Possibly a new friend?!

America To Korea

So that awkward with the taxi driver continued on. (In korean) "Yes, how did you know that I a student?" I asked eagerly.

He looked at the mirror where I can see right into his eyes. "By looking at your appearance." He said in a monotone. "You'd look like you're around 18-19 years old. Judging by your American accent."

There was another moment of ackward slience. Darn it! He was right! Yes, I'm 18 years old, almost turning 19. And yes, I was also from America like he said. But he probably doesn't know that I'm half korean and half Chinese? Right??

He chuckled. "It's okay. I have driven many students study abroad here. South Korea may be famous for it's food and culture, but it's also famous for it's predjestious schools. Especially Shinwa University."

"Shinwa?" I replied.

"Of course! Most of the world's famous celebrities, Surgeons, lawyers, law enforcerers, or musicians graduated from Shinwa! As of today, many K-pop idols and Korean stars either have attended Shinwa or graduated frol there. However, watch your wallet. Its going to drain put your entire life savings."

Then he went on talking about Korean culture and customs. He became a tour guide inside a taxi cab. It was true that going to Shinwa drains your money. However, I was lucky enough to attend on a full scholarship.

We finally arrived to the canpus. I saw it, my eyes almost completely fell apart becuase of the beautiful and big landscaping. The entrance to the campus was a huge golden gate, almost twice the size of the length of a school bus. The driver came to a smooth stop in one of the parking lots.

"Here you go. Shinwa University. Remember, watch your wallet." He said jokingly.

I gave him an ackward smile and got out of the cab. I gave him a small wave and smiled eventhough he was still a complete stranger to me. As I watch the cab slowely and slowly disappear , my eyes quickly turned to the school's campus. Words cannot describe how big and fancy it was. It was like a fairytale-modern castle.

"Hello?" It echoed all the way through the yard. Nothing. Just then, i see another car come up to the front. A girl with long, flowly, with dark brown hair, wearing a pair of blue jeans, and a pink cardigan out with a suit case. She walked up to me and gave me a friendly smile. Then, she dugged into her bag and grabbed out what appears to be a student ID card.

"I'm guessing you're new here too." She said.

"Yeah. I'm having a little bit of trouble."

"I see. The password is your ID number."

"Password?" I asked. Confused.

She then pointed towards a small little answering machine attached to the golden gate.

I then took out my ID card and suprised to see there was a numbers. I enetered them onto a small keypad at the side and indeed, the gate open.

"Make sure you enter it everytime you arrive and leave the school. The system records whenever you enter or leave the school for safety purposes." She advised me.

"Oh I see. Thank you for telling me. You seem to know about this school alot. Are you a new student too?"

"Yea. I'm new. I just read the student hand book. Believe it or not, its very helpful."

"Darn it! I knew I shouldn't have thrown it away!" I expressed my idiotness. Who knew Korean student hand books are useful?! American hand books are basically useless!

"I know! Me too. I was about to throw it in the trash can, but my parents stopped me." She shared.

I laughed. We both started to head into the campus. It was beyond beautiful. It was almost heavenly. Makes a girl feels like she's a lost princess.

As we both continued walking, we immediately saw the legendary The water fountain of Shinwa. It was said if you made a wish, it would surely come true. Next to it were roads made of stones and flower gardens almost the size of a football field. I was about to pass out by the astonishing architecture. I would be DEAD if i knew how much money was spent building this school without a doubt. We both glance at each other and smiled.

"Good luck." She said nicely. 

"Thank you." I replied. And we both went our seperate ways.

As I walked through the school, I begin to think? Did I just make a friend? Impossible right? We just met. I doubt she considers me a friend. But in this school full of ignorant rich kids, I'm gonna need one. Quick. Before my life turns into boys over flowers!!!!!!

Message from author: hello everyone! So did u like part 2?

Audience: no!😤

Me: gomenasai!😭 i will surely do my best to make this more intersting! But right now im just introducing the plot and characters so can u guys do me a favor and bare it with me??


Btw, did u guys like my boys over flowers reference?😘😋

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