Change In One Week

The Twins' Curse

Hoya's POV

It's been a week since we found Sulli and Sungyeol. Sulli's funeral had just been yesterday. Sungyeol was still in the hospital, fighting for his life. He was in a critical comatose state.

Myungsoo has not been himself lately. He used to be quiet, but now he's completely withdrawn from the group. 

HoJin was... weird. She was different. At times, I would look into her eyes, and see my sister, but other times, I would see something so different, but familiar. I couldn't explain it. She didn't act like herself, most of the time. 

Even that Lee Sungjong was weird. He hasn't been picking up his phone. The last time he was seen was Krystal's funeral. He never arrived it to Sulli's. 

I guess everyone's been acting strange. Who wouldn't? Two friends, gone in a matter of days.

Hoya's POV End


L.Joe's POV

Things were getting weird. Either that, or I seriously think too much. It seemed that ever since Halloween night, everything's being going weird for us. Chunji and Eunji kept to themselves now. Even L-hyung. 

Nickhun had gone on a mini vacation with Taecyeon, Wooyoung and all that. Victoria was too broken to go. 

Niel and Hayoung had a big fight too. Fighting over little matters as always.

Even Lee Sungjong pulled a disappearing act on us.

Everyone seemed really... confused and different. Even little HoJin changed over the week. She seemed more mature. Who wouldn't? Being hit with such reality. Knowing her unnies died and in such gruesome ways must've shaken her so badly. Seeing her choding-oppa so vulnerable and wired up in machines. Seeing all of us acting so strange.

It must frighten her. I don't know anymore, if her maturing in this way is a good or bad thing. 

I just wished everything after the Halloween Night never happened. 

L.Joe's POV End


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JJevangel #1
Chapter 17: This is so creepy :/
Bt still love it!!
Update soon!!:))
khunhojjang #2
Chapter 17: New reader here ohmygosh i am so creeped out yet this fic is so good;~~~;
Chapter 17: OMG
____!!! ._______.
passionfire #4
Omg this looks creepy
Heyinpiniteu #5
This so creepy
Its sooo scary and creepy!
Update soon!
please have more of Sungyeol<3Sulli thanks :p