Chat love story~

Simply Xiuhan

[A/N]I haven't updated in so lonog(as usual), I'm very sorry for that. I have no motivation to write fanfics nowadays and I have more motivation to rage on League of Legends than this. Please forgive me~ Anyways, I always include this chat session in my fanfics as an addition so here you go!

Image result for xiuhan

-XiuBaozi joined the chat-

-LuDeer joined the chat-


10:51 A.M.


|LuDeer|Hello my little Baozi~

|XiuBaozi|: Hello LuHan!

|LuDeer|: How is my lovely cute bun doing ;)?

|XiuBaozi|: ///-/// I'm doing fine! Thanks for worrying...

|LuDeer|: Of course. I wan't to give everything to my loved one ^^.

|XiuBaozi|: Oh ///-///.

|LuDeer|: Are you blushing? How cute ^^.

|XiuBaozi|: ///-/// that's not fair, you can see me blushing because you're sitting right next to me. Why are we texting each other when we are next to each other???

|LuDeer|: Well it's because I want you to experience my cheesy texts beforehand so you would'nt die from all the cheese if you get them out of nowhere ;).

|XiuBaozi|: Ah~ but why would I die from cheese?

|LuDeer|: Oh, you're so cute! Well you'll fiknd out sooner or later. Btw I'm adding someone to this chat.

|XiuBaozi|: Ok. What's Btw by the way?

|LuDeer|: *facepalms* it means by the way.

|XiuBaozi|: By the way what?

|LuDeer|: Nevermind, you'll find out sooner or later. I'm going to add the friend k?

|XiuBaozi|: Of course!


-LuDeer added DaeNo-


|LuDeer|: Hey DaeDae!

|XiuBaozi|: DaeDae?

|DaeNo|: Sup.

|XiuBaozi|: Chen?!

|DaeNo|: Hyung?!

|LuDeer|: You guys know each other? Acquaintances?

|XiuBaozi|: Yes.

|DaeNo|: Yeah...

|LuDeer|: Oh, what a coincidence. How do you guys know each other?

|XiuBaozi|: We were childhood friends.

|DaeNo|: Yup.

|LuDeer|: Oh ok, that makes sense.

|DaeNo|: Hyung, you didn't tell me you had a phone. I was suprised becasue I noticed you by your name.

|XiuBaozi|: It was a gift from LuHannie. Oh, thanks again LuHan!

|LuDeer|: You're always welcome :).

|DaeNo|: Well I have to go work, bye ^^.

|XiuBaozi|: Have a nice day Dae ^^.

|LuDeer|: Yes, have a nice day.


-DaeNo left the chat-


|XiuBaozi|: Well that was suprising.

|LuDeer|: Well you want to see something more suprising?

|XiuBaozi|: I guess...

*LuHan pulls Minseok into a kiss in real life.*

|XiuBaozi|: ///-///

|LuDeer|: Wait, why are you blushing in the chat?

|XiuBaozi|: Because it's embarrassing ///-///.

|LuDeer|: Awwwwww~

|XiuBaozi|: ///-/// stop it~

|LuDeer|: I love you~

|XiuBaozi|: ...I love you too...///-///.


[A/N]: Whew, that was one roller coaster ride. It's literally 3:07 A.M. right now. I don't know why it took me so long just write this short chat. Anyways, as you can see. We have another addition, well not really an addiiton. He appeared during the first chapter and he is Jongdae, Minseok's childhood friend. His chat username is |DaeNo| which is Jongdae and Dino combined. I hope I don't get bashed for this lol. Well I have a second part coming up and please check out my Sugakookie fanfic called "Hold me tight." It includes a lot of cheating, angst, and comfort. Yeah, that kind of . Hope no one gets offended by my swearing. Maybe I should put a warning up. Anyways, I'll update the second part tonight, so please be excited. Bye~





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Chapter 2: Please update and also make it longer. It's interesting
Chapter 1: Xiuhan....and that's it! Especially cute and y Minseok! For you too? Then go for it and write your Xiuhan story! I'll try to wait with patience for the next chapter.....
Chapter 1: Yay! So jongdae is going to have a big part in this story huh? Interesting~
I liked the description, and I hope you haven't given up on this story! I think it could turn out really great.