
♥ Falling in love with a friend ♥ [Ryeowook's POV]





"When we’re walking and also watching movie

I have a deep secret to tell you."

"Saranghae Jiyoon." I thought as she happily handed me the movie tickets. I knew I loved her after a few weeks ago.

When I thought of how our relationship made my life.

When I thought of how a day seemed to be so dull when I couldn't see her cheeky face.

When I thought of how my smile won't fade as long as I see hers everyday.

When I thought of how I cried with her when she was left heart broken.

She's indeed the one my heart beats for.

And as I realized my feelings for her, my heart wanted to explode its emotions.

I wanted to tell her how I feel.

I wanted to embrace her so lovingly.

I wanted to kiss her soft, pink lips.

I wanted to be her guy. Not her best friend.

"Wookie!" She snapped a finger, making me wake up from the thoughts of her. I shook my head and nod at her curious face.

"What were you thinking?" She started as we walked inside the dark movie hall. She held popcorns over her left arm, her right hand never leaving the grip off mine.

"Nothing." When in fact, I was thinking about everything.

We settled on the upper box seats. The lights were dimmed as she put the popcorn box between us.

It has always been our pastime to watch movies.



"We’re friends which closer than lovers

But what should I do? I love you"

Best friends who would always went on an everyday date.

Best friends who could always sleep over one another's room.

Best friends who would always do something special for one another.

Seriously, all the people around us thought of us as more than friends.

But I doubt she feels the same way as I do.

"Aaaaahh~" She whizzed as she put an entirely large amount of popcorn into my mouth. I glared at her as she chuckled at my expression.

"Sip!" I croaked as I shoved her soda's drinking straw inside . She punched me harshly on the shoulder.

"You...! mean boy! The straw reached my throat!" She groaned as she gave me an angry pout I just could never resist.

"Mianhae! You're the one who started after all." I scoffed, making her face darkened over this dimmed place even more.

I put an arm around her shoulder and messed her hair using my other hand.

She smiled.

And then she laughed.

"Not my hair Wookie!!" She squeaked, her noise becoming a fuss over the theater hall.

"Shhh!" I hissed, chuckling silently. I lowered my head, enough for my lips to reach a few distance across her ears.

"I'm sorry." I whispered sincerely. My heart unknowingly thumped faster as cold sweat dropped off me.

The girl I love was still in my arm, dangerously close to me.

She didn't move a bit as I could hear her fast breathings.



"Saranghae Jiyoon."


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 6: that was so sweet
I really love Wookie ><
Adorable~<br />
<br />
AWWW. :">
Everlasting_Kissme #5
Actually, I don't have any plans on having an account here in aff. I just really want to read fanfics but when I red this, I immediately made an account to comment on this fanfic. This is my first time reading a Ryeowook fanfic and it's so nice. :)
it's really sweet, it reminds me of me and my ex-best friend, we liked each other but never did something about it, now we're enemies :(<br />
problem is, i think i still like him :(
supshaz #8
Sorry that I only get to read this story now!!!! T^T it's absolutely fab by the way, I can so feel the impatience and yet hesistantcy(<--- is that a word?? XD) in wookie's situation here!! ^_^ it's so well portrayed:) another great fic unni! Keep it up and write more ne? ^^