Chapter 17

My Over Protective Brother

Kyuri’s POV:

I enter the room and become speechless. How did she know that I hate swimming pool? She told me to be here on purpose. I really want to escape, but I must get my necklace back. Haeryung walking on the edge of the swimming pool. I didn’t move from my place. She smirked on me. then, she took something from her pocket.

“my necklace..” I clenched my fist. Haeryung raised my necklace above the water and get ready to throw it into the water.

“what do you want, Haeryung-ssi. Aren’t you think that it’s too harshed?” I try to talk with her but she didn’t listen to me. i dare my self to walk towards her. I’m shiverring. It’s my first time to walk on the edge of the swimming pool after the past incident. I walk careffully so I will not slip and fall into the swimming pool.

“I want you to stay away from Woohyun.” I can’t believe that Haeryung will do something really bad just because of Woohyun sunbaenim. It’s not right. Woohyun sunbaenim really something. He can make a someone become so mean only to get his love.

“Okey, I promise I’ll stay away from Woohyun and never appear in front of him anymore. So please, give my necklace back.” I raised my right hand and try to make a deal with her. Haeryung smirked once again. she throw my necklace into the water. I’m speechless.

“Oops, I didn’t mean to. It’s just my hand that slippery. If you want to get your necklace back, then go get it by your self.” Haeryung push me until I fell into the water. The height of the swimming pool is 2.5m. I can’t reach the bottom of the pool. My feet can’t reach it. I’m drowning. I can’t breathe. I ask Haeryung for save me but it’s useless.

“if I said stay away from Woohyun, it means you must stay away from him forever.” She left me. I try to swim to the edge but I can’t swim. My body start to weaken. Then I feel numb and I can’t move my body anymore. I’m drowned to the bottom of the pool. I saw someone jump into the pool but I didn’t recognized who is it. my sight already dark.


No One’s POV:

Woohyun is in the café with Sungkyu. He accompany Sungkyu who study hard for his test to enter attorney. Woohyun is calling Kyuri for many times but Kyuri didn’t pick her phone. Woohyun also texted her many times but she didn’t reply.

“it’s weird. She’s usually not like this. She will pick her phone immediately when I call her. what’s happened?” Woohyun keep staring on her phone. At the time, Hoya enter the café.

“Sungkyu hyung, don’t be so serious. Your eyes get smaller than usual.” Sungkyu ignored him then Hoya look at Woohyun who staring at his phone.

“are waiting for someone to calling you, Woohyun?” Woohyun ignored him too. “it’s okay, I just talked to my self. It’s okay”

“I have bad feeling right now. there’s something wrong. What it is? Kyuri.. this girl really..  where is she?” Woohyun call her once again and still no answer from Kyuri.

“I saw her. Kyuri.” Hoya speaks again and this time Woohyun quickly turned his face to Hoya.”I was on the Sport Department to meet my old friend then I saw Kyuri enter the building. I calling her many times but she didn’t hear me. but, she look in a hurry.” Woohyun thinking what is she doing on the Sport Department at this time and alone. Hoya continue speaking, “before Kyuri come, I saw Haeryung enter the building. Is she meet Haeryung?” Woohyun gasped. “Haeryung?” Woohyun stand up from his chair and without saying anything he rushed to the Campus.

Woohyun driving panickly. If Kyuri went there to meet Haeryung then something bad will happen to Kyuri and he can’t let it happen. Then Woohyun remember what Kyuri just said before that she has a trauma with swimmingpool. She almost die drowned on the pool. It makes Woohyun more panick. Woohyun stop in front of the building and run to the swimming pool. He found Kyuri drowning on the pool and quickly jump to the pool to save her. he lifted Kyuri on the edge of the pool. Woohyun check her heatbeat and pulse but her heartbeat is stop beating and he also can’t feel her pulse. Woohyun give her CPR. First try didn’t work, second try didn’t work. Woohyun give her artificial respiration and give her CPR one more time. At the time Kyuri cough and puked water from .

Kyuri open her eyes and cough again. her eyes really red and she still feel crowded in her chest. She saw Woohyun is next to her holding her, she can’t help but hug Woohyun. She wrapped her hand on Woohyun’s neck and hug him. She’s grateful that Woohyun come to save her. Kyuri burried her face on woohyun’s shoulder. She still hiccough and her breath is unstable. Woohyun carress her hair. Woohyun also grateful because if he late only 2min, Kyuri must died now. Woohyun check her pulse and it’s still unstable.

“Kyuri, let’s go to hospital.” Kyuri shooked her head.

“I’m okay. We don’t need to go to the hospital. i’m afraid that my brother will going crazy and please don’t take me home. I don’t want my brother look at me like this.” Kyuri beg to Woohyun to take her anywhere except her home.

