Magic Cane

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Seokjin p.o.v :



As I run away from the gangster that I accidentally crash into, I take a glance to see if he chase me and I immediately regret my choice. One person becomes ten of them. Seriously, I apologize and now you guys are chasing me like I’m a bear or something. 



Then, I hear the voices again. A sweet one, a girl voice. It sounds more softer than the voices I usually hear. The voice make my feelings calm down.



My instinct is strong as usual, of course I run to the voice. It leads me to this empty building and I hide there for a moment.  

I take a peek through the hanging door and the gangster still running, looking for me and run again to another path. 


I thank my luck for this. 



“Hi there” a voice said to me behind my back. 


I squeak like a terrified cat and turn around to see who it was.


I fall when I saw the lady. 


“Please, don’t do anything to me” I begged.


“What the hell are you talking about?” She said.


I was surprise at her response. she won't do anything to me? thank god. feeling relieved, I scanned her from the head to the toe. she was wearing a really old trashy clothes, her white hair is messy, her pants looks baggy and her slipper was.. okay.her face have wrinkles, very pale but her smiles is really sweet. she's holding a wooden cane to support her wal. i'm actually terrified but she ask me if she needed my help as she lend me a hand. 


“Thank you and may I add this? You look so sweet when you smile” I suddenly said.


“Your welcome and oh my, what a compliment. Thank you but may I ask why you look worried and panic when you saw me?” She ask.


“Sorry about that, I’m just really scared” I explained.


“I understand. Dear sweet guy, do you want to help me?” The old lady suddenly request. 


“What do you want me to do?” I curiously ask.


“Follow me” She said as she started to lead the walk. She’s going to the elevator.


“It’s still working?” I ask.


“It’s magic, you see” She laugh.


I laugh as well. There's no way it's magic but isn't this place is empty? It's probably disown. Who paid for the bill? I look up at the numbers going up and shake my head to make me concentrate more on what's going on then what's in my mind. Why am i such a thinker? 


We finally go out and the number we’re going into is on the 11th floor.


It's a big room but the color paint is blurring, the sofa and tables are pretty much broken, pictures and painting frames are upside down. I don't even know what the room is for. Despite all the disastrous in this room, there's a huge mirror that fits in the entire wall. It's pretty in a good shape too, not even a dust lay there. Aren't that a little bit odd? 


“Child, I need you to help me” She suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.


“What is it?” I ask.


She turn the painting frame to the normal view and suddenly, the right wall open. She pull my hand and we go there together. It’s a secret room.


“Do you see the cane there?” She point the thing out.



“I see” I replied.


“Grab that thing for me. It’s mine but I can’t reach it and no one wants to help me before you came” She said.


Feeling pitied for the lady, I started to walk to the cane. The cane is in a higher place. It’s in a glass square box, lik

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Bunnyhead26 #1
Chapter 7: Please continue this story is sooo good to read!!!!!!
Chapter 5: the story is getting intersting,Many thing that i'm curious and want to know more about this story
well update soon:)
Chapter 4: the reflection is seokjin when he was Teenager?
Chapter 3: "Why is it pink?"I'm laugh when reading this part.Hahahaha
Chapter 1: Nice start for the first chapter :)
illymaisara #6
Sounds good..looking forward to it