
♥ Falling in love with a friend ♥ [Ryeowook's POV]


Forever your friend, Forever your lover



More than the word ‘I love you’

we’re still feeling as sweet.

A little bit more starting from today

Your hands I took, I won’t let you go

I will say I love you...



"Yah! Stop being so flirty!" I told Jiyoon when she won't stop kissing my cheeks every now and then. Geez. I never thought she's this touchy. She grinned at me as she pecked my cheek a kiss for the fifth time this hour.

"Wae? I'm your girl friend, ain't I, bestie?" She pouted as she spoke, making me flash an unknowing smile at her. She really is mine now..

"But we're in public. We should've been look more conservative." I poked her cheek which made her giggle nonetheless. I sighed and just rested my back on the bench.

"Wookie, we're in a park." She looked around and then turned to face me again, "And besides, I see no other people here besides us."

"I give up. A girl named Jiyoon won't ever accept defeat over Ryeowook." I closed my eyes as I heard her giggle yet again. Hearing her laugh makes my heart burst out of joy. Last night started it all.. When she confessed her feelings to me, which I never expect her to do. She's such a jewel in my heart. A person who holds the reason my heart beats. Without her, I will not be who I am now.

"Wookie.." She called as I heard her voice closer than over. Opening my eyes, not the crystal pond across us welcomed my sight, instead, it's her eyes which were staring directly at me. "You're gonna kiss me again?" I asked her in such of a teasing way. She shook her head and pinched my cheek.

"No, I just want to tell you how happy I am now." She lowly said as a smile crept up on my pursed lips. "I never knew I could be this happy." She added as she moved her face away and rest back on the bench. I followed her with a soft gaze as she suddenly rested her head against my shoulder.

"Jiyoon-ah.. What do you like about me?" I asked her as I felt her breathed out heavily.

"You're my best friend.. You're the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life. It may sound a cliche or disgustingly corny but I love how you make me feel loved." Her words melt me down, she's the only person who can let me feel this way. I chuckled softly and moved my arm as I wrapped it over her shoulders.

"Thank you Jiyoonie." I whispered as I kissed her head. She gently moved away before standing up in front of me. The glistening icey pond behind her made her shine even more in my eyes. She took my hand as she abruptly pulled me up to stand.

"What now?" I asked her but she just smiled at me as she looked up with those puppy eyes.

"Tell me that you love me.." Closing her eyes, snow started to fall and dripped over her puffy cheeks. "I want to hear it again.. This too much happiness I'm feeling right now gives me doubts that this is reality."

I felt my heart pounding hard. "Ji.. This ain't a dream.." I told her before saying the words she anticipated to hear..

"Saranghae." I told her once which made her closed-eyes face flash a slight but sweet smile.

"Say it again.."

"Saranghae Jiyoon.." I told her again, my deep voice creating a puffy cloud because of the cold. Her smile grew wider as I told her I love her again and again. I didn't know it's this easy to tell her how I feel.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and held the edge of my muffler. She's shorter than me after all. "Thank you.." She giggled as she harshly pulled my muffler down, making me drawn closer to her face now.

"I love you too Wookie.." She smiled as I was captivated by her clear, brown eyes. "Forever.." She finally said as she put her lips against mine.. making the cold winter afternoon, more of a warm, summer feeling.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 6: that was so sweet
I really love Wookie ><
Adorable~<br />
<br />
AWWW. :">
Everlasting_Kissme #5
Actually, I don't have any plans on having an account here in aff. I just really want to read fanfics but when I red this, I immediately made an account to comment on this fanfic. This is my first time reading a Ryeowook fanfic and it's so nice. :)
it's really sweet, it reminds me of me and my ex-best friend, we liked each other but never did something about it, now we're enemies :(<br />
problem is, i think i still like him :(
supshaz #8
Sorry that I only get to read this story now!!!! T^T it's absolutely fab by the way, I can so feel the impatience and yet hesistantcy(<--- is that a word?? XD) in wookie's situation here!! ^_^ it's so well portrayed:) another great fic unni! Keep it up and write more ne? ^^