“Allright, let’s go to my apartment first. We need to dry you up and I should check your condition.” Kyuri nodded. Kyuri try to stand but she fell again. her leg is too weak to help her walking so Woohyun piggyback her. they’re arrived on Woohyun’s apartment. “Woohyun, I think I can walk now. just let me down.” Woohyun let Kyuri down and bring her to his room. Woohyun take some towels for her. “thank you..” Kyuri smile. Woohyun take his clothe for Kyuri and tell her to go change.

Kyuri changed her clothes and standing in front of the mirror. Woohyun t-shirt is too big for her but fortunately the training pant fit her well. She went out to the living room. Woohyun already changed his clothes. He sit on the couch and watching TV.

“Woohyun..” Kyuri call Woohyun and Woohyun turned his face to her. He startled when he saw Kyuri and burst into laughter. “why are you laughing me?” then Kyuri look at her clothes. “no.. you just too cute wearing bigger t-shirt.” Kyuri blushed. “are you have a dryer? I need to dry my hair.” Woohyun go to his room to get the dryer. Kyuri start to dry her hair. Woohyun can’t stop stare at her. Kyuri is really pretty whatever she’s doing. Kyuri knows that Woohyun stare at her but she pretend not know and keep drying her hair. “Yah, dry my hair too.” Woohyun’s hair is wet too so he ask Kyuri dry his hair. “do it by your self.” Kyuri give the drying to Woohyun but Woohyun didn’t ake it. “I want you to dry my hair.” Woohyun crossed his hand in front off his chest. “you look like a kid. Allrigh, I’ll dry your hair.” Kyuri tell him to sit in front of her. Woohyun quickly jump In front of Kyuri. Kyuri start to dry Woohyun’s hair. Woohyun stare at Kyuri who seriously dry his hair and can’t stop smiling.

Kyuri look at Woohyun who smiling like an idiot and laughed softly make Woohyun fluttered. “just stay here tonight. You can’t go home like this.” Woohyun tell Kyuri to sleep at his place. Kyuri nodded and call Kyuhyun. She lied by tell she’ll sleepover at Soojung’s home.

“how do you know I’m at the swimmingpool? Kyuri asked Woohyun curiously.

“Hoya tell me that he saw you enter the building. He called you many times but you didn’t hear him and I know that Haeryung who did this to you. I promise I’ll teach her a lesson. She’ll repay her deed to you.” Woohyun clenched his fist.

“how long she likes you?

“Haeryung? Since we’re in the 1st grade of high school. She keep clinging on me but I ignored her. I never like her. although she’s pretty enough and but I never attracted with her.”

“so that’s why she became a mean girl. Because you keep ignoring her.”  Kyuri finished drying Woohyun’s hair. “finished!” Kyuri strooke Woohyun’s hair and it makes Woohyun’s heart beating so fast. Kyuri stop strooking Woohyun’s hair because Woohyun stop smiling and his face become so weird..  They’re staring each other for awhile and the situation become so awkward for both of them. “I’d better sleep right now. I’ll sleep on the couch..” Kyuri break the awkward situation. “oh, no.. just sleep in my room. I’ll sleep here.” Woohyun replied her awkwardly. Woohyun went to his room to take a pillow and blanket and lay down on the couch pretend to sleep. When Kyuri enter his room he open his eyes again and take a deep breathe. “it’s too hot” Woohyun throw his blanket because he feel so hot, not because of the weather but because of Kyuri. meanwhile Kyuri hiding under the blanket. She try to sleep but she can’t. in the middle of the night, Kyuri wake up and go to the kitchen to drink water. She found Woohyun sleep without blanket. She take the blanket and cover it on Woohyun. Woohyun start to muttering by him self.

“don’t go.. please.. noona…” Woohyun has a bad dream. He cold sweating. Kyuri squatted and stare at Woohyun’s face.

“Who’s your dreaming about? Noona? Your ex was older than you?” Kyuri whispering so she didn’t wake Woohyun up. Kyuri slowly grab his hand and hold it. then, Woohyun start to calm down. She stay next to Woohyun untill she fell asleep.

Kyuir’s awake, “Omo, how can I sleep here? Better go home now..” before Kyuri go back home, she made toast  for Woohyun’s breakfast with eggs and saussages. She write a note and left. 10 min later, Woohyun also awake. He check on his bedroom but Kyuri’s wasn’t that. Then he smelled something delicious. He found the breakfast that Kyuri’s made and read the note. He smiled and eat his breakfast.

Woohyun have no class today but he went to campus. He got information from his friend that Haeryung have morning class today. Woohyun waiting for Haeryung in front of her class. When Haeryung appeared, Woohyun quickly grab her hand and pulled her to a quiet place.

“Woohyun, it’s hurt.. let me go..” Haeryung was in pain because Woohyun grab her hand so tight.

