
He's My Sweetheart!

The day went very fast as Daehyun was discharged after 3 days staying on the hospital bed and he was ready to leave with Jongup’s help. He was a bit of hesitant to tell his friend where he was lived as he didn’t want Jongup to feel uncomfortable around him but Daehyun left no choice as he needs his clothes though. He was kinds of embarrassed and wondering what will his friend’s reaction after visiting his small house yet so shabby to rich people like Jongup to step on it. However, all of Daehyun’s assumption went wrong as here is Jongup, standing like his nickname… smiling-angel.

“Is it… okay for you?” Daehyun asked hesitantly while packaging his clothes inside the bag. He looked up to see his friend’s reaction.


“You know… I-I… yeah… I’m not rich like your other friends. You might feel ashamed be friend with me.” Daehyun looked down on his bag sadly. Jongup was quiet for seconds but then he burst into a laughter lightly which making Daehyun stared at him weirdly. He didn’t make any jokes, right?

“Aigoo… Daehyun-ah. What makes me then if I had to be friend with rich kids only? It’s okay for me, friend. Our classmates too are not that type looking down on poor people. Youngjae thought them well. She might be kind of diva to you but she’s a nice girl once you knew her.” Jongup patted Daehyun’s shoulder friendly way.

“Is she really? I don’t want to imagine if she acts nice to me. It’s scary! Plus it doesn’t suit her at all. The whole world might crashes down soon.” Daehyun wriggled his body as he imagined that. Jongup laughed at his action.

“Yah! Don’t be harsh when she’s not around. What will you do if she heard you talking bad about her?”

“I’m in trouble then!” Daehyun joined Jongup into a cheeky laugh. v(>.<)v

Then they walked off the room and keep talking about some random things. Since it was Sunday, Jongup suggested the blonde boy to hang out with him while getting some coffee which Daehyun agreed right way. He has no work after all as his manager kindly gave him an emergency leave until he was healthy again. Once they stepped out of the entrance door, suddenly a little boy was running into Daehyun and stumbled backward as he falls. Then a loud cry was heard from the little boy which making Daehyun startled. Some of the people there turned to look at them.

“Omo, omo! Are you hurt?” Daehyun quickly crouched down to the kid’s level as he helped the crying boy to stands up on his feet before embracing him.

“Oh? Jaehwanie?” Jongup said. Daehyun glanced at his friend with a frown.

“You know him?”

“He is Uncle Jinwoo’s son.” Jongup told him bluntly. Daehyun caressed the little boy’s hair in his warm embrace as he soothed Jaehwan’s crying. He stood up and bouncing Jaehwan a little to balance his body on his arm.

“Hyung is sorry. Are you hurt?” Daehyun asked in a soft voice as he wiped the tears rolling down on Jaehwan’s cheek using his back hands. The cute boy didn’t answer but instead he was staring at Daehyun through his teary eyes. His small hands were hanging all around on Daehyun’s neck.

“Jaehwan-ah, where is mommy? Why are you alone?” Jongup trailed his eyes everywhere while searching for Jessica. A few minutes, the person he searched for was coming into his sight as Jessica looked up only to be found her 3 years old son was crying in the blonde boy’s arm. Beside him, there was Jongup rubbing the boy’s back gently.

“Jaehwan-ah!” Jessica rushed to them as she takes Jaehwan into her embrace carefully.

“Aigoo… what happened, huh? Mommy told you to wait for me. You’re so stubborn like your father, Jaejae-ah.” She scolds her son softly while caressing his smooth hair.

“He just happened to bumped on me and falls. I’m really sorry.” Daehyun bowed to the beautiful women in front of him as he apologized. Jessica turned to look at the blonde boy as she flashed a warm smile to Daehyun.

“Ah… it’s o-okay. He loves to be spoil when it was nothing actually. W-what’s your name?” Jessica brushed it off easily as she was more curious about Daehyun. Jaehwan also already stopped crying once he in his mother’s embrace and put his head on Jessica’s shoulder while staring cutely to the two brothers.

“I’m Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. I guess you’re Dr Jinwoo’s wife, right?” Daehyun formed a gentle smile on his handsome face. Jessica was stunned for minutes as she stared intensely at the blonde boy with mixed of emotion before nodding to answer Daehyun’s question.

