A Beautiful Nightmare

Whisper You'll Stay With Me

Chapter 3

“Hey why’d you suddenly drop me? That hurt you know,” pouted Jackson, as he wiped the dirt off his breeches. 

“That’s payback for kissing my hand earlier,” smirked Mark.

“Vengeful much? How could you be so heartless?” said Jackson, pretending to be hurt.

“Quit your whining. Heartless would’ve been letting you fall. I caught you didn’t I?”

“You certainly did. You definitely caught my body…heart…and soul,” whispered Jackson, as he crept closer to Mark. A blush formed on Mark’s face, so he flicked his hand and swept Jackson back with a gush of wind. 

“Hey…what was that for?”

“You were getting to close…slave,” smiled Mark.

“Slave?” asked the confused Jackson.


“Yes…slave,” said Jr, as he and the other three joined Mark and Jackson. “Since you guys lost all three duels, we’re now your masters and you’re our slaves. Unless people from the Shadow Realm don’t stick to their words.”

“Don’t insult us. Of course we keep our word. Especially us three, since we’re prin…,” said Yugyeom, as JB covered his mouth. 

“You almost blew our cover,” whispered JB, in his brother’s ear. Yugyeom just shook his head, guiltily. 

“But to keep it fair we’ll only call the person who we lost to, master. Deal?” said JB.

“Works for me,” said BamBam. Both Jr and Mark nodded in agreement.


“So let’s start with introductions,” smiled Jackson. “I’m the wild and y Jackson, the oldest.” Jackson made an exaggerated bow, which caused Mark to roll his eyes. "Next up is JB.” JB just glared at Jr and Jr smirked back. “And last is Yugyeom, our youngest brother.” Yugyeom winked at BamBam and BamBam stuck out his tongue in response. 


“I guess it’s our turn,” said Mark. “I’m the eldest and named Mark. Jr is the second eldest. And BamBam is our youngest brother.”

“When addressing us, you guys can just add master in front of our names,” giggled BamBam.

“Now that that’s done and over with, I think we should get going brother,” said Jr to Mark. “It’s getting late.” Mark just nodded. 


“Already?” asked Jackson. “Can I have a word with you real quick Master Mark?” The two of them stepped to the side. 

“What do you want to say to me? And you can drop the master thing, when we’re alone."

“Why? You’re my baby monster and I’ll serve you as my master,” laughed Jackson. “You know Mark is a cute name. Mark and Jackson equals Markson. Or Jackson and Mark equals Jark. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

“Hearing your name next to mine, somehow cheapens my name.”

“Ouch, right below the belt” sulked Jackson.

“Is that all you have to say? I’m leaving then,” said Mark, as he turns away. 

“Wait,” said Jackson, as he grabs Mark’s hand. Mark looks at their touching hands and then looks at Jackson. Jackson quickly lets go of Mark’s hand.

“Sorry,” said Jackson. “Are we going to see you guys tomorrow?”

“Well we do have to train,” replied Mark.

“Great. Can’t wait to see your beautiful face Master Mark.”

Mark responded by just walking away.


“Ready brother?” asked Jr. Mark nodded. “Aren’t you going to bid your master a proper farewell JB?” teased Jr.

“Bye Jr,” grunted JB.

“Ahem…excuse me. Aren’t we forgetting something?”

“Goodbye Master Jr,” grunted JB.

“Much better,” laughed Jr.

“Bye Little Yugie,” said BamBam.

“Buh bye my cute little master Lighter,” smiled Yugyeom.

The three Lighter princes flashed out of sight. When it was safe to do so, they spread their wings and took flight.


Realm of Light…


Mark couldn’t sleep. Jackson’s face was taking over his thoughts. When Jackson kissed his hand, their embrace when Mark caught him when he was falling, even his annoying, corny pick up lines. Why am I thinking of him? Markson huh? For some reason, it doesn’t sound that bad. Mark finally drifted off to sleep.


Realm of Darkness…


Jackson was sound asleep. Even much so that he was actually smiling. He couldn’t wait to see Mark again. He loved teasing him and watching the usually cold, standoffish boy blush. He thought of a new way to beat Mark. There’s no way he can lose again. 


The next day…


“I guess we made it here first,” said Jr.

