Second chance at love

Second at chance at love

Jungkooks POV:

After everyone left the room me and Chim were left alone in the room. I was just lying down on the bed while he just caressed soothing circles on my back while carefully looking over the bite marks on my body from GD sunbae. I felt bad for the hyungs because I don't know what they will decide just because of my story that I wanted to hide from them forever. "Love, I'm so sorry, I did not expect this to happen, Im so ing sorry" Jimin mumbled through kisses that he was leaving on my side hips. I smiled at how caring he is and I pulled him towards myself so I can be face to face with him. "it's okay babe, it's absolutely not your fault what so ever, it was me being careless and stupidly tag along with a YG worker without any hesitation. After that, because I was so embarrased to show my body to you, I wanted to take some time working out so I can at least have some muscles instead of bruises and wait til they dissappear." I said kissing him on the forehead. "Love, please don't ever be embarrassed of me, it's not only your body that I love, I love you, I love your personality and your cute innocent smiles while at the same time you can be such a tease with that smirk of yours. Just next time please make sure you're always with me or the hyungs or if not possible be with the manager." he said brushing over my hair. "Okay, I promise." I said smiling. 

"JEON JUNGKOOKIE PARK JIMIN COME DOWN STAIRS RIGHT NOW"  I heard a familiar voice which I figured was the manager hyung. I think we fell asleep for about an hour or so looking at the time noticing it was already 11:00 pm. I shook Jimin and nudged him to go downstairs. Everyone was packed in the living room with all the members sitting on the ground and manager hyung and Bang Si hyuk PD nim. He looked at me apologetically and I just smiled back in responce. "Good evening hyung and PDnim" JImin and I greeted them. They nudged us to sit down. 

"So, tell us every single thing that happened without leaving any details, Jeon Jungkook-si" the manager said a bit more strictly than usual obviously speaking formal to show that he is not happy with this news. Right when I was about to talk JIn hyung was faster, and PDnim grabbed manager hyungs hand to let him know that he was a bit rude, while JImin took my hand. 

"It's not really important if he leaves any detail or all the details, it's not e very pleasant thing for him to talk about since he is the one who experienced it, the problem we have to talk right now is moslty how to pay him back or if not figure out if we are attending the party tommorrow." JIn hyung said kindly. 

They all nodded their head as an agreement,  and then Tae spoke, "HOW ABOUT WE GO AND TAKE PICTURES OF JI YOUNG SUNBAE AND YOUNG BAE SUNBAENIM WHILE THEY ARE KISSING AND WE CAN UPLOAD THEM ON OPUR TWITTER AND FANBOY OVER IT" Tae said excitedly making me chuckle becuase honestly this was probably the reason I kept it to myself, I did not want to burden any one and it will have silence between us so he made me happier. Hobi hyung said, "TAETAE, please calm the hell down, your idea is not so bad but that is not really helping this situation right now." Tae just pouted and everyone else giggled at that. "How about we go and attend the so called pary tomorrow, I have a plan that might shut them up." Namjooon hyung said bluntly. Everyone's attention turned to him asking for a detailed explanation. "What I am saying might sound lame but when we go we can just grab the BIGBANG members attention by just being ourselves... if you know what I mean." Ofcourse we all understood that but I don't know how that will help them, and he continued "and we can do this in other ideas if someone else has any other ideas but first we can check the cctv where Jungkook was talked to one of the staffs of YG and ask them whats up, and at the party we can tell that we can sue them for invading someones privay and for stalking without permission." he finished and they all looked at me. "Do you remember the person who took you to the sunbaes?" asked Yoongi hyung. "I think I will notice her if I see her." I said and JIn hyung again said "so she is a female, I think we have ahigher chance of swooning her" he said confidently and although I could tell everyone agreed but they couldnt help but chuckle. PDnim added "As expected from the leader and the mom of the group" and evryone just laughed at his statement while Jin hyung blushed. 

Everything went as planned, we found the lady and like Jin hyung said we were able to swoon her heart in a matter of a second and she told us everything she knew and that she was pretty sure that they don't have any pictures considering that fact that they were overseas performing and were pretty busy. She told us that he had an interest in cute boys and also in to me which was pretty surprising to me. She appearantly had over heard the sunbaenims talking since she was one of the janitors that worked at pm. It was a busy day today and it was already 6pm and we only had an hour to quickly wash up and get ready for the so called party. Everyone took a shower and were nicely dressed. Manager hyung came and picked us up and wished us good luck while he dropped us off. We were having the party outside of the YG company as I noticed it was a pretty luxury looking bar. We went inside to be greeted by the GOT7 members. Everyone just started yelling and exciting over meeting each other. Namjoon hyung went gave a brother like hug to Jackson hyung and fist bumped everyone else. Taehyung hugged everyone of them and patted them on the and so did BamBam but when he came to me Jmin said "excuse you Bambam but that is taken" with sarcasm but he meant it, and me and Bambam just laughed and  Bambam being his y self he challenged JImin and he said "Then how about this , can I have it" he said while eyeing me and I knew he was talking about JImins . Jimin just looked over to me for a responce and he got it. I went over to him and grabbed his squeezing it and pecked him on the lips. "excuse you Mr.Kunpimook Bhuwakul but this boy is taken." I said smirking knowing that I won. "Oh my god you have no respect to your hyungs. DONT YOU EVER SAY MY FULL NAME AGAIN! IT"S EMBARRASSING!" he said and we just laughed.