“You must come here to meet with Uncle Jinwoo? Then… we just take our leave first, Aunty.” Jongup excused themselves politely.

“Ah right. Sorry for holding you guys back. But why are you here, Jongup? Are you visiting someone?” Jessica questioned to Jongup which she knew well as Youngjae’s cousin.

“Yes and that person was beside me. He got discharged today.” Jongup points to his friend as Daehyun smiled sheepishly.

“Oh why? Are you sick?”

“No. It just something happened at school and I ended up here. But I’m fine now. Don’t worry about me.”

“That’s relief. Then, I’m going first okay? Your uncle doesn’t know that I’m coming here, Jongup-ah. I was passing by after doing the grocery shop with Jaehwanie. And this little boy was excited to meet his father until he doesn’t listen to me. Jaehwan-ah, say sorry to hyung. You bumped on him, right?” Jessica takes a look over her son.

“Jaejae is sorry.” Jaehwan obeyed as he said in a small voice shyly. He winked to Daehyun which making the older cooing over his cuteness. Daehyun pinched his chubby cheeks gently. Jongup couldn’t help but laugh heartily by Jaehwan’s action. The little boy surely has a charm to please everyone.

“Aigoo… you’re cute. Hyung is sorry too because of making you cried. Next time, Jaehwanie should listen to your mom, alright? If Jaehwanie listen well, hyung will promise to buy you an ice cream. How is that, hmm?” Daehyun talked to him softly.

“Promise?” Jaehwan lit up brightly and held out his pinky finger. Jessica was amused by the friendly tone of him as she knew wells that her son is not a kid who get attached to new people easily. He will refused too if they wanted to hold him in their arm because they falls for his cuteness. But Jaehwan was crying loudly and didn’t make a fuss in Daehyun’s arm yet so comfortable on it.

“Hyung is promise! If hyung broke it, ask Jongup hyung to hit me!” Daehyun linked their pinky finger together while winking playfully to Jaehwan. The little boy was laughed happily before he squirmed in Jessica’s arm to put him down which his mother did it.

“Jaejae want to find appa! Bye bye, hyungs!” Jaehwan runs to inside the hospital with squeaking sound produced by his shoes. All the nurse there was squealing over their doctor’s cute son.

“Jaehwan-ah! Don’t run. How many times mommy told you?” Jessica scolded as her stubborn son was pressing the elevator button on his tiptoes. She excused herself from the two boys to get Jaehwan which they bowed to her politely before they left the hospital. While waiting the elevator, Jessica silently watched Daehyun and Jongup from a far with unreadable expression.




They were having their lunch at the restaurant that nearest to the hospital where Jongup’s butler drove them there. Daehyun was quite uncomfortable with the menu’s price as it was expensive for him to pay but Jongup insisted to him that he will be the one who treats the lunch. So in the end, Daehyun was defeated on their small argument. He just let Jongup to choose the menu which turned out to be a steak and many dishes comes after that. Daehyun couldn’t help but smiling so bright when he saw his favourite cheesecake was placed on the table.

“Wahhhh… it’s been a long time I have my lover!” Daehyun said after the waiter left along with ‘Please eat deliciously’. His eyes beamed as his hands connected together in a form of dreaming look. If possible, people might see those love symbol on his dark brown eyes.

“You like cheesecake that much?” Jongup was amused. Daehyun wouldn’t care to turn on other dishes as it completely fixed on the cheesecake.

“Can I taste it?”

“Go ahead. Have it all by yourself. If you want more, don’t hesitate to tell me.” Jongup gestured his friend while putting the steak on his mouth.

Daehyun didn’t wait any longer as he put his plate that had untouched steak aside before pulling the cheesecake towards him. He loves foods but cheesecake comes first! So he choose to take a bite of them with his fork and closing his eyes to savor the delicious taste on his tongue.

“Hmmmm… really delicious!” Daehyun moaned as he put another bites of those cheesecake. Jongup laughed at his friend. But then, he stopped and gulping down the foods inside while looking at Daehyun when he remembered something out of sudden.

“Daehyun-ah, I really really wanted to ask you this. But since you’re hospitalized, I kept inside. And I bet Naeun also curious to hell.”

“What?” The blonde was too engrossed with his beloved one as he keep at the taste.

“What’s your relationship with Youngjae?”

