
♥ Falling in love with a friend ♥ [Ryeowook's POV]


Forever Yours



"Suddenly, everything of you,

I fond everything about you,

I will slowly and slowly become closer~"


We exited the theater hall after an hour-long movie. It was incredibly cold outside as I noticed the sky was getting dark and slight snows were dropping from above.

"Wookie-ah. Let's hold hands." She took my hand and held it tight. The warmth of her hand sent the freezing coldness away and replaced it with a very warm feeling which eventually soothed my loudly thudding heart.

"Should we go home?" I asked her but she shook her head in return.

"War zone at home." She muttered as she tightly gripped on my hand even more. Apparently, her parents were always fighting and having arguments, leaving her sulked in her room all the time. I looked at her in pity.

Why hasn’t a wonderful person like you blessed with a loving family? I sighed.

"Wookie. Ehmm. What were you saying a while ago?" She said abruptly.

"In the movie house, you said something I haven't heard, didn't you?" She added as she stopped walking and peered at me curiously. Her clear brown eyes stared at me beautifully as her slightly pouted mouth directed at me. How cute.

"Deh!" She squeaked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You sure daydream a lot today." She poked my puffy cheek and stucked her tongue out.

"Ahh. Deh.. What I was saying was.. you're sooooo cute." Boo. I just confessed at you a while ago dummy. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to hear my confession because the movie started at the same time I said those words. Aishh. When will be the next time I'll have the courage to shout for my love?

Saranghae Jiyoonie. I pinched her even puffier cheek as she winced in return. Oh sorry. I didn't know that hurt.

"I know I'm cute but you don't have to ruin my oh so cute cheeks!" She scoffed as she continued walking, dragging me behind.


"I like everything about you

I don’t have to say you’re my one love,

Please stay with me and promise me


"Don't you have someone you like Wookie-ah?" She peered as turned to glance at me. We were riding an almost empty bus ride home as she threw me this sudden question. I wonder what's on her mind now.

You're so blind that you can't actually see that I like you. I thought but just flashed her a smile in reality.

"Of course, I have!" I exclaimed, making her jumped up to her seat. She glared at me as she examined my face so cutely. Aigo. What could be cuter than her pouting face?

"Spill who!" She yelled as threw me an even awesome glare.

It's always been you. That's what I wanna say. Oh god. Is this the second chance your giving me to confess? That's so fast.

"I don't wanna say." I teased. Her face grown to an even more threatening face as she flailed me harshly.

"And you call me your best friend but you wouldn't share your love life to me?" She knocked me slight punches as she repeatedly chanted Spill now! Spill now!

"Fine! Fine!" I relented as she grinned in triumph and focused on me.

"I... ermm... I was just kidding you know." Oh shoot. I can't do this.

"I don't like someone." I lowly said as I kept my head down. Fail.

"Are you saying the truth?" She pried as she held my chin and forced me to look at her delighted face. Oh so now she's looking happy?

I nodded and smiled at her.

"Well, that's good."She smiled, leaving me breathless.

"My best friend, Kim Ryeowook, is still mine and only mine." I blushed at what she said. She chuckled as she locked her arms around mine and rested her head comfortably on my shoulder.

"Yes I'm only yours... you selfish brat..." I whispered to her ears, hoping for her to hear it. But eventually, I knew she was fast asleep. I sighed.

"Do I really need to confess? I like just the way we are today." I rested my head against hers; wishing the bus won't stop and forever she'll be in my arms.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 6: that was so sweet
I really love Wookie ><
Adorable~<br />
<br />
AWWW. :">
Everlasting_Kissme #5
Actually, I don't have any plans on having an account here in aff. I just really want to read fanfics but when I red this, I immediately made an account to comment on this fanfic. This is my first time reading a Ryeowook fanfic and it's so nice. :)
it's really sweet, it reminds me of me and my ex-best friend, we liked each other but never did something about it, now we're enemies :(<br />
problem is, i think i still like him :(
supshaz #8
Sorry that I only get to read this story now!!!! T^T it's absolutely fab by the way, I can so feel the impatience and yet hesistantcy(<--- is that a word?? XD) in wookie's situation here!! ^_^ it's so well portrayed:) another great fic unni! Keep it up and write more ne? ^^