Chapter 12: do I like him? Or not....

Dont love THAT me.


I was in XiaoLu's embrace, crying my heart off as I trust him. He knows how bad sehun was and tried to stop me from dating him, but I was too stupid and naive. We stayed like that until I backed off from him because I had calmed down. Xiao Lu patted my head softly and comforted me " don't think about that bastard anymore, he's not worth this pipsqueek to cry over him." He was referring to me using the word pipsqueek again, just like how luhan did. Thinking of luhan, I slowly caressed my bandage on my face and remembered the scene from earlier. Luhan was carrying me and hurried to the nurses office. I smiled out of gratefulness. 


Xiao Lu widen his eyes when he saw the bandages on my face. "Omo who did this to my eun hye? " he touched the bandage on my face and his expression showed angriness. He pouted when he looked at my puffy eyes and wounds which made me giggle. He's super cute and caring.

"It's okay Xiao Lu , I settled my face myself after the queenkas bullied me. Plus, luhan saved me from them cutting my hair!" Xiao Lu was shocked when he heard that. He stood up and walked away.


I stood up and went to the bar to make some hot chocolate for eun hye, ignoring the pain that struck my chest. This time, I made it with a beautiful 3D art with eun hye's head. The bubbles where decorated with cute eyes just like eun hye. I wrote a note: drink this and stop crying or your cute eyes will get destroyed, and I will no longer be your friend. in a joking way of course.

I sent the drink to our table and eun hye showed happiness. I felt the same as she gulped all of it in one shot. I patted her head since I can only do it in Xiao Lu mode. It would be weird to do that as luhan.

Just then, my chest started to react. The pain gushed in like never before. My hands held tight on my chest and I couldn't move a single muscle. It must be from all the moving and carrying I did today. I saw the colours fading from eun hye's face and everywhere too. I tried to hold the pain in but everything went into pitch black, just before I could react.

[eun hye]

The 3D art XiaoLu made was adorable, and it looked just like me. I thought he was leaving me because I cried too much and got puffy eyes on me. But he came back after he made an awesome hot chocolate for me. I blushed a little as I read the note. I gulped everything with a big smile hanged inside my head. The atmosphere is pretty nice.

We chatted a little until Xiao Lu suddenly stopped talking. His hands clenched his chest and his expression changed 360 degrees. I knew he endured the pain since we met today, but I didn't know it was that bad. He stayed there not moving, eyes widen, and his veins were showing everything thats going on in him. I approached him to see if he needed help, but he just fainted.

Scared, I called the ambulance and Jackson. XiaoLu was drenched in cold sweat so I used a towel to dry them off. But nothing was working as the sweat keep coming. I stared at his face as I waited helplessly for the ambulance to arrive. Jackson arrived first as if he was just at a shop next to where we were. He opened XiaoLu's shirt and his scar shown. The edge of the scar was bleeding as the stitches came off. I snapped and turned my head as I felt the guilt rushing in me. It was all my fault he has to take the strike, and he endured the pain for me. 

The ambulance came and the men brought XiaoLu on board.i followed in the car and it took off to the nearest hospital. They brought him in a ward and covered the situation with a curtain which made me feel anxious. I'm eager to see what had happened to Xiao Lu and my heart was beating fast because of fear. Jackson told me to not be scared and that everything will be just fine. But despite all that, the thought of him getting stitches on his bare skin made me feel worse.



I made eun hye go home eventhough master Lu haven't done his stitches. She looked horrible and she needed rest. I sent her to the hospital main door and went back to check on master Lu. He cannot be in this kind of state because he still have jobs to attend to. 

But master Lu must have loved eun hye and his Xiao Lu state a lot so I might as well help him. I made XiaoLu a real person this time, by making a new ID for him and car license , of course they are fake. I went in the room to check on him. He jumped and shouted eun hyes name just as he woke. "She went back " I said. He answered with an "oh", showing his disappointment.


[eun hye]

I went back and sit down on the couch. The living room is currently empty and dark just enough for me to think quietly. Of all the events that happened today, it showed the amount of care Xiao Lu have gave me. He sacrificed his life for me  and all I  could do is wait and go home. I thought, every time I see or thought of them, my heart skipped a beat, I never felt like this before, even with sehun. But luhan didn't really care for me.Xiao Lu on the other hand, comforted me, patted my head and hugged me . Should I fall for him? I blushed a bit  when I think of him. Or maybe I had already fall for him? Who should I choose to love? They are both men that are equally important in my life......


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jacksonwang328 #1
Chapter 14: look you have 2 new good comments AHAAHHAHA
jacksonwang328 #2
Pheara #3
Chapter 13: I love it. Thanks for writing this nice story. Update soon~
Hanifah #4
Chapter 13: I just found your story and I think it's really interesting. I like it so much. Thank you for writing this :)
jacksonwang328 #5
Chapter 12: nice one la pls update tqtq - your number 1 fan
DevilNextToYou #6
I don't think u should tag Hunhan as a Hunhan shipper I doubt they will read something where Luhan ends up with the OC instead of Sehun so...