“What if they don’t come?” asked BamBam, somewhat disappointed. 

“Doesn’t matter if they do or not. We’re here to train remember,” replied Mark. 


“Aww that hurt Master Mark. You don’t wanna see your y little slave,” pouted Jackson. The three Shadow princes flashed in. Yugyeom waved to BamBam and BamBam waved back with a smile on his face.


“I’m tired of dueling and training. I’m just going to swim by the waterfall today,” said BamBam.

“I’ll help Master BamBam wash his back,” said Yugyeom, excitedly. The two youngest princes headed towards the lake.


“I’ll go train by the lake and keep an eye on our little brother,” Jr said to Mark. “Are you coming slave or do you want to train on your own?”

“I guess I can train close to the lake too.” Jr gave JB a look. “Master Jr.” Jr laughed. The second pair of princes headed off.


“Thank god. I thought they’d never leave us alone,” said Jackson. “Soooo…Master Mark. I have another competition for us and this time I’ll win for sure.”

“What did I tell you about calling me master?” replied Mark, annoyed. “And I’m tired of your little games.”

“Come one Master Mark.” Mark gave Jackson a look. “I mean Mark. Just Mark. You’re faster than me in flashing. You beat me in a duel. I have to at least win at something. Please….,” begged Jackson.

How can something so annoying, be so cute. “Fine,” sighed Mark. “What’s your little game now?”

“Don’t laugh okay,” said Jackson. “I wanna have a staring contest.”

“Are you serious? What are we kids?”

“Come one,” pleaded Jackson. “There’s even a good prize. If I win, I get to kiss you and if you win, you get to kiss me.”

“That’s your idea of a good prize? I’d usually pass cause either way, kissing you or you kissing me is a lost to me. But I doubt you’ll win. So why not,” laughed Mark. 

“Great let’s get started,” said Jackson. There’s no way he can beat me. 


The two princes sat down on a huge boulder, facing each other. Jackson’s glare was intense, Mark’s heart started to beat a little faster. They were staring into each other’s eyes for a bit. 

“Mark,” said Jackson. 

“What?” replied Mark. 

“You have eye boogers.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Uh huh.” 

And when Mark lost his concentration, Jackson blew in Mark’s eyes causing him to blink and lose the competition. 

“I win,” exclaimed Jackson. 

“Hey. You cheated,” pouted Mark.

“All’s fair in love and war,” laughed Jackson. “Don’t be a sore loser. Or do Lighters not keep their word.”

“Fine,” said Mark. “Make it quick before the others get back. And not on the lips.”

“Oh wow. I didn’t even think about kissing your lips. Master is naughty,” teased Jackson, causing Mark to blush. 

“Ugh…forget it. You had you chance,” said the embarrassed Mark, as he got up to leave.

“You’re not getting away that easily,” said Jackson, as he grabbed Mark’s hand and pulled him in close. 

Mark could see Jackson’s face getting closer to his and out of instinct, he closed his eyes. 

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KitsunePl #1
Chapter 13: Are you going to like... ever continue the story? :,(
KitsunePl #2
KitsunePl #3
Chapter 13: YOU. SHOULD. UPDATE.
Chapter 13: Attack attackk attackkk.. Marksonn cuteness attackk.. The chap was soo cute... I reallyy like how u give parts to all d characters.. Its reallyy nice...
Nachtice #5
Chapter 13: MARKSON!!! <3
Hehe I sense a date coming on!
Chapter 12: I stumbled onto ur story last yr on Nov n frm den i have been waiting for d updates. So i wud be really glad if u continue this story. Dis story is really one of a kind.. I hope im not rambling.. Btw d chap was really hot..
koreabookitty #7
Chapter 12: I was so happy to see this get updated again! Thank you for returning, I understand how life gets in the way, no need to apologize.

Also, the Chicago fanmeet was awesome wasn't it? I was second row aisle seat, but security let us stand right at the stage
Nachtice #8
Chapter 12: I'm so happy to see this story updated again, please continue it!
Mark beating Jackson at his own game was beautiful <3
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 12: I really like this story... if it's not a problem, I'd love it if you continue to update. I'm excited to see the rest of their love stories.
andie41225 #10
Chapter 11: You don't know but this is one of my fave fics hehehehe Thanks for the update! XOXO ilysm