Personal Message

​I'd love to be friends with anyone of you.

Please don't hesitate to drop me a line or send a request.

I'm not a scary person. ^^

About Me


About me?

Hm, I'm not the most interesting person in the world. Trust me.


​A brief description would be:

* I'm a dreamer;

* I love photography, creativity, and the little things.

* I write, I design, and I constantly f n g i r l .

* My mind tends to  w a n d e r  easily.

* I love the feeling when inspiration strikes, it's invigorating. 




Now I'm going to ramble. 


Here's how I function when it comes to being an author:

When an idea comes along, I write.

As long as the feeling to write is there, I'll keep going.

​No feeling, no writing. Simple.

​When I'm satisfied and the story is complete, I post it!

* ​Truth be told, I almost always have at least five different stories started.



And to quote: "That's all I have to say about that."

Is there anything you actually need to know about me?

If so, you can just ask. ^^