Blackmailed by Woohyun, the narcissist

America To Korea

*Arts campus 1:30 PM*

I went up to the Director's office located at the far east of the campus. After telling him about the contract, he gave me permission to enter the Arts campus. He also told me that the CEO of S.M Entertainment was doing some scouting for his company and apparently supervising the new building museum dedicated to the S.M artists.Β 

He usually arrived around noon which was excatly the time it was now.Β 

But instead of going to the museum, I went to the soccer filed where my bracelet was first lost. I knew seachering for it was a watse of my time, but I didn't care. I'm desperate.

Then, it hit me. Of course! Someone must've picked it up! Otherwise I would've found it by now. If they did, then they would've reported it to the lost and found center! I got to get there now! I started to sprint when I.......

*bumps into person*

Me:"Ouch!" *falls down to the ground*

I immediately fell down after the collision. Standing next to me was a tall guy wearing a black hoodie and blue altheltic shorts. He had a built and firm body, just enough to make a girl blush. I looked at his face and a rush of hot red blood came rushing like race cars speeding through the race tracks.

I have never stared at a guy's face like that before. He had red-brown colored hair. His best features was his hair; especially his eyes. It was a dark shade of brown. When it comes to guys, the thing I look for is his eyes. 😍

Guy:"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

At that moment, the pretty boy image I had of him completely shattered into millions of pieces and entered the dark realm of never returning ever agian.

That was when I decided to have a little bit of fun with him for revenge. I got up and began to cuss at him completely in english. 😈

Me:*in english* "Excuse me sir, what the heck you think you're saying you-*beep*?"

Guy:*in korean* "What the heck are you saying?!"

Me:*in english* "I'm talking in english that's what I'm doing you f-*beep* dumb-*beep**motherf-*beep!* Don't you f-*beep* dare mess with me! My friend in America has a blackbelt in Taekwondo and she'll kick your f-*beep* as-*beep*!"

He scratched his hair in confusion and walked away. Behind him, I laughed like I never laugh before! He shoud've seen his face! He looked like he was really lost and needed his mom! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚OMG I got to tell Hye Jin!

I'm suprised that I even pulled that off. All my life, I never sweared at someone that much but here in Korea, you can swear all you want because no one lnows what you're saying.Β 

As I contiued laughing behind him, I noticed something familiar he was twirling around with his finger. I stared at him even more like a stalker only to realize that he was twirling my bracelet!😱

I ran up to him. πŸƒWhile catching my breath, this time I spoke in Korean.

Me:*Breathing heavily* "Hey...... That's my bracelet you have there."Β 

I pointed at the bracelet he was twirling.

Guy:"Oh." 😈 "Now you speak Korean huh?"

Me:"Uh...😬 That's irrelevant! The piont is, you have my bracelet!"

He stopped twirling the bracelet and brought it up to my face; wigling it and teasing me.

Guy:"This bracelet?"

Me:"Yes! Give it back!"


He pulled it away and hid it behind his back. What a douchebag!Β 

Guy:"I'll give it back to you...... IF you do me a favor in return."

Me:*annoyed* "Ugh! What?!" πŸ˜’

Guy:"Hmm..... Nah. Not gonna cut it. Try saying that again in more of an aeygeo way."Β 

Is this guy kidding?! I just want to punch this guy right in the face! But for the sake of my bracelet, I'll be nice to him. FOR NOW. So I gathered all my courage to put on the most kawaii face I've ever made and the most annoying voice like the girls in anime. (Kawaii= japanese for cute)

Me: "Ahjussi, what would you like me to do?"πŸ˜Šβž‘οΈπŸ˜‘βž‘οΈπŸ˜‘

He didn't respond. Probably due to the fact that I just called him an old man in Korean.

Guy:"Fair enough."

Me:"So what do you want me to do?"

Guy:"Let me get things straight. Of all the girls I met, all of them had ran up to me screaming. So why didn't you?"

Is this guy kidding me?! He actually expected me to run up to him like one of his fangirls?! What the heck is wrong with him?! Are all K-Pop idols this snobbish?

Guy:"Don't you even recognize me?"


Guy:"Are you sure? Haven't your bestfriend or sister talked about me once? Come on, you gotta at least know my name?"

On second thought, his face began to seem famillar. And then it struck me! The day I told Hye Jin about Dr. Eun-Young's son's embarrassing story; the same night, she showed me her collection of Infinite's posters! I recognize that face. And that face is standing exactly right in front of me right now!😱

Me:"You're.......Nam Woohyun?"

His entire face lifted and I rolled my eyes over at his cockiness.Β 

Woohyun:"Bingo! So what its going to be? An autograph? Photo? Or..... Maybe a kiss?" 😘

Me:"Hah! You wish! Who'd kiss you?"

Woohyun:"It's your loss anyways. For 20,000 won, you lost a completely good chance of getting to kiss me."

OMG! I was about to throw up right on the spot right there. I wanted to get the hell out of there, but my bracelet!😭 I need my bracelet!

Me:"What the heck you want me to do?!"

Woohyun:"Hmm.... I dunno. I think I'm going to keep it with me until I decide what I will have you do. But don't forget this. Who knows what might happen to your precious bracelet if you ever disobeyed me."

All of the sudden, I heard a cell phone ringing.Β 

Woohyun:"Ugh! Not this again."πŸ˜’ "what is it?!"Β 

Sounds of a Mummering voice came from the phone. It seem to be a woman's voice. A very old woman's voice that is.

Woohyun:"Okay, okay. I'll be there!" *hangs up* "gosh! Women can be a pain in the neck sometimes."

He glanced at me again.Β 

Woohyun:"Hey you! Look, I have to get going now so what's your dorm address?"

Me:"Why should I tell you?"

Woohyun:"Because I'm an Idol and idols don't just give out their address to fangirls. This is how I will contact you whenever I need a favor from you."

Me:"I'm not a fan-"

Woohyun:"Do you want your bracelet or not?"

Me:"Sunlight dorms. Room #137."

He then took out his phone and began to type it down.

Woohyun:"Room 137..... Okay, I'll come by when I need a you to do something. For now, I have to go. Don't you ever say a word about meeting me. Remember, I got your bracelet."

He then bagan walking away casually with one backpack strap hanging on his shoulder.

I stood there. Baffled. WTF just happened?! Did a narricist K-Pop idol just blackmail me?! Should I report this to the police? No,I can't! he has my bracelet!

But I can't just sit here and wait for him to think of a favor. No! I will not rest until I have that bracelet right in my hands!

If he's going to play dirty, then I will too. I am the darkest nightmare of his dreams. Nobody messes with Jina! I know all about his embarrassing secrets thanks to his mother. I can just tell this to everyone or leak it to the internet. I bet I could ask Dr. Eun-Young for some baby pictures and boom!

One million likes and shared on facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! 😈 hehehe!

MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR: hello guys! See? I told you guys that theres going to be a epic showdown between Jina and Woohyun. What do you think is going to happen? Btw sorry for getting a little bit tense in the beginning. I promise you guys Jina is not violent at all! I just want to throw A little bit of humor, like how they do in Kdramas. Anyways,thank you for reading!Β 


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