
Simply Xiuhan

Sorry for not updating. I intend to make this chapter as long as I can :).

Music choice: Close - Nick Jonas

Luhan's P.O.V.

I held Minseok's hand as if my life depended on it. I breathed heavily as I prayed for Minseok to be okay. I paused and looked at Xiumin. The setting sun gave off an orange scenery and it enhanced Minseok's features. His prominent lips, his his sunken in cheeks, his eye bags, his dark circles, his pained expression. Why does he look so pained? I gripped his hands and tears slowly fell from my eyes. Is this what sadness feels like? It feels horrible. I jumped when a voice broke through the quiet room.

"Are you Mr.Xi?" The doctor asks as he held a pen and a clipboard.

"Yes I am."

"Would you like to know the reason why the patient Kim Minseok had fainted?"

"Yes I do."

"Well, he fainted due to low blood pressure and exhaustion. Do you know about this?" The doctor asks, getting ready to