Sweet memories

America To Korea

Jina's POV

I was searching like crazy for my lost bracelet. I couldn't afford to lose that bracelet! It was a gift from my mother. I remembered the day when my aunt gave it to me on Christmas morning, I was seven years old. 

She said that my mother hand-crafted it herself. There were three that she made. One for me, one for her, and the last one was for my dad. 😒

I searched and searched for it everywhere. Every inch of the campus and came right back to the soccer field where I first lost it. But it was nowhere to be seen!😰 

I realized that I was wasting time and I had to get that folder to Cho Tae Woong at the music center. I will just have to look for it afterwards.😭

*at music center*

I entered the music center and was amazed at the artectiture. If you thought the medical hospital was cool, wait til you see the music center. 

Like the medical center, there were two ladies working at the front desk. I just hope they aren't as rude as the other ones. 

*walks up to desk*

Me:"Hello. I have a folder to deliver to Cho Tae Woong?"

Lady 1:"Whats the name?"

Seriously?! Did she not hear me?! I just said it!! 😡 Okay.... Breathe Jina, breathe. 

Me:"Cho Tae Woong?"

Lady 2:"Miss, you need to be more specific. There are countless of Cho Tae Woongs in this builing."

At that point, I completely snapped. Couldn't stand the rudeness around here! Is it just me?

Me:"You know what lady? This was all the infomation they had given me. Cho Tae Woong. Medical student Yang Kim Jina. Come to deliver folder. F-O-L-D-E-R. Do you understand me?" 

The way I said it felt like I was teaching the alphabet to a kindergartner. 

Both ladies looked at me with an offended and furious look on their faces. In fact, one of them was about to call security but thank goodness the other lady stopped her.🙏 I realized what I did and imediately bowed to them in apology. 

Lady 1:*sighs* "coordinator Cho Tae Woong's office is down the hall, second door on the left."

Me:"Thank you." *bows* "have a nice day!"😅

I tried to cover it up with kindness at the end, bit it didn't work. Those ladies won't be too happy when they see me again. I didn't undertsand why I had to personally deliver it to Cho Tae Woong instead of just having someone hand it to him later.

You know, I have a life!😤

I stood and waited outside for a whole 2o freakin' minutes because the room was locked! I was about to go into insane mode cause all I kept thinking was about my lost bracelet from my mother. 

Me:"Come on Jina. You can do it! Fighting!"

Then, I noticed the room on my right was completely silent. Which appeared odd to me. I stepped away for a while only to find that the room was filled with instruments. Drums. Guitars, pianos, you name it. When I saw the guitar, I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to play it.

*flash back: 10 years ago*

I was sitting at the kitchen table because I was upset that I couldn't join the school's talent show.

Aunt:"What's wrong? What is upseting you?"

Me:"Why can't I join the school's talent show imo?" (Imo means aunt in korean)

Upon hearing this, my aunt was shocked. 

Aunt:"What did you just say?"😧

Me:"W-why can't I join the school's talent show? I want to sing and play my song. Wh-"

Aunt:"Enough! I do not want to hear you mention singing or doing the talent show ever again!"

I couldn't think of what to respond with. I mean, I've never seen my Aunt get furious like this. I didn't mean to make her her angry like this.😥

But then again, why is she so angry? It's just a talent show. 

Aunt:"Look, Jina." 

She grabbed my arm and held it close to her heart. 

Aunt:"You have an amazing voice deep inside of you. It has the power to even make the injured on a battlefield feel hope again eventhough he has a small chance of surviving. That's why I bought you a guitar. So that you can sing and play your heart out. But it doesn't mean that you have to show it off. I don't want you to focus all on music. You can become a great doctor one day. You can save millions of lives. Those were the dying words your mother told me to pass on to you. Isn't that much better than singing, Jina?"

Me:"I'm sorry imo."😢

Aunt:*pats on head* "It's alright now. Look, how about you play me a song right now?"


*grabs guitar and plays a song* 

*flash back is over*

MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR: hey everyone. I hope that you guys liked this part! I guessed I kinda over exaggerated about Jina's voice a bit. Sorry.😅 but I'll leave the song at the end to your imagination. You decide what song she plays at the end. As aways I appreciate all the support you guys give this fanfic! 


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