With that, Daehyun who was savoring on his foods, coughed hardly. His eyes watered slightly and his face turned to red due to the coughing. Some of the customers glanced towards him and then deciding to ignore them when it was nothing. The blonde received the water that Jongup kindly gives to him and drank it all until the last drop. He wiped his lip using the back of hands hastily before staring at Jongup with his widened eyes.

“W-what was your question again? Did I misheard?”

“Is both of you dating now? Youngjae and you? Everyone was clearly shocked to death watching you two were each other faces that day.” Jongup repeated but changing the question.

“It’s not ! We are kis-kissing! No! That’s not right. She was the first one who kissing me out of sudden.” Daehyun was red as tomato by his own words. He thought that he will not be remembered that awful day of his life but it was opposite way. Jongup was suddenly bringing out by throwing the most question that he doesn’t want to answer…

“Was she? It’s weird.”

“Y-yah! What’s weird? That Barbie of yours stolen my first kiss you know! I can’t get over it!” Daehyun huffed angrily, not fond with the fact his precious lip got tainted by the evil princess named Youngjae. He was saved that for the one he loved later but it ruined now.

“Your first kiss? You should be glad to have it with every guy’s dream girl. Boys will be jumping and screaming or maybe tell the whole world if they got Youngjae. She’s hard to get in case you don’t know. So you, Jung Daehyun must be lucky.” Jongup laughed.

“I’m lucky? H-how is that?! I don’t like her. Sh---“ Daehyun’s word was cut when his phone on the table produced a click sound as he got a message. He scoffed by the sight of the name who sends it.

“Speaking of the devil~” He opened the message while Jongup chuckling at him.

From Barbie
Yah Stupid Busan, have you discharged? Come to my house. We still have our practice. NOW!

“What the?! How dare she ordered me around?! Aish!” Daehyun snorted as he put down his phone on the table back carelessly. He cursed Youngjae inside of his mind.


Then another message was send.

From Barbie
Don’t curse on me! -_-! The competition is around the corner, stupid! I’ll give you 10 minutes to be here!

From Daehyun
I’ll come 1 hour later! Bye! :P

“I forgot about the competition. Damn Mark!” Daehyun mumbled slowly after he replied the message but Jongup was fast to catch it. He was about to eat his steak when his friend threw another question that got him froze on his seat.

“Mark was the one bullying you right? I knew it. What’s wrong with him??” Jongup was pissed off as he clenched his teeth, not satisfied with the school playboy. Daehyun didn’t have the time to answer because his phone was ringing loudly and he immediately shut it off without looking who called him, not wanting to disturb the other customers.

“YAH! COME RIGHT NOW, STUPID!” Youngjae yelled loudly until Daehyun have to distance the phone from his poor ear. As he planned to reply, the princess hung up the call, leaving a flat tone.

“Aish! This Barbie really getting on my nerves! I just got discharged and she’s acting like a diva once again! Jongup-ah. Tell me how you can survive throughout your life being with her?” Daehyun grumbled furiously.

“Hang in there, friend.”




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Chapter 16: Please update soon!!! :D
asdayuni #2
Chapter 16: finnaallyyy Dae realize his feeling :)) btw I missed the live broadcast, and I was crying yesterday night T_T
this fict heal me ♡♡ ^^
Chapter 16: Seeing the clothes... I thought of them as angel and devil or.. a white angel and a dark angel. Lol.
Chapter 13: Daehyun needs to confess as soon as possible!
Chapter 13: Yes, yes, yes .... I'm very looking forward to the next chapter .... Everything you write will be good ones, but more DaeJae is better .... Thank you very much and I look forward
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter♡♡♡
whae1234 #7
Chapter 13: Hey... Daehyun needs someone to kick so hard to realize his feeling. Babo Yah!!!! What about Yongguk or Himchan punishment for him next chapter :)))? Really like your update hehe
asdayuni #8
Chapter 12: hahahaha the ends part makes me laughing hard :)) o..oh,, loves in the air~
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update!!
I cant wait daehyun's counter with Dr. Jinwoo's family. Im sure Jessica can recognize something. Im dead curious bout necklace that dae wears hmmm...
asdayuni #10
Chapter 10: Uuhh I need to refresh my brain and DANG! New story update!!!! You really save my day, Thank you ^_^ Okay so pratically daehyun already meet his father right, Jinwoo is his father right? *puppy eyes~