Second chance at love

Second at chance at love

Jungkooks POV:


       I was in the waiting room getting my make up done for an interview. We still had an hour or more to go before the interview so me and Taetae were having sweet nothing kind of conversations. "Im going to the restroom" said V and left. After few seconds his phone buzzed that was in his jacket pocket that I was holding. It was from Jimin hyung. Curiously I looked at it and wondered why would Jimin text him this and why he wanted to talk in private with Tae. He usually says whatever is in his mind whenever. I tried not to let these thoughts get to me, but when I scrolled down a conversation caught my eyes. It was him and Jhopes conversations, but why is there a heart sent from Jhope to Tae. Unable to resist I clicked on the conversation, wanting to know what up. I can hear V coming from the hallways so I had to put his phone back to the pocket,  a second before a saw a text that I think would need an explanation. I managed to read it fast before Tae intered the room. The conversation was from yesterday. Jhope sent V a text "Taetae~ can u come over to the company Im hella bored ....;)'' V texted him back saying "sure ;) I'll just tell kookie that Im with manager hyung~''

What the actual ! What is going on? I couldn't read all of it but those recent texts caught my eyes. Why would taetae lie to me over Jhope, why would he lie to me in the fisrt place? All sorts of questions blowed my mind. ''babe are you hungry?" he cut me off from thinking. "ah.. taetae you got a text from Jimin hyung. Im hungry I can go buy some hotdogs, you can go talk to hyung."  I said. "Ah really, okay thank you babe lets meet in here when we are both done." he said grabbing his jacket from me and leaving to the dance studio. I got up as well, heading to the door to go to store, but I couldn't move my legs to that direction. The curiousity grew in me and stopped my legs from walking. I really wanted to find out what was going on. God I loved V too much and I hell I was scared to find out that, that it's not what Im thinking it is, but I needed to know what was going on. Maybe Jimin hyung would know something so he wanted to talk to V... I dont know honestly but I couldn't think anymore. I ran to straight to the dance room. Thankfully the door was a opened a little and I could easily hear what they were going to say. I saw V greeting them both with smiles and I swear... I ing swear I saw that Jhope and V shared a good five seconds staring at each other grinning from cheeck to cheeck. "what's up jiminah" V said walking over to both of them.

"Ah Taehyung can we talk about something, but you have to promise me to tell the truth." Jimin hyung said with an expression I couldn't read on his face while V answered carefreely "sure what is it."    Jimin hyung started speaking "look I know that you are together with maknae right now, but the things I found out is a little bit... I think you know what Im talking about right?" Jimin hyung questioned him with carefully. Immediately Taehuyngs smile dropped, he looked over to Jhope, while Jhope looked down in an apologetic way... "Yeah, I know what you are talking about..." V said also looking down. 

Jimin hyungs facial expressions were getting angrier, his voice raised a little and he had his hands in a fist. "Let me tell both of you guys something. I absolutely don't give a about what's going on between you to but if you make Kookie cry, if there will be a single tear coming out of his eyes don't expect us to be on good terms. You know what he means to me and Jhope, I will overlook the fact that you are my best freind if you dare to hurt Kookie and same goes for you Taehyung!" he half yelled and half commended with a very angry face. I ran as fast I could, so they won't notice that I eavsedropped on them. What the hell did I just witness? What is going on? Why will they hurt me? What do I mean to Jimin hyung? Why is he getting all worked up over me 'getting hurt'? Why is Jhope there? I didn't stop running til I reached the cafeteria to buy some hotdogs. I am going to wait to see what will happen. No matter how confused I am and how scared I am of loosing V, I want to wait til they all come up to me and explain it to my face about what in the world was happening. I decided to pretend like I knew no . I bought extra hotdogs and went back to the waiting room. I did not saw Taehyung there, which was sort of good. I spotted our manager hyung in a corner discussing something with one of the staffs. I walked over to him as soon as they finished talking. "Hyung, when is the program starting?'' I asked. "Oh Kookie-ah sorry to say this but it got cancelled. Appearantly one of the MC's is sick and there is no sub MC there so you guys can have the rest of the day off." he said. "Then can you drop me off at the dorm first, I think the hyungs will take awhile getting ready to go home?" I asked, pouting. He drove me and it was a long silent drive back home. Before we reached the dorms I asked him, "manager hyung, are you busy these days, is there anyone helping you, like did Taehyung help you out with anything over the last few weeks, or do you need any help with anythign these days?" I asked. He looked confused wondering why I brought up this topic randomly but he asnwered back, "No, actually Im not busy at all, since you guys are making a comeback everything is set on your dance teacher, the choreographers and the vocal teachers. All Im doing these days is drive you guys back and forth. And I haven't even talked to Taehyung for awhile now." he said. His answer did not help the situation at all making me more sad. Arriving at the dorm I thanked him telling him not to worry about my question earlier I went inside. Throwing myself  on the couch I dozzed off to sleep not wanting to think about today any longer.



Hey guys! thank you for subscribing to me and readin my story! like I said its my very fist time writing any kind of fanfiction so I hope its fitting ur taste so far~~ I will try to update everyday a chapter. 

If you guys have any ideas or just overall feedbacks please feel free to comment down below! <3   

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kpopbrazil #1
Chapter 7: Hey, i like it. Please, go on.
Maram_Bangtan #2
That was a great chapter as always!! Well done author-nim..
Maram_Bangtan #3
Chapter 5: Well I can say that this is DAMN GREAT RIGHT?! OMG I REALLY THINK UR RELLLY GOOD WRITING since this is ur first fanfic and its this perfect!! Just always be confident about ur work and well done!!!
minniey #5
Chapter 2: Pweasee ~ continue ur story...
faramirmo #6
Chapter 1: second chance for love is mainly for my baby jikook right, authornim? ^^ you should continue write it till the end..and can you make some paragraph to easier people read, perhaps?dont worry about spelling mistake or etc. just go with the flows authornim :)
*sorry for my bad english..hwaiting for next update
mmkpop #7
Chapter 1: Pweasee tell me if I should continue with my story or not T T
like I said im not confident abt my writings but since jikook is way tooo precious in my heart I just wanted to expess my feelings to the rest of the armys that (hopefully) feel the same way! :) im free most of the time so if you guys give lots of love n support for my stories I sure as heck would be motivated to write more!~~ <3 sarangheee and kumoyo~ for reading my lame stories ^_^