Back to Seoul pt.2

365 Days (to love me)

Trisha's POV~ 

Turns out the boy with the brown hair was going to the bathroom too. We awkwardly stood besides each other. Sometime we would both glance up and look at each other then make eye contact then look away due to embarrassment. In then middle of the awkwardness he spoke "hi I'm Jimin" he said then held out his hand for my to shake. I grabbed his hand and introduced myself "hi I'm Taeyeon but you can call me Trisha" I said shaking his hand. In the middle of our little meeting faith decided to make its more awkward then it already was. "Please remain seated there will be a bit of turbulence" the pilot said and with that a big  jolt came and I fell on Jimin. But that wasn't enough faith said no this needs to be more awkward. As I fell on Jimin our lips touched for 5 seconds. As soon as I realized what was happening I quickly pushed myself off Jimin and wiped my lips. He got up after with a red face. "I'm so sorry" I said not meeting his eyes,embarrassed that he'll see my red af cheeks. "It's okay..." I apologize again before walking back to my seat to rant to Yuby. Before he could say bye Trisha already left. As I walked back to my seat I couldn't get the image of Jimin and I kissing out of my head. I swear I must have been a tomato when I got back to Yuby because she asked "why do you look so red?" With that I started my rant about meeting a cute boy then kissing him by accident. Like besties always do she teased me about him and all. I blushed every time she would say his name then she would be like oooooo someone's blushing while poking my cheek. I love the flight attendant she saved just in time before I would have become a tomato. She served our dinner then walked off to help the other passengers. I signed again as Yuby continued to tease me about Jimin. This was going to be a long night.

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Heyitstaetae #1
Lana24 #2
Chapter 10: Update freaking UPDATE!!!!
Lana24 #3
Chapter 10: Update freaking UPDATE!!!!
Taengoo49 #4
Chapter 6: ooh la la
i'm guessing there will be a love triangle with V and Jimin...
i really like ur story
thanks for the updates!!!!!
Adorably-Taelyn #5
Chapter 1: I love it to be honest