Serial killer lady?!

America To Korea

*in hospital cafeteria*

Hye jin:*eating a cheese burger* "had fun listening to Dr. Eun-young's son?"

Me: *sarcastically* "Yas! I had so much fun listening about him being 'good looking' , being able to sing and dance at the same time, and being the most popular out of the whole group. NO. OF COURSE NOT!" 

Hye jin: " Geez. Didn't mean to upset you. Wait..... You say he's in a K-pop group?" 

Me: "have you not been listening? 😑Yes."

Hye jin:"And you said he just debuted this year?" *mummers to herself* "No it can't be!" 

Me: "What? Whats wrong?"

Then Hye jin turned and looked at me eagerly. As if the next thing she says is life or death. 

Hye jin: "Jina! You're my friend right?! You wouldn't lie to me, right?!" 

Me: "Um. Yeah?"

Hye Jin: " Be honest with me. What's his name? What Dr. Eun-young's son's name?!"

Me: "Nam Woohyun?" 

Hye Jin:"Nam Woohyun?! The Nam Woohyun?!" 😱😱

Me:"yes. What Other Nam Woohyun you know out there?" 

Hye Jin:" dude! He's one of the most popular members in Infinite! They just dropped their firsy abulm called 'Over the top' that sold millions! OMG i just can't believe I'm fangirling during School right now. I think I'm gonna faint."💫💤

Me:"Geez! Come down! Breathe Hye Jin, breathe." 

Hye Jin: "Thank you." *breathes out* "ah.... I'm calm." 

Me: "Are you okay? I mean, you over exaggerating right now."

Hye Jin: "What do you mean 'over exaggerating?' I'm like their biggest fan!" 

Me: "but they only debuted a few months ago." 

Hye Jin:"so? What cares? That means they have talent. Capturing millions of fans in the first couple of months is a sign."

Me:"I don't know. I don't really listen to K-Pop that much." 

Hye Jin:*gasps* "who are you?!"

I glanced at my watch and realized that our lunch break was over. Me and Hye Jin waved our goodbyes.

As she was walking away, she suddenly turned around and shouted 10 feet across the building, "If you happen to meet them, can you get me an autograph?!" 

Has that girl have no shame?! Everyone around us gave me the nasty look. Like I was a pest at their side. I turned around and walked as fast as i could. 

For the next couple of weeks, I've learned a massive amount of info. The cardiovascular system, brain functions, nervous system, Etc. I got to admit. Dr. Eun-young is good at teaching. I don't care, if sitting through her brags about her son means getting an A, I will do whatever it takes." 

*one day in cafeteria eating lunch with Hye Jin*

Hye Jin:" soooo. How was my dear woohyun today?" 

Me: " are you sure you want me to tell you? I mean its pretty embarrassing."

Hye Jin:"come on. Just tell me. Nothing my Woohyun does is embarrassing."

Me:"okay. You asked for it. She told us about how when he was 8 years old, he peed his pants in school. His teacher wouldn't let him go to the bathroom because he didn't do his homework! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG IM DYING OVER HERE!"

Hye Jin: "OMG!"😂 "No wait! No! I shouldn't laugh at it! He's my bais! But at the same time, it's so embarrassing!😂"

So we both sat there chocking ourselves with laughter. Until a tall lady with chestnut colored hair and wearing a large baggy lab coat walked up to us. She tapped on my shoulder. 

Tall lady:*clears throat* "Are you Yang Kim Jina?" She said in a serious and deadly tone like she was a serial killer. I send an message to Hye Jin with my eyes asking for help, but she replied "sorry. You're toast. I can't do anything." 

Me:*glups* "um yes?"

Tall lady:"come with me to my office." *starts walking* 

Me:"um. Okay." I got up and started to walk with her. I looked back at Hye Jin with an expression of feeling betrayal. 

Hye Jin:"poor Jina. I hope she's gonna be okay."

Message from author: 

Hey everyone. Its me again! Sorry i took so long. I been busy with school. But here's part five. The reason i'm ending it this short is because i feel guitly of not updating, so this part full of grammar errors. And don't worry, im planning to continue right after this. I also hope i didn't offend many woohyun fangirls out there. If i did, im so sorry! I'm a fan of woohyun as well!

Preview: Jina finally gets to meet one of the members of Infinite! Guess who.


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