Simply XiuHan and a new addition

Simply Xiuhan

Hello! Sorry for alwasy updating late and making you guys wait TT-TT. I deeply apologize, but I have an excuse! I am busy becasue of exams and thank you to the 13 subscribers I have. I only just started and yet  still have poeple supporting me. Anyways, ignore all the sappy and lemme give a music choice. Music choice: Eat - Zion.T

Notice: There will be many switchings of the point of views in this chapter.


Minseok's P.O.V.

I felt something shaking next to me and thinking it was my imagination, I ignored it. After another minute of shaking, I finally opened my eyes to see LuHan laying next to me without a blanket and shivering. I quickly took the duvet and layed it on top of him so the warmth would envelop our bodies. However LuHan was still shivering and I contemplated what to do. I ended up hugging him and suprisingly, it worked. After he stopped shivering and he had relaxed, I soon realize the position we were in. I took a quick look at my surroundings noted that it wasn't anywhere that I could remember. 

'Am I in LuHan's house?' I smiled nad layed back down. I leaned closer and closer to LuHan and the next moment, my lips were on his. I leaned back and went to sleep, staring at LuHan as I slowly drifted off. 

LuHan's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and tightly closed them back down because of the sudden brightness attacking my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes once again and adjusted them to the light. I felt something or someone hugging me and I opened my eyes to see a cute little baozi hugging me. I smiled and carressed Minseok's face, then to his hair, the to his lips. Oh his lips, they're so tempting. I leaned in and mended my lips into his, Oh how they fit so perfectly. Something suddenly interrupted the kiss and I see a white ball of fluff in my face. 

"Hi Lily, good morning." (A/N I could literelly imagine this and I'm slowly dying TT-TT.) 

Lily started barking and jumping on the bed.

"Hey stop doing that." I pulled Lily to my lap.

I got up and got ready for school and placed a note next to Minseok for when he wakes up. 

"Lily! Come here." Lily walked up to Minseok and layed next to him. She purred and slowly fell asleep. I chuckled at the sight and started to walk out.

*School starts*

"DINGGG DONGGG DINGGG DONGGG!!!!" (A/N: Okay, I don't know how to make a sound of a school bell so yeah, my version of it XP.)

-Third Person View-

LuHan sat in his seat as he tapped and thought about Minseok. His lips, how they part and close when sleeping. How his eyes sparkle when he's happy. How he pouts when he's disappointed. He thinks about everything.

"LuHan, mind if you answer this? What is the answer to {e4x cos 5x dx = Re [{e4x (cos 5x + i sin 5x) dx]?" The teacher suddenly pulls me out of my dreamland with a question.

"The answer is 4 cos 5x + 5sin 5x / 41 * e4x + c." I quickly guessed the answer so I could get this over with, but I suddenly see the whole class, including the teacher stare at me in awe. I looked back at the teacher in confusion and to look for an answer.

"How did you get this question correctly Mr.Xi?" The teacher asks dumbfoundedly.

"I guessed."

"No way can you get that question correct with guessing sir, this is the hardest math problem ever made in history." 

"Well I guess I got lucky. You can continue on with the class." LuHan said, obviously annoyed.

Minsoek's P.O.V.

The room was pitch black when I opened my eyes and I panicked, but I quickly recollected myself nad remembered that I was still in LuHan's room. There was suddenly somehting wet on my face and I turn around to see a silloute of some sort of animal. Then I felt somehting wet again and noticed that it was me. I reached out to pet it and through the fur. It leaned in and purred. 

'A purr? It must be a cat. Never knew LuHan owned a cat.'

My stomache suddenly growled and I got up, taking the cat with me and seached for the light. After a good 10 minutes of searching for the lights, I felt a bump underneath my fingers and I clicked it. The room suddenly lit up and i winced at the pain that it had induced to my eyes. I opened my eyes back open and found the door knob. Before reaching out to it, LuHan's cat suddenly started rubbing against me with something in his/. I took it out and started reading it.

-------Hey Minseokie! I had to leave for school, so that is why I'm not home. The food is on the table outside, make sure to heat it up! I will be home at 8:00pm okay? So wait for me and don't leave the house. I love you <3.---------- [End of note]


I blushed at the sudden confession at the end of the note. I turned the knob of LuHan's door and peeked out. The interior of the house looked similar to an apartment complex. I found a table with a bowl and silverware neatly placed next to the bowl. I walked over to it and opened the cover. The aroma attacked my nose and it was absolutely splendid! Inside the bowl was Bibimbap and I loved it because my grandmother had always made it for me. I hurriedly took the bowl to the microwave and heated it up for 3 minutes.

*3 minutes later*

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The microwave rang loudly as I skipped towards it. I sat down and took a mouthful of the Gochujang mixed with rice and some of the toppings. I felt as if I was in heaven.

I sighed and rubbed my stomache, 'This must be the true sensation.' 

After finishing the homemade Bibimbap, I cleaned the bowl and entered the living room. The cat had followed along and I took it in my arms. I dropped down on the couch and after 30 minutes of petting, I started to feel drowsy and I decided to sleep. Then Minsoek entered dreamland.

LuHan's P.O.V.                 

I groggily got out of my car and turned the engine off. I walked into the condo after putting in my password of the safety lock. I dropped my bag and took off my shoes as I walked inside the familiar place. I looked around for any signs of a white furball or maybe even a baozi around and I see a baozi snuggled into the couch with a white furball in his arms. Exactly what I was looking for.

"Minseokie~" I sang.

The mop of hair started o rise and voila! There is the disheveled Minseokie! I chuckled at the view.

"Come here." I raised my arms to signal for a hug.

The disheveled boy paddled towards me and landed in my arms. I started to rock back and forth continuously and soon enough, I hear snores come from under me. I smiled and carried the sleeping boy bridal style towards my bed. I layed him under the duvet and tucked him in. I started to change my clothes because I was too lazy to enter the shower. I slid under the duvet with Minseokie after changing and cuddled with him. I spooned him and went into dreamland. 


Yay I finished XD! Hpe you guys liked it! I would totally love it if you guys introduced some new ideas so I could write them down. Also, I would like to add some new ships. Comment your choices plz, thank you! Bye~


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Chapter 2: Please update and also make it longer. It's interesting
Chapter 1: Xiuhan....and that's it! Especially cute and y Minseok! For you too? Then go for it and write your Xiuhan story! I'll try to wait with patience for the next chapter.....
Chapter 1: Yay! So jongdae is going to have a big part in this story huh? Interesting~
I liked the description, and I hope you haven't given up on this story! I think it could turn out really great.