"Dude you're older than me for only 5 months calm your "  I said challenging him again with the arguement. "YAh! JImin how can you even date this hole he is so annoying." he said ignoring me so he wont make fun of himself anymore. "That's how I fell for him" Chimchim said cheekily and kissed my neck while back hugging me. 

Everyone was having fun and most of the people were half drunk already. And finally the BigBang sunbaenims came. My hyungs just had this tense aura around them but we acted ourselves which was us getting back next to our partners. JImin came and grabbed hand, while Taehyung and JHope hyung... uh where are they

oh,,, no surprise 

they are already in the corner eating each others faces. 

Yoongi hyung was just getting lowkey drunk, and Namjoon hyung came over to JIn hyung and just acted natural. Gdragon sunbae noticed me and gave me a face I couldn't read. Youngbae sunbae walked over to us, well more like to Namjoon hyung and bowed 90 degree and apologized. Most of the people that were sober noticed that and just froze, especially because we were not even in YG. I was really close to the Namjin couple so I could clearly hear them. Namjoon hyung said "I don't think it was who was ed, for s sake would I have let you do that, and plus I don't think it was you screwing overour maknae, or was it?"  he said very angrily at the same time eyeing Ji Young sunbae. Youngbae sunbae couldn't say anything obviously and also becuase I am pretty sure his pride just became a trash can. Ji young sunbae noticed it and walked over to us very slowly, this time directly to me. He was just looking at me in the eye and he bowed really low, you can even say that it was probably like down to 70 degree and he stood there like that for about 10 seconds. He straightened his back and said "I apologize for everything I have done, it's just I knew you were a fan of me and I thought you were very attractive, to add it on to that I was having the tiest day ever, I don't even know how this whole thing came to my mind and how the hell I ended bringing you but Im truely so sorry. I know this sounds like a crappy excuse but this is all I can say, I know that I have caused a great scar in you but Im deeply sorry." he said.  He was avoiding my eye at the begenning but when he apologized he looked me right in the eye and apologized. I don;t quite forgive him but I do forgive him, because I don't want to be a burden to anyone else. Even at this almost everyone in the bar just froze and were looking over to us. They couldn't hear us for sure but they saw it. Jimin on the other hand I noticed his hand squeezing mine, when I looked over to him he had fire in his eyes. He was seriously about to punch him but I held him back. "An apology doesn't solve , and plus you forgot to mention something else." Jimin said literally talking as if he was talking to his enemy. 

"I lied. I don't have anything of you guys. And once again Im truely sorry and it would be great if you, Jeon Jungkooksi, forgave me, and also your boyfriend Park JIminsi" he said eyeing me and JIMIn. He blushed at the sunbae calling him my boyfriend. I did not want to be rude but I couldn't bring myself to say 'it's okay I forgive you either' so I just left the bar, Jimin following me out. He patted me on my and said "Good job babe" and I figured he knew why I did not say anything. We sat by the bar for about an hour in the chilly weather holding hands just mumbling sweet nothings to each other. And the hyungs came out and so did manager hyung. Rapmon hyung told the manager that it was solved and he said good job. We got in the van and we got dropped out at our dorm. 

and now all I want to do is cuddle with my chimchim <3



look how adooorrbs these munchkins are 

okie bye



OHMAIGAAWDD!!!!! i finallyyy updatedddd im soooo sorry for not updating in like trillion years but here you go, lol i hope you enjoy it

i dont even know wat i just wrote man like







this is my firsttt fanfic so dont hate me guys

please leave some kind of feedback or something, like ya'knowww the good ish like upvote and favorite and subscribe n

thanx yall

and again ohmygaawwwrd guys this ty story haw 790 views 

thank you so much <3

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kpopbrazil #1
Chapter 7: Hey, i like it. Please, go on.
Maram_Bangtan #2
That was a great chapter as always!! Well done author-nim..
Maram_Bangtan #3
Chapter 5: Well I can say that this is DAMN GREAT RIGHT?! OMG I REALLY THINK UR RELLLY GOOD WRITING since this is ur first fanfic and its this perfect!! Just always be confident about ur work and well done!!!
minniey #5
Chapter 2: Pweasee ~ continue ur story...
faramirmo #6
Chapter 1: second chance for love is mainly for my baby jikook right, authornim? ^^ you should continue write it till the end..and can you make some paragraph to easier people read, perhaps?dont worry about spelling mistake or etc. just go with the flows authornim :)
*sorry for my bad english..hwaiting for next update
mmkpop #7
Chapter 1: Pweasee tell me if I should continue with my story or not T T
like I said im not confident abt my writings but since jikook is way tooo precious in my heart I just wanted to expess my feelings to the rest of the armys that (hopefully) feel the same way! :) im free most of the time so if you guys give lots of love n support for my stories I sure as heck would be motivated to write more!~~ <3 sarangheee and kumoyo~ for reading my lame stories ^_^