? I'm fine.” Jackson just realized that he had his arms wrapped around Mark.

“I’ll let go of my arms if you promise to let me continue to take care of you until you fully recover.”

“I don’t need you to baby me. Like I said I’m fine.”

“Really? That’s not what you said when you were sleeping. You kept saying Jackson please never let me go. Hold me tight. I need you Jackson. You were even drooling,” teased Jackson.

Mark’s face got beet red, he wasn’t so sure if what Jackson said was true or not. Oh my god. Did I really say those embarrassing things? Please don’t let it be true. I'd never live it down if I did.

“You should see the look on your face. I was only joking,” laughed Jackson. “You slept like a prince waiting for me, your Prince Charming, to awaken you with a kiss.”

“Ugh…I can’t stand you,” said Mark, his face returning to it’s normal color. 

“Well luckily for me, we’re sitting and not standing,” smirked Jackson.

“Very funny. Now let go of me before the others see us.”

“Oh it’s too late for that now. They’ve seen plenty already.”

“What do you mean?” asked Mark, confused. 

“After I caught you, we’ve been in this position ever since,” smiled Jackson. 

Mark was surprised and slightly touched. “How long was I out for?”

“About 2 hours or so.”

“And you didn’t move at all?”

Jackson shook his head. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Thank you,” said Mark, sincerely. “But you didn’t have to.”

“It’s okay. It’s the least I can do to repay you for healing my brother. I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was amazing. But please promise me that next time you won’t strain yourself. You don't have to heal them one hundred percent you know."

“Were you actually worried about me?” asked Mark.

“Of course. If master wasn’t around, who else would I tease,” laughed Jackson.

“Umm…Jackson. Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Umm…what’s that hard thing poking my lower back?” asked Mark.

“What would you want it to be?,” whispered Jackson into Mark’s ear. 

“It had better not be your…” stuttered Mark.

“Would you like to see it? Touch it even?”

“Eww…no. Who would? You ."

“I think master is the big here and has a naughty imagination too. It’s just my belt buckle,” laughed Jackson. 

Mark was too embarrassed to even say anything. He felt his strength returning to him. It may have been the surge in his emotions. With his powers recharged, Mark pushed Jackson back with a gust of wind and splashed him blast of water. 

“Hey. What was that for?” pouted Jackson.


The four younger princes returned from their walk just in time to see Jackson been thrown back and drenched with water.

“Uh oh. Told you Mark wouldn’t be happy when he got up,” said BamBam.

“Your brother must’ve done something to provoke him,” said Jr.

Before Yugyeom or JB could answer, Mark had already flashed next to them.

“Jr. BamBam. Let’s go home. It’s already too late.”

“Are you in the right condition to travel brother?” asked Jr.

“I’ll be fine. Let’s go,” said Mark, as he grabbed his two brothers and flashed out of sight.


After Jackson recovered from Mark’s surprise attack, he flashed to his brothers. 

“Where’d Mark go?” asked Jackson, still slightly wet.

“What did you do brother?” accused Yugyeom. 

“Yea. Mark suddenly grabbed his brothers and left before I could properly thank him or even say bye to Jr,” said JB.

“Right. I didn’t even have time to bid my cute master farewell,” pouted Yugyeom.

“I didn’t do anything,” said Jackson. Did I take it too far? He certainly can’t be mad at me. "Don't worry. We'll just see them tomorrow. Now lets head back before mother and father gets too worried."

With no one in sight, the Shadow princes materialized their powerful black wings and took flight towards home. 


The system at work was down today, so I was bored. That means you guys get another chapter. =) Hopefully it'll be back up tomorrow. If not, maybe I'll just continue to write. Enjoy. 


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KitsunePl #1
Chapter 13: Are you going to like... ever continue the story? :,(
KitsunePl #2
KitsunePl #3
Chapter 13: YOU. SHOULD. UPDATE.
Chapter 13: Attack attackk attackkk.. Marksonn cuteness attackk.. The chap was soo cute... I reallyy like how u give parts to all d characters.. Its reallyy nice...
Nachtice #5
Chapter 13: MARKSON!!! <3
Hehe I sense a date coming on!
Chapter 12: I stumbled onto ur story last yr on Nov n frm den i have been waiting for d updates. So i wud be really glad if u continue this story. Dis story is really one of a kind.. I hope im not rambling.. Btw d chap was really hot..
koreabookitty #7
Chapter 12: I was so happy to see this get updated again! Thank you for returning, I understand how life gets in the way, no need to apologize.

Also, the Chicago fanmeet was awesome wasn't it? I was second row aisle seat, but security let us stand right at the stage
Nachtice #8
Chapter 12: I'm so happy to see this story updated again, please continue it!
Mark beating Jackson at his own game was beautiful <3
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 12: I really like this story... if it's not a problem, I'd love it if you continue to update. I'm excited to see the rest of their love stories.
andie41225 #10
Chapter 11: You don't know but this is one of my fave fics hehehehe Thanks for the update! XOXO ilysm