Chapter 10

Dont love THAT me.



I touched his scratched face and look closely on XiaoLu's red face. I stared at him hoping for an explanation. He understood my stare and answered: " i got an accident! Yeah accident. Just a minor one."

I was shocked hearing that. He had been in an accident but he still took care of me. He's really a good friend.

I took a plaster and stick it on his face. He smiled cutely at me and pat my head.

HAHAHHAHAHA. Luhan.... your punch just made you look hotter than ever. But u will regret doing that to me because... hahahHahah... today is the day eun hye get the hurt and pain she deserves the most.
I walked leisurely to the cafe where she works, just in time to see her flirting with my Lulu. better stop doing that.

I stood infront of them. She turned to me and hugged me. Disgusting b*tch. I pushed her away.

[Eun hye]

Just then, sehun came. My attention dropped on him instead and forgot about XiaoLu's injury. I hugged sehun and told him about everything that happened today.

But something felt wrong about sehun. He looked angry and he had a bruise on his face. He pushed me away from the hug. It hurt me more when he does that because this is the time where i need the most comfort.
“Eun hye, i dont like you anymore, no, i never did.”

I stood there, frozen. I cant believe my ear. I was standing there sorting out my feelings when XiaoLu just pounced on sehun with furious eyes. It made me remember the scary Luhan that i was always scared of. He held sehun tight and shouted.

What XiaoLu said just made everything feel weird. I felt confused.
First, he called me peepsqueek again, which im not.
Second, this is only the second time he met sehun, so why would sehun target him?
Third, he sounds more like Luhan than Xiao lu.

Sehun broke the awkward silence. "Tsk tsk tsk... luhan.... i didnt take advantage of her, i just had enough of that disgusting b*tch."
Really.... so sehun was just playing with me...

"Who are you calling luhan?! Im Xiaolu listen carefully. " XiaoLu said politely.

"Oh enough with your act luhan, you lied more to eun hye than i did."
I looked at XiaoLu and decided to help him.

I went to the kitchen and took the icepack. I came out and said: "jerkhan is jerkhan, xiaolu is xiaolu."

"Eun hye, believe me." Xiaolu looked at me with puppy eyes. My heart melted and look towards sehun with a death stare. I cant lose infront of him now.

“Hahaha... luhan, stop the-----”
I threw the ice pack right on his face. Some customers, including Xiaolu, giggled.
Sehun got up with his bruised face showing dismay. He went into the kitchen and walked back out with a knife in his hands.He walked towards me with dark eyes and raised his knife.
I closed my eyes ready to get slashed by the knife when i felt someone pushed me backwards.

Xiaolu got slashed instead. His blood flowed and was never ending Sehun looked shocked and ran way after shouting: “I WILL BE BACK LUHAN”

Immediately i ran Xiao lu to the nearest hospital. He was brought in to the emergency unit. Someone rushed here. He must be his brother. He introduced himself as jackson. “hi eun hye, my brother talks about you alot.”
I smiled.

The doctor came out afterwards. He explained how Xiaolu's chest were slashed and his bleeding had stopped, and that he couldnt do sports for a while. I felt bad listening to that.
“im sorry eunhye, its my fault this happened.”
Xiao lu apologized to me.
But im the one at wrong. Sehun was the one i loved and the one that hurt me and want to take revenge to. But the one that gor slashed was XiaoLu instead. I really felt bad.

“ I softly touched his wound. It was cut deep and he winced because of my touch.” i stopped doing that because it will hurt him and hugged him as a token of appreciation. He patted my head with a cute smile hanged on his face.
“thanks xiao lu. Its all my fault.”

Jackson sent me home afterwards. The looked as the car drove furthur and furthur.
Xiaolu really look like Luhan. The redness on his face.... is it from the slap i gave luhan?
No. I have to believe Xiao lu. Plus, is its luhan, he wont save me from sehun. He will just watch and laugh. Thats what that jerk always does.

I shook my head again and again to stop me from thinking about the both of them, and got to bed.
“luhan shao ye(master), are you feeling okay? I know you want to protect eun hye, but your body is important too. You shouldnt show any signs of scars that will lead to eun hye’s suspicion. You have to go to school and act like nothinf happened to you. By the way, phys ed is tomorrow, so you shouldnt do anything and just watch ur class play. Please becareful about your identity. I can see that eun hye is curious about you.”
I sighed. Jackson is as naggy as ever.
“okay, okay, geez.” he smiled.
[Eun hye]
The sun showed that its time for school. I jumped up my bed immediately since i havent slept at all last night. I spent the whole night thinking about luhan and XiaoLu. I have to see if luhan is absent today because of injuries, and if he had a scratch on his face.

I reached school and saw luhan siting there. I walked towards him and remember the slap i gave him. I forgave him since its most probably sehun that ordered the queenkas. I walked towards luhan and landed a soft punch on his stomach.

He started at me with dark eyes.
“what do you want after slapping me in the face? Can you see this little scratch on my handsome face? My fans wont be happy about it.” he tilted his face and showed me the small scratch. He doesnt feel any pain in his stomach, so i stopped being curious about him.

I turned to my table and sat. Luhan spoke.
“im sorry, eun hye. Im really sorry. Everything is my fault. But trust me, its not me that ordered them to bully you.”

I looked into his eyes that showed sincerity. I trust him.
“i forgive you, luhan.”

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jacksonwang328 #1
Chapter 14: look you have 2 new good comments AHAAHHAHA
jacksonwang328 #2
Pheara #3
Chapter 13: I love it. Thanks for writing this nice story. Update soon~
Hanifah #4
Chapter 13: I just found your story and I think it's really interesting. I like it so much. Thank you for writing this :)
jacksonwang328 #5
Chapter 12: nice one la pls update tqtq - your number 1 fan
DevilNextToYou #6
I don't think u should tag Hunhan as a Hunhan shipper I doubt they will read something where Luhan ends up with the OC instead of Sehun so...