So rude!

America To Korea

I arrived at the medical center or "hospital" you should say after an whole hour of walking. I swear, my legs are about to give up on me. Sure be nice to own a car. I went up to the main office. In there, sat two women both in nurse uniforms. 

me:"Excuse me. My name is Yang Kim Jina. I'm a new student here."

Nurse 1: "let me look you up." *types in computer* "Ah! Here you are. Yang kim Jina. You are part of the shinwa student Pre-Med program right?" 

Me: "yes."

Nurse 2: "Um. I think there's a mistake here. Your middle name shows up in our system."

I was totally confused. All my life, i've had a middle name. 

Nurse 2: "so your middle name is kim?" 

Me: "yea. My middle name is kim."

Nurse 1: "oh i see. It's unusual for Kim to be a middle name. Its usually the family name."

Me:"I dont.. Really... Have a mom." I mummered. 

Nurse 2: "What about your father?"

Me:"I don't know where he is." (Anymore infomation you need?!)

Nurse 1:"stop asking her all those personal questions! She's clearly not comfortable answering!"

Nurse 2:"i'm sorry. My apoligises."

Nurse 1: "Its okay. She's nosy like that."

Nurse 2: "Hey!" *she types in the computer*


I kept glanncing at my phone to see that i was waited fot 20 minutes. God! How long does it take to sign a girl in?! Are they entering 10 passwords becuase of the school's super tight security system?! My feet were starting to get sore by just standing there. But if the sake of this school, i will have to bare with it.

Nurse 1: "okay! Done!" You're all set!"

Me: *confused* " all set for what?"

Nurse 2: " To enter the hospital of course!

Continuing this conversation is making more and more confusion. 

Nurse 1: "you didn't think that you'll be sitting in a classroom did ya?" 

Nurse 2: " the school's med program is the only major where you actaully get real experience on what you are studying. It's what distinguishes Shinwa from the rest of Seol's universities."

Me: *astonished* oh, i see. I get to experience of what's it's like to be a doctor before becoming one?"

Nurse 2: "basically yes."

Nurse 1: ""if you don't want to get your head biten of by Elene, you better hurry. They are starting the introductory class right now!"

Me: "WHAT?!" 😱

People around me shushed me. 

Me "sh*t! Kamsamida! Thank you!" *goes out the glass door* *comes in agian* "where's the introductory class?"

Both the nurses pointed to a tall building outside. Which meant i had to walk agian. Haven't i walked enough already?! I swear, i would neet to eat two macdonalds bigmac, large size! I wonder if they have macdonalds here in Korea.

*in next building*

I arrive at the tall building. There were many students like me walking around. Most were talking and hanging around a tall white board with the tittle,"introductory med-class" below was a huge class list full of names. All in Korean.

"Oh crap! I said to myself in english. My korean was good but not that good. I could speak fluent Korean but when it comes to literature, I'm dead meat. Dont get me wrong, i can write too. But not that artistic. Growing up, it was my aunt who taught me reading and writting in Korean. Hey! Try learning four different languages! Don't judge me!😤 luckily, my aunt taught how to write my name in Korean. 

I scrolled down the list full of more than 2,000 names and finally found my name. "Yang Kim Jina."

Message from author: hello again everyone! Sorry this took so long, but here it is! I haven't gone to the drama yet but stay tuned! It will come, if you guys aren't bored yet with these 3 parts. How about i give you guys a preview?😚 

Kay, there will be snsd, big bang, and infinite in there future and might i add romance and plot twists?

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