“you really lost your mind, Haeryung! How can you did this to Kyuri? You almost kill her!” Woohyun scream angirily and it’s the first time for Haeryung sees Woohyun so mad like this.

“it’s not only Kyuri who almost die, but why you really concerned about her, Woohyun? Am I didn’t enough for you?” Haeryung raised her voice made Woohyun angrier.

“because I like her! I really really like her!! I’m being crazy because of her!” Haeryung speechless. It’s also her first time heard Woohyun likes someone. “you’d better stay away from me and Kyuri now.. you’ll get into a big trouble if you don’t hear me this time. It’s your last chance.” Woohyun warned Haeryung. His eyes fill with anger. Woohyun get ready to leave her. “Sungyeol! Sungyeol who told me that Kyuri can’t swim and hate pool so much. It’s Sungyeol who wants her stay away from you.” haeryung didn’t satisfied if it just her who got scolded from Woohyun. Sungyeol must get his punishment too. Woohyun clenched his fist and left Haeryung.

Kyuri walks to her class. She feel dizzy while walking. She stop walking and lean on the wall. Myungsoo come and look at Kyuri who leaning on the wall then he run to her.

“Kyuri.. what’s wrong? Do you feel sick? You look so pale.” Myungsoo start to worry and suddenly Kyuri fell on Myungsoo’s shoulder. Myungsoo panicked.

“kyuri.. kyuri…” Myungsoo call her but she already unconcious. Myungsoo carry her bridal style and rushed to the hospital. they bring her to the emergency room. Myungsoo wait unpatiently. He walks back and forth. He can’t calm down. Then, the doctor come out.

“Doc, how’s my friend?” Myungsoo still worry

“She got dehydration and she just too tired. But she’ll be fine. She will awake soon.” Myungsoo relief. They move Kyuri’s to VIP room. Myungsoo called Kyuhyun  with Kyuri’s phone.

“you should take care your body before take care the other.” Myungsoo hold Kyuri’s hand and caress her hair. Then, he go out to buy something for him to eat. Kyuri made him hungry. When he go out, Kyuhyun appeared. He seems so worry.

 Myungsoo bowed to him, “Anyeonghaseyo, I’m Kim Myungsoo. I’m in the same class with Kyuri and I’m her close friend.” Kyuhyun nodded. “what’s happened to my sister?”. Myungsoo explained what the doctor told him but Kyuhyun still worried because Kyuri isn’t wake up yet. Myungsoo bring him into the room. Kyuhyun frowned. “this kid really.. I’ll punish you for making me worry. You should tell me if you feel sick.” Kyuhyun hold Kyuri’s hand tightly.

“excuse me.. then, I’ll go now because I have class.” Myungsoo permitted to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun stand up and patted his back. “thank you so much Myungsoo for taking care my sister. I owe you..”

Myungsoo leave the room. In the lobby he accidently meet Woohyun. Woohyun has visited his senior in the hospital. “Myungsoo, what are you doing here?”

“oh hyung… I brought Kyuri here because she fell in front of me. she’s sick.” Woohyun shocked. Myungsoo told him Kyuri’s room and go there immediately.

Finally Kyuri’s aware. She looks around her and she saw Kyuhyun sit beside her.

“Kyuri, you awake.. how do you feel? Do you feel hurt or sick? Shoul I call the doctor?” Kyuhyun shower her with questions and Kyuri just laughed weakly.

“no need, Oppa. I still feel so weak but I’m okay. Who’s bring me here?” Kyuri didn’t remember that she fell in front of Myungsoo because she’s too dizzy at that time. Kyuhyun told her that Myungsoo who brought her to the hospital and tell her that Myungsoo already left because he has a class.

“Oppa.. I need go to the toilet. Would you help me?” Kyuhyun help  Kyuri walk to the toilet. “you don’t have to go inside with me, Oppa.. stay here.” Kyuhyun nodded and wait outside the toilet.

Woohyun run and found Kyuri’s room. He open the door, “Kyuri, are you…” he stopped. They’re staring each other. Woohyun and Kyuhyun. Both of them were too shocked when they’re looking each other. Kyuri come out from the toilet and found both Woohyun and Kyuhyun statued from their own place.

“Oppa… Woohyun… why you guys staring each other like that?”

No answer. Finally Woohyun can meet Kyuhyun after so long and Kyuhyun still can’t believe that Wooohyun is standing in front of him right now. they’re met after 3 years and Kyuri have no idea what’s happened between them.












Helloo there... i'm so sorry for the late update :(

i'm bussy with my college's event huhuu

i hope you're waiting for the next chapter hihi

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thank you....


Sungyeol for youu hihihi



All Pictures Credit to Owners :)





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Jungjune #1
Chapter 20: Nice story..please update author nim..~