They Don't Know I've Waited All My Life

Woe Is Me

Chanwoo likes routine, and I know what you’re thinking, “How can Chanwoo like routine if he’s homeless?” Simple, he makes his own routine; he starts his day off brushing his teeth with the toothbrush that he took from home(not the cleanest but all he has), he scavenges for food(most of it is from the garbage), walks around the town(job hunting), he scavenges for dinner(he can never find much for lunch), and then he heads to the alley where he sleeps and gets ready for bed. 


Talking has never been apart of Chanwoo’s routine, that is, until Koo Junhoe started coming around. Chanwoo had thought that after one meeting with Hot Guy(Chanwoo still refuses to call him by his name although that might change soon enough) he wouldn’t have to speak again, Chanwoo thought wrong.


Junhoe wouldn’t stop coming around and he was always around when Chanwoo was trying to relax. All Chanwoo really wanted to do was keep to himself and hopefully find a job, but no that was too much to ask for. Chanwoo won’t admit it out loud, but he actually enjoys Junhoe’s company and he enjoys the attention he gets from the college student.


Speak of the devil and he shall appear, “Hey baby, what have you been up to,” Chanwoo could hear the smirk in Junhoe’s voice.


“You saw me yesterday, . I’m doing the exact same thing I was doing yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and guess what? The ing day before that,” Chanwoo could admit he was being kind of rude, but he couldn’t help it, Junhoe brought out the mean side of Chanwoo.


Alright, the really mean side of Chanwoo, Chanwoo was already a little mean, but Junhoe also made butterflies erupt in Chanwoo’s stomach.


“You never know, something could’ve changed,” Chanwoo is this close to punching that stupid smirk right off of Junhoe’s extremely attractive face, or maybe kissing it off, “and I thought I already told you to call me Junhoe.”


“Listen, Junhoe, I’m tired of you bothering me. I don’t like to talk, you’re the only person I talk to so you should be grateful that I even call you a name or reply at all,” Chanwoo actually really enjoyed he and Junhoe’s playful banter, but he would never tell Junhoe that. It’d only inflate Junhoe’s already big ego.


“So, you still looking for a job?”


“Of course I am, you heard of any,” Chanwoo is hoping that Junhoe has at least one job opportunity for him.


“You can work for my dad. He owns Koo Corporation and he’d be glad to help you out,” Junhoe sounds sincere, “Plus, I’ll be taking over soon, so you can be my y secretary that I’m ing in my free time.” And of course Junhoe had to ruin their serious moment.


“Honestly Junhoe, I’m starting to wonder why I even talk to you.”


Junhoe pouts, actually ing pouts, “But baby, we can during our work hours too.”


“I’m walking away now,” Chanwoo spins on his heel and slinks away, knowing Junhoe will follow him.


Chanwoo was right, he can hear Junhoe’s thundering footsteps behind him, “Chanwoo, I’m being serious. My dad can give you a job, you can even live with me until you’re able to rent your own apartment.”


Chanwoo can feel his heart swell at the seriousness and concern in Junhoe’s voice, his heart ing swells with happiness. 


“Junhoe, that’s really sweet of you but I couldn’t possibly let you do all that for me,” Chanwoo knows he probably sounds a little awestruck while he’s talking but he can’t help it. He never thought Junhoe would offer him a job or a home. If Chanwoo had known all that he probably wouldn’t have called Junhoe an every time he addressed him.


“But, we don’t always have to in the office, we could in my apartment too,” Chanwoo isn’t regretting calling Junhoe an anymore, “I’m only joking, Chanwoo. Not about the apartment and job thing though, that’s serious.”


“I’ll think about it Junhoe, thank you,” Chanwoo can’t decide what he wants to do. On one hand he wants to take Junhoe up on his offer and live with him, but on the other he doesn’t want to put his trust in someone who could tear him apart. Chanwoo may not show it, but he really cares about Junhoe. 


Junhoe was the first person who got Chanwoo to open up, Junhoe did it in weird ways but he still got Chanwoo to tell him about his family and his stepfather. Chanwoo wouldn’t even talk to anyone for 3 whole years, but now he was telling Junhoe about his family, his aspirations, his goals. 


“Take your time,” then Junhoe was walking away leaving Chanwoo weighing the pros and cons, trying to decide what to do.


He was screwed.



A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading and for your feedback! Feedback is really appreciated and really helps me write!! Have a wonderful day, night, or afternoon!

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 8: I want more~~~
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 7: this chapt just killing me ..... they're too qt TT.TT
R_nine21 #3
Chapter 6: just cuddle him now june-ya
Chapter 8: this is so cute and goOD I WANT TO DIE
Chapter 8: OMG YOURE ALIVE I LOVE ALL OF YOUR STORIES SO MUCH! thanks for updating!
Chapter 7: Ugh, so cute!
ONwHOre #7
Chapter 7: Cutttiiiiieeeeppppiiiieeee
Chanwoo22 #8
Chapter 7: So cuteeeeeeeee