It Wouldn’t Kill You To Be Nice

Whisper You'll Stay With Me

Chapter 11

Shadow Princes private chambers…

“Can you believe it? They’re princes too,” squealed Yugyeom.

“Can you be any more louder? I don’t think everyone in the Sky Realm heard you,” chastised JB.

“Cut him some slack brother. I know you’re just as surprised as Yugie is,” said Jackson. “Cause I know I am. Now only if Mark wasn’t being such a meanie.”

“Well you of all people should understand where he’s coming from, both being the Crowned Princes and all,” retorted JB.

“Hey, whose side are you on anyways brother?” teased Yugyeom.

“Right. If your black hair wasn’t a dead giveaway, I’d think you were a Lighter instead of a Shadow,” said Jackson.

“Well at least I’m closer to being a Lighter by association than you are, my dear older brother,” teased JB. Little Yugie couldn’t help but snort at his middle brother’s comment.

“Ouch, right below the belt brother. Too soon…too soon,” pouted Jackson. 

“Since we’re on the subject. I don’t know if I like our dear cousin Nichkhun. BamBam can’t help swooning over him. And I don’t like the way he flirts with cousin Mark,” said Yugyeom. 

“I couldn’t agree more,” said Jackson. “That’s why I have to win tomorrow’s flashing contest.”

“Why is that? And is that even possible? Cousin Mark already beats you every time,” stated JB. 

“Let’s just say cousin Mark and I have a little bet going on,” smirked Jackson. 

“I don’t trust brother’s smile,” whispered Yugyeom. 

“Me either,” replied JB. 


Light Princes private chambers…

“Cousin Nichkun is so handsome,” swooned BamBam.

“Keep it in your pants little one,” said Jinyoung. “You wouldn’t want cousin Yugyeom hearing you.”

“Or better yet cousin Nichkun,” laughed Mark.

“Oh you can laugh now, but I’ve caught you blushing a few times when he was flirting with you throughout the night,” teased BamBam.

“I must say, I’m a little worried too brother. Are you not going to tell him about you and cousin Jackson?” asked Jinyoung. 

“There’s nothing to worry about. Jackson and I have a mutual understanding. And in regards to cousin Nichkhun, I’m just trying not to be rude,” said Mark.

“Yet you continue to do so towards cousin Jackson,” said Jinyoung. His brother’s comment caused Mark’s brows to frown. “I’m sorry if I angered you brother,” bowed Jinyoung.

“No need to apologize brother. I know I can be a bit cold towards Jackson and I’m working on it. I truly am. It’s just a lot to take in right now. Finding out our boyfriends are Shadow princes, the tournament, as well as being the heir to the throne. It’s just a lot,” sighed Mark. Jinyoung nodded understandably, while BamBam let out a giggle.

“Did I say something funny little one?” asked Mark.

“Kinda,” smiled BamBam. “I think that’s the first time you ever called the Shadows “our boyfriends.” Mark couldn’t help but blush.

“Quit teasing our brother,” laughed Jinyoung. “On that note, I couldn’t help but over hear you and cousin Jackson making a bet in regards to tomorrow’s contest. Care to elaborate?”

“What? Really?” squealed BamBam. “What’s the prize?”


Day 1 of the Celestial Tournament….


“Dad’s opening welcome speech is so long,” complained Nichkhun. 

“Quit your whining. It’s your fault I’m even participating in this tournament,” hissed Youngjae. “You just want to be close to your cousin Mark as soon as possible”.

“You know me so well,” laughed Nichkhun. “But can you blame me? I mean look at him.” Both glanced over at the Lighters. Mark was standing with his brothers, dressed all in white. Even though they didn’t have their crowns on, you can just tell they’re royalty.


“Cousin Nichkhun is making googly eyes at cousin Mark again,” whispered Yugyeom.

“Don’t worry. I’ll wipe that smile off his face pretty soon,” growled Jackson. 

“Just don’t hurt anyone,” warned JB. “Remember it’s just a friendly tournament.”


“Umm…cousin Jackson is glaring at cousin Nichkun,” whispered BamBam.

“I’m not envious of you at all brother,” stated Jinyoung. 

“Focus you two,” said Mark.

“Why?” whined BamBam. “You’re just going to win anyways.”

Mark looked over at Jackson. Jackson caught Mark’s gaze and decided to give him a seductive lip bite. Mark tried to suppress his arousal by swallowing the lump in his throat, before turning away. 

Yes that’s it. Take in my iness. If I can’t win fair and square, I’ll just use my powers of seduction. Jackson 1, Mark 0.


“The golden feather is waiting at the top of the highest peak in the Sky Realm,” stated the Sky King as he pointed towards the sky. “The one who brings back the golden feather will be declared today’s champion in the flashing category. And as a reminder, since this is not a combative category you are allowed to use your powers, but should you harm any other opponent in any way, you’ll automatically be disqualified. Now would all those wishing to join this event, please gather around.”


The Light Realm had seven contestants, three being the princes. The civilians bowed to their princes as they gathered next to them. The princes acknowledged them with a smile and nod. The Shadow Realm had eight warriors, three being the princes. The Shadows placed their palm to their heart to salute their princes and the Shadow princes returned the gesture. For the Sky Realm, there was only Prince Nichkhun and Youngjae. 


“Cousin Mark though the Sky Realm lack in numbers, I can assure you that I make up for it in prowess,” winked Nichkhun.

“How about we save all that hot air for when we’re actually in the sky,” grinned Jackson, proud at his own joke.

Mark decided that the best approach would be to ignore the both of them. 

“Excuse me cousins, while I confer with my brothers,” said Mark, as he excused himself pulling his brothers along.


“Should I ask mom and dad to add another round in the tournament?” asked BamBam.

“What do you mean?” asked Jinyoung.

“A race to win the Crowned Light Prince’s Heart,” giggled the youngest Light prince.

“Very funny,” said Mark, as he grabbed his youngest brother in a headlock and tousled his hair. 

“I’m sorry brother,” pleaded BamBam. “Not the hair, not the hair.” Jinyoung couldn’t help but laugh at his brothers’ antics. 

“What’s going on?” asked Yugyeom, as he flashed next to his cousins with a smile on his face. “I heard my little prince’s voice.”

“Mark is picking on me,” tattled BamBam. “Yugie help.”

“Sorry, can’t do my love. Cousin Mark outranks me,” laughed Yugyeom. 

“You’re dead to me,” pouted BamBam.

“Who’s dead?” asked JB, as he flashed in.

“Seems like the youngest princes of both realms,” responded Jinyoung. 

“Should I step in?” asked JB. 

“Would you even dare?” teased Jinyoung. JB just shook his head no. “Very smart,” replied Jinyoung.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size and rank?” teased Jackson, as he flashed next to Mark. 

“I’m assuming you’re referring to yourself?” said Mark, as he raised an eyebrow. 

“The one and only,” smirked Jackson. 

“That’s rich, coming from someone whose yet to beat me in anything,” retorted Mark.

“Ouch,” said JB, Jinyoung, BamBam, and Yugyeom in unison. 

“That’s one hard tongue you have cousin Mark. I’m guessing it’s only soft with my tongue pressed against it,” replied Jackson, not one to back down. Mark blushed from Jackson’s comment, then frowned as he composed himself. 

“Cousin….Jackson. A moment this way please,” said Mark, as he dragged Jackson away from the others.

“Do you think cousin Mark will be disqualified if he kills brother before the event starts?” Yugyeom asked the others. 


“If you wanted me alone, all you had to do was ask,” teased Jackson. 

“What do you think you’re doing? What if someone overheard you,” hissed Mark. 

“Come on Mark. Lighten up. Get it? Lighten up and you’re a Lighter?” laughed Jackson.

“Hi-larious…can you be serious for a moment? There were lots of people around. You need to be more careful in what you say.”

“No one was in ear shot, I checked okay. Come on…don’t be mad. I’m sow-wie. Forgive me my prince,” pleaded Jackson. “Should I get down on my knees?”

“No. I don’t want there to be a scene. The Crowned Prince of the Shadow Realm on his knees in front of the Crowned Prince of the Light Realm, what would people think?”

“That I’m confessing my love,” replied Jackson. “Which I am, by the way.”

“Ugh…you’ll be the death of me one day,” said Mark, not being able to control a smile.

“As long as I’m in your arms,” said Jackson, as he made googly eyes at Mark.

“Let’s just hurry back to the others. I think the event is about to start.”


“Welcome back,” said Jinyoung. “I see you’re still in one piece cousin Jackson.”

“Just barely,” said Jackson, as he gave him a thumbs up.

“We’re about to start,” said JB. “Good luck everyone.”

“Likewise,” replied all the princes, as they exchanged smiles. 


With the sound of the horn, everyone took off towards the sky. Wings of all colors can be seen zigzagging through the sky. But the royal princes’ wings were most distinctive. In the lead, to no one’s surprise was Mark. But right next to him going head to head was Jackson and Nichkhun, followed by the younger princes and Youngjae. 

“Wow you’re pretty fast Youngjae,” praised Jinyoung. 

“Thanks your highness. My prince makes me practice with him daily,” replied Youngjae.

“I guess cousin Nichkhun is more than just a pretty face,” stated JB. 

“Don’t you dare say a thing,” threatened Yugyeom. 

“What? I wasn’t even going to say anything,” laughed BamBam. 

“I think Prince Mark is going to win,” stated Youngaje. “And Prince Jackson is right behind him.”

“Seems that way. We’re only half way there though. But for some reason I think brother has something up his sleeve,” said JB.

“Oh you know about the bet too?” asked Jinyoung. 


“So cousin Mark, if I win and give you the golden feather what will I get in return?” asked Nichkhun. “Perhaps a kiss?”

“Nothing,” replied Jackson. “Being that I’ll be the one who’s going to win.” Time to distract my precious Mark and take the lead. 

“Oh….cousin Mark…I have a surprise for you,” teased Jackson. 

As Mark looked back, he saw Jackson’s shirt become ablaze. When the flames died out, there was just a topless Jackson suspended in mid-air flexing his muscles. Mark couldn’t help but stop and stumble, taking in the glorious scene in front of him. Jackson’s body was flawless, muscles in the right places and abs of steel. That’s right, take it in. Take it all in thought Jackson. Everyone stopped and stared, even Nichkhun had to admit Jackson had an amazing body.

“Feeling a little hot cousin Mark? I can assure you, the sun is not the cause,” smirked Jackson, as he took the lead and surpassed Mark. 

Get a hold of yourself Mark. You can still win this. Two can play at that game thought Mark.

“Was that your poor attempt at winning cousin Jackson?” asked Mark.

“From the way you were assaulting me with your eyes and being that I’m in the lead, I’d say it worked,” smirked Jackson, still topless. 

“All is fair in love and war right,” stated Mark.

“Of course,” smiled Jackson, as he can see the golden feather within his reach.

All of a sudden all the princes and Youngjae felt a strong burst of wind circulating around Mark. When the wind dissipated, Mark’s shirt slowly shredded to pieces revealing a silky smooth toned body. If that wasn’t enough to stop everyone in their tracks, Mark upped the game by conjuring a stream of water, flicked his wet hair back, and allowed the water to slowly trail down his chest and six pack abs. The all kill was when he his wet pink lips, causing them to swell up. 

If Nichkhun wasn’t already enamoured with Mark before, he certainly is now after having witnessed what just occurred before him. 

Jackson’s mind went blank. Half in lust and half bewildered. Did he? Did he just do that? Mark? My Mark?

“Are my eyes playing tricks on me?” asked BamBam. “Did our brothers just perform a in mid-air?”

“I knew brother was up to something. But for Mark to beat him at his own game. I’m in awe,” said Yugyeom, shocked. 

“Cousin Mark really knows how to put on a show,” said JB in admiration. 

“Hey if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were checking out my brother,” teased Jinyoung, surprised at his usually reserved brother.

“Let me go check on my prince. I think he may need some resuscitation,” said Youngjae. 


Mark didn’t even wait to check on the outcome of his impromptu act of seduction. When he grabbed the golden feather, he knew his distraction was a success. The horn blown below brought everyone out of their trance and let everyone know that the event was completed. 


“You seem a little flushed cousin Jackson. You’d think with your affinity being fire, you’d be invulnerable to the heat. Let me know if you need help cooling off,” smirked Mark. 

Jackson couldn’t even give a response, his mouth was still gaped, unable to shut.

“Cat’s got your tongue? Guess I’ll see you below,” said Mark as he started to descend. 


“Was it your plan all along to seduce everyone into a glorified death?” teased BamBam.

“You could’ve at least warned us brother,” smiled Jinyoung.

“Now’s not the time. We won didn’t we?” said Mark.

“So much for trying to get cousin Nichkhun off your back. Did you see his face?” laughed BamBam.

“Forget cousin Nichkhun. Poor cousin Jackson. If he wasn’t in a state of shock, he would’ve pounced right then and there” giggled Jinyoung.


“Brother are you okay?” asked JB.

“Hello…earth to Jackson,” said Yugyeom.

“Did you guys see what I just saw?” stuttered Jackson, coming back to his senses. 

“I think everyone was entranced with cousin Mark’s little show,” said JB, trying to clear his throat. 

“I concur,” smiled Yugyeom. “Who would’ve thought cousin Mark was so y.”

“Hey that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about,” said Jackson. 

“Well we better hurry,” said JB. “Cousin Nichkhun already beat us to descend. At this rate, he’ll catch up to our Lighter cousins before us.”

“Race you to the ground,” said Jackson, as he took towards Mark full force. 


So I'm back. Sorry for the long hiatus. Just been busy with work and life. I promised myself that I'll try to read and write more this year, so here I am. Let me know if you guys are still interested in this story. If not, I'll let it go and start another one. I also have my two other stories to finish too. On another note, I was able to see Got7 in Chicago for their meet and greet. I even got a photo with them, seats were so close too. 4 rows back from the front. Got to see them last year and now this year. Hopefully they'll come again soon since their comeback is coming up. They do need some rest though. Any who, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. P.S. I also switched Jr's name to Jinyoung for this chapter and beyond. =)

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KitsunePl #1
Chapter 13: Are you going to like... ever continue the story? :,(
KitsunePl #2
KitsunePl #3
Chapter 13: YOU. SHOULD. UPDATE.
Chapter 13: Attack attackk attackkk.. Marksonn cuteness attackk.. The chap was soo cute... I reallyy like how u give parts to all d characters.. Its reallyy nice...
Nachtice #5
Chapter 13: MARKSON!!! <3
Hehe I sense a date coming on!
Chapter 12: I stumbled onto ur story last yr on Nov n frm den i have been waiting for d updates. So i wud be really glad if u continue this story. Dis story is really one of a kind.. I hope im not rambling.. Btw d chap was really hot..
koreabookitty #7
Chapter 12: I was so happy to see this get updated again! Thank you for returning, I understand how life gets in the way, no need to apologize.

Also, the Chicago fanmeet was awesome wasn't it? I was second row aisle seat, but security let us stand right at the stage
Nachtice #8
Chapter 12: I'm so happy to see this story updated again, please continue it!
Mark beating Jackson at his own game was beautiful <3
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 12: I really like this story... if it's not a problem, I'd love it if you continue to update. I'm excited to see the rest of their love stories.
andie41225 #10
Chapter 11: You don't know but this is one of my fave fics hehehehe Thanks for the update! XOXO ilysm