The most Embarassing Mother

America To Korea

I noticed that other names in the list hardly had any middle names. Names such as "Eun-bi, Min-ho, Sun-ok, or Sung-mi" were stuck together as first names. I guess I found one of the cultural differences in between Korea and America. 

*speaker interupts*

Speaker: *in korean* " All students of the Shinwa international Med program report to the auditorium."

At in instant, everyone rushed even deeper into the hallway, causing me to trip and fall.

Me:" Excuse me! Can anyone help me?!"

Everyone ignored me and continued on rushing to the auditorium. I found another cultural difference! America= friendly and social. Korea= no comment.😑

As i kept being pushed along the crowd, it guided me to the auditorium without me even trying. 

In there, I saw a hugely filled room full of seats. It almost like a movie theater but only five times larger. In the back of my head i wonder, what have I gotten myself into? Did I just enter a school full of snobish kids? *cries* oh mom! Please watch over me!🙏

Speaker: "incoming students, please take a seat at your designated seating arrangement provided. You can locate your seat number up in the screen that matches the number of your seat. Kamdamida." (Thank you) 

Suddenly, a big screen from the ceiling lowered. That's it. I knew! This is definitely a rich kid school. I'm ready, bring on the bullies!😰 And i better not fall in love with a rich snob!

Up on the screen was a digital version of the list i saw earlier. I took out my glasses and skinned through the list half a mile away. For real! The names in the list are like ants! It tooke me 30 minutes to find one name! Not to mention that there were so many Koreans with "Kim" in their name."

After struggling to find my own name, i found my number. It was 553. 

I located the seat with the same number and sat down. As i waited. And waited. And WAITED. It finally began. 

Why am i not suprised?😒 A rich school full of rich people would obviously make their poor students wait for hours. Why did i apply to this school in the first place? Was it because of its reputation? Or because of its ridiculously good med program? Or both? I guess since many famous American surgeons and doctors graduated from here.

Girl from the gates: *interupts* "Hi!" 

Me: * shocked* "Oh! Hello."

Girl from the gates: "Oh sorry. Did I just scare you?"

Me: "No! Well, i mean. A little."

Girl from the gates: "I'm so sorry!🙏 must be the anxiety huh? I understand. Who wouldn't be nervous at a rich school like shinwa?" 

Me: " yeah." *soft giggle*

Girl from the gates: " hey, I haven't gotten your name yet."

Me:" really? Please don't laugh at me if I tell you. Apparently it's a weird name for Koreans."

Girl from gates: *giggles* " I won't." 

Me: "okay, my name is Yang Kim Jina. Yang as the family name, Kim as the middle name, and Jina as the first name." 

Girl from the gates: " Ji-na. That's a cute name! And easy to remember too. Nice to meet you! I'm Han Hye Jin."

Me: "Nice to meet you! And thank you for helping me back there. I would still be standing in front if the school it weren't for you."

Hye Jin: "No problem!" 

She was so nice! My fear was finally over! She isn't one of those stuck-up snobby people! She really wants to be my friend! Thank you soooooo much mother!🙏😝

Suddenly, lights in the auditorium began to dim as many professors walked up the center stage. During their presentation, they gave out information about the program and went over the dicipline policy. And I gotta say. it's really strict and unusual to the piont in America, it would be illegal. 😬😰 I swear to god, it was so boring that i fell asleep!😴

Hye Jin: *pokes elbow* " hey, Jina." 

Me: *still feeling drowsy* " hmmmm??"

Hye Jin: " not a good time to fall asleep. They are about to show the dorms list."

I tried my best to wake up. But it was ni use, i was still drowsy from my lack of sleep. I tried my hardest to search fir my name with my drowsy eyes. Next to my name was a dorm number. 

Me: "Sunlit dorms?"

Hye Jin: " what a coincidence! Thats mine too! Whats your dorm number?" 

Me: "137." 

Hye Jin: " Mine too! Looks like we're going to be roommates!"

Me: "that's awesome! You know where the dorms are?"

Hye Jin: " Yeah. I have a map. Unfortunately, I can't go with you. I need to sort some papers first. But here, you can use this map." *hands map to me*

Me:"thank you!" 

For the first couple of weeks, Korean college wasn't bad at all. Hye Jin and i became closer and i got assigned to a hospital on campus. Which meant that i got to experience of what's it's like to be a doctor and wear a lab coat! We also had assigned professors, or "supervisors" you would say. They were basically the local doctors working at the hospital. 

Hye Jin always complained of how she got this really mean and strict doctor named Dr. Yoo Bin. I constantly heard stories of how if you don't look at her when she's talking, she makes you stand in the hallway holding ten pounds of medical textbooks. Ouch! Glad i didn't get her.

As for me, I'm lucky that i got Dr. Eun-young. She is literally the nicest person i've ever met. She treats her students with treats that she bakes. She also explains the topics really well; unlike those crappy highschool teachers.😒

The only thing annoying about her is that she always talk about her family; ESPECIALLY her son. Everyday, me and the students have to sit and endure through her stories of her son and how "cute" his childhood was. 

According to her, her son's name is Nam Woohyun and he just recently debuted as part of a K-pop boy group called Infinite. He's 20 years old and loves to play soceer. So I'm guessing that he's almost two years older than me. 

Am I'm making myself seem like i'm a stalker? It's not that I have a choice knowing all of this! Honestly, I feel sorry for Woohyun for having a mother who spills all of your embarrasing childhood moments to her students.😔

If I see him one day, I'll be sure to give him a pat on the back and say, "Its okay. It's not your fault." :)

Message from author: Hi again! It took me forever but I finally got to one to the main cast!(not really) you guys enjoying so far? Thank you for reading my crappy fanfic! 🙏 I promise if you guys like it, i'll keep making more. Who else feels sorry for Woohyun?😘

P.s, if you guys are confused, this fanfic takes place in late 2010 and into 2011. Please keep in mind that i'm not sure if my statistics of Infinite are correct cuase i didn't become a fan up until recently.😅 

Anyways, Kamsamida!🙏

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