Chapter 08

When The Sun Falls


They talk until the sky burns with hues of the sunset, setting the trees ablaze with a hazy glow of oranges and yellows. Her heart feels featherlight and her sides ache from laughter and she can’t help but stare at how handsome Jaehwan looks in the low light, flushed with joy. He helps her to her feet and they walk along the riverside.

“I have a plan to keep the Queen from finding you,”

She turns to him with a look of surprise, hands clasped behind her back.

“Oh?” she says. Jaehwan nods.

“Her Highness has an enchanted mirror that she calls upon every night, I’ve seen her use it,” he informs her, “It shows her the face of whomever she asks. That’s how her huntsmen were able to find you, and more will if I don’t do something about it,”

She feels a shiver run down her spine at the idea of being spied on through a supernatural portal.

"What's your idea?"

He pauses to pick up a stone and turn it over in his hand in concentration.

"With your consent, of course, every night, I can use my magic to put you into a sleep so deep, it'll be like mimicking death itself. That way, her mirror won't be able to detect you,"

It's brilliant, really. The Queen will think her dead and Sanghyuk and his brothers won't have to suffer consequences for letting her free. It'll be hiding in plain sight, spending her nights with Jaehwan. She tries not to think of the last part.

"Fight fire with fire," Jaehwan smirks, "or in this case, magic. What do you think?"

"I think you're very clever," she replies with a breathless laugh and a shake of her head. He smiles, tossing the stone to see it skip across the still surface of the water in neat ripples. He tilts his head back as if to study the late evening sky and turns to her.

"Very well. She'll be calling upon it soon, we should be going," he muses with careful eyes, "come with me," 

The inside of the tower is very inviting despite the cold exterior. A single winding staircase leads to an open space comfortably and tastefully furnished with subtle accents of crimson, noticeable in the satin curtains draping the windows and the large bedspread. Glass lanterns framed by cast iron hang to form a chandelier in the center of the room, giving off a warm glow of candlelight that adds an aura of sophistication and allure.

A perfect hideaway for a sorcerer.

"Make yourself at home," Jaehwan laughs. Sensing her nervousness at her new surroundings, he leaves her side while she walks about the chambers.

She fancies his study the most. A large room that can only be accessed through a trapdoor in the ceiling. She runs her fingers over ancient leather bound tomes and spellbooks written in foreign tongues, her mind stumped at trying to decipher the symbols. The smell of dust is strangely comforting. Rolls of parchment sit on his desk beneath a worn map of the kingdom, folded so many times that the creases threaten to tear at the slightest touch.

"That's all I have left from my time in the castle," Jaehwan's soft voice sounds from over her shoulder as he comes to stand behind her. She traces mountain ranges and rolling plains, stopping when she sees the scale of the woods.

"I never realized how immense the kingdom was," she whispers in honest surprise. A sound of amusement leaves the sorcerer and he nods as well.

"Neither did I until I came here,"

"It must get lonely only having yourself for company," she frowns and touches the illustration of the castle grounds. The Citadel of Her Royal Highness, it reads in a careful hand. The feeling is mutual, of course. She couldn't deny that she craved that spark of connection and human contact one only got with family after the passing of both her parents.

"Yes," Jaehwan agrees, "but I won't be anymore,"

The pause makes her turn, back pressing flush against the wood to face him and she glances at the floor shyly. He laughs and takes her by the hand to lead her back down the trapdoor.

"Come to bed. It's nearly time"


She nervously lies down, heart fluttering like a caged bird and he immediately picks up on her anxiousness as he sits beside the bedside.

"The spell is gradual, but it will completely relax your body until you fall asleep," he says sincerely, "let me do all the work, Snow White. Just focus on your breathing,"

The word makes her pulse stutter and she wonders if she'll truly be able to relax enough to fall unconscious with him so near but she nods, turning on her side to face him.

Through the window, she can see that the sky has faded to a deep onyx. Moonlight seeps through the curtains, splashing the chambers and Jaehwan's hair with silver.

"Will you be here when I awake?" she asks softly with already drooping eyelids. A small smile flickers across his lips before he reluctantly shakes his head.

"I'm afraid not. I have to cast more protective charms around the borders," Jaehwan murmurs, "but I'll be here until you fall asleep. I'll be back by tomorrow evening,"

She nods sleepily against the pillow and he runs a finger over her cheek.

"Close your eyes," he whispers.

She does so and her world goes dark. Fingertips brush against her forehead, moving to her collarbones, her shoulders, tracing down her arms.

"At my touch, feel the strength leave your body,"

Her limbs start to feel weightless with each caress, like she's floating. A gentle warmth blooms in her chest and flows through the rest of her system, spreading all the way to her toes, hazy and quiet. She lets out a soft sigh.

"That's it, darling. Listen to my voice,"

It sounds from strangely far away, almost as if from underwater but she's too content to notice. She vaguely registers a touch to her temple and she feels another pull, another layer separate her from the cognitive world. Her breathing comes slow and steady until it becomes instinct, letting her chest rise and fall naturally.

"Follow the sound of my voice into the dream realm, into safety. Away from the prying eyes of the Queen,"

She's nearly there, something tells her from far back within her consciousness. She's never felt more comfortable, more relaxed, more good in her life.

"Come with me, Snow White. Where everything is still and tranquil. A realm belonging to only the two of us,"

The final layer and the all too familiar sensation of falling.


A touch of lips and the spell is cast.


She dreams of rose breezes.

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Chapter 13: aesthetical, heart-shattering, enchated, and indeed...more than just a fairytale.

i cried once again and fell in love with this pure and grand story. author-nim ily sm. reading it gave me a delightful and a rousing feeling. idk it was beautifully odd and well-settled. although it broke me. it was wonderful. its like u originally created SNOW WHITE mehehehhh. tbh this is my favored fic among all fairytale genres. this is legit.

i had sm to say but i think i need some time to cry MEHEHEHHHH
Chapter 13: Well this ended up being an interesting twist indeed. No actual showdown/conflict; no dwarves or small men (like the Disney version); and the added element of spirits and good sorcerers, but you still included some of the key points that make the story Snow White in its core. Well done with those changes and such. I like the realism of the heart pulled in different directions, and you twist the knife with the last chapter there, giving her one happy ending, but perhaps not the one she would have preferred.

I still have no sense of what Snow White actually looks like though. Other than beautiful. And I wasn't able to figure out why you used italics at some points but not at others. They felt rather random and actually confused me with the ambiguity of their purpose. *shrug* Other than that, I like how the brothers were essentially the huntsman and how Wonshik's apparent blood-thirst wasn't quite what it seemed at the surface. Despite the ending, your story very much does read like a fairy tale with things happening in such a way that the reader just has to accept that some things are the way they are or happen the way they do, but it's not a bad thing.

I found the ending to be bittersweetly abrupt and I am currently wishing for more resolution with the Queen, considering they're related (that was another thing that felt odd in the beginning), but overall, it's a good retelling of the tale. Nicely done and congrats for finishing it. Good luck with it in the other contest you've entered it into. ^_^
Chapter 4: Okay. So now the first few chapters make sense. I was absolutely confounded by how everything was playing out with the three brothers but this definitely ties all those questions together in a neat, but far darker answer than I would have hoped for. haha Go Sanghyuk for not being a cold-hearted... villain? I wouldn't exactly call the brothers that, since they are following orders but still. -_- Definitely off to an interesting start. Some of the italics in the previous chapters were a bit confusing since I wasn't sure who was speaking or who the speaker was talking to/about, but in general, the story is moving very much like a fairy tale. There's just enough description to make it clear and it has the somewhat lighthearted tone of the beginnings of a fairy tale itself. I still don't have much of a sense for Snow White herself - I get impressions from everyone around her but she's otherwise an amorphous 'beauty' as it were, but I'm hoping time will tell!

I did rather like that encounter with her and the Viscount in the beginning. Nice touch and a good way to approach a sometimes sensitive/uncomfortable topic. She handled it quite nicely, though I do wonder if that's the last we'll see of him. Anyway, onward to more to see what happens. I'm rather a fan of the original tale so I'm curious to know how you've twisted it. ^_^
Chapter 13: ... Jaehwan <////////3
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 13: My feelssss
Love this!
Fairytales are usually happy.... but still i prefer yours....
It is full of emotion.... much better than usual Fairytales.
This is a well written tale. I love it
Chapter 13: Authornim you are the best..this story make me sad and broken. i just can't handle this feeling and it such a beautiful wonderful writing
Chapter 13: This was simply beautiful to read. At the last chapter I hit Previous thinking there was another chapter and then I got sad that it was over. I think I seriously need a sequel, because this was one of the best fairy tale stories I've read in a really long time. Really amazing writing!!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This reminds me of my struggle with my two main biases in Vixx. I like Leo the most but Ken is always trying to creep up on him. I like the way you described their singing voices and their personalities. Great chapter!
Chapter 7: This is really cute and interesting to read. I love reworked fairy tales and this is better than most I have read. I'm glad all the members of Vixx have been mentioned, except for Leo but I'm hoping he's the prince ;) You have a good idea going here, I hope you continue!