Junhong's Flight

Online Dating

A quick stretch accompanied with a crack of his back and Daehyun turned off his alarm. The bright red numbers read 4:00am, his eyes hurt too much too look at their brightness too long. A part of him wanted to curse Junhong for picking a flight that would arrive at such an ungodly time but then he remembered the younger didn’t have a choice in the matter. The flight had been booked by his parents. He signed and practically dragged himself out of bed, getting dressed in the clothes he had laid out for himself last night and grabbing something he could munch on in the car as well as his phone, keys, and coat on the way out the door.


The drive to the airport didn’t take as long as Daehyun had anticipated, probably twenty minutes at most. With a huff, he realized he probably could have slept in another good ten minutes this morning. Nonetheless he was here now and bound to wait in a dull airport until Junhong’s flight arrived. Which, as he check the time on his phone once more, would be in another twenty more minutes to a half hour, depending. Daehyun sighed and sat down in an uncomfortable grey chair, clicking on one of the games he’d downloaded on his phone to pass the time.


Soon enough, the announcement aired informing him Junhong’s plane was about to land and he put his phone away so he could keep watch for him and not miss the boy in the crowd, though with his height Daehyun knew it was quite unlikely. As people began to exit the plane and file into the airport it didn’t take long to see the exact head of bleached white hair he was looking for. Daehyun waved his arms in the air to try and get the boys attention, probably looking like an idiot as he did so but not caring for the moment. His actions succeeded in getting Junhong’s attention and he quickly made his way over, wrapping his long arms around Daehyun in a hug which the elder returned just as strongly.


“So how was your vacation?” Daehyun asked after pulling away from the hug. A smile was bright on his face and until now he hadn’t realized how much he had missed Junhong. Sure he had wished he was there to reach the top cabinets for him and edit his videos, but he had also missed the company, and Junhong himself.


“I was good,” He replied, running a hand through his messy hair, he must have slept on the plane by the looks of his bed head. “Sort of boring but that’s just because my parents refused to do anything except cook and watch their boring television show. Still, It was nice to see them since it’s been awhile.”


“That’s good.” Daehyun replied, picking up his coat from the seat and sliding it on. “Well, ready to go then? We can stop somewhere on the way home and get some food if you’d like.” The offer was mostly for Jonghung, he knew the boy would be hungry after such a long flight and stopping to get food would be much quicker than making it, but it was also a bit for his own benefit as well. He really didn’t want to cook this early in the day. There was an ominous feeling that he would most likely burn himself if he attempted it.


“Yeah.” Junhong sighed, looking exhausted from the plane ride. “I’ll probably crash in your bed when we get home.”

“Why mine?!” Daehyun whined as the two began walking through the airport, headed to the parking lot. A laugh burst from the younger’s lips and he looked to Daehyun as if he should know the reason, which he did.


“Because sleeping in your bed is like sleeping on a cloud.” Junhong easily replied, holding the door open for Daehyun and glancing around for their car somewhere in the hectic and crowded parking lot.


“Over here.” Daehyun called, having already started heading in the proper direction. He had gotten a pretty decent parking space and from their current standing he could start the car with his remote start. Quite the worthwhile purchase in his opinion, especially for cold winter days.


Once they were in the car and ready to go, the roommates made their stop at a fast food place along the way, not considering the trouble it would give their stomachs later that day, and ate it happily during the drive home. Not long after arriving, Junhong did as he said and retreated to Daehyun’s room to take a nap that would last him late into the day. Daehyun let him rest, knowing the boy most likely hadn’t slept much on the plane. He kept himself busy with looking through his various notifications and posting on a few of his different social media accounts. After uploading a new vine he swiped over to his email and paused as his eyes caught the address of the sender. He clicked on it and a cheeky grin became plastered onto his face. Looks like he was going to have a new guest on his channel soon.

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Chapter 8: Please update soon!
Chapter 8: This is super cute~ it's really different to what I normally read so it makes it all the more enjoyable! Keep up the good updates, I'll be looking forward to each and every one of them ♡
MikeeIsAwesome #3
XiuJuanIsMyOTP #4
Chapter 8: Asdfghjkl senpai pls update for your waifu, she is too emotionally attached to this right now ;-;
If you dun update I'll leak your nudes ;)
Saranghae u dragon
Chapter 8: Please update soon hyung!
Or at least let us know you are still alive, I worry...
trymyluck #6
Chapter 8: CUTTTTEEEEE!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
AudrayLiAr #7
Chapter 8: So I just found this story and read it in one go. It's really cute and funny, I like this kind of storys! :)
I'm looking forward to the next chapter! <3
Love, Audray
Chapter 8: SO CUTE RRRAAAAAGGGHHHH this is so adorable gosh and none of them are backing out awwww ❤️❤️❤️❤️
xinshuang #9
Chapter 8: Og this is so cute like srsly. Their first date is their videos together I wonder if they are gonna be more appearance of their relationship in late videos as well. But srsly o totally can imaning being total adorble with everything in between. Only wished it could be like real thing like this going on in the you be channel then I probably could follow them both.
Chapter 8: Heyyy ^_^)/b
As you may know I'm a big fan of YouTube and reading the story that its characters are youtubers makes me feel so good ❤️u❤️
Lol doing the boyfriend tag when they just met each other is so funny xD Not to forget that it didn't meant to be a boyfriend tag actually xDxDxD
Thank you so much ^_^
Can't wait for the next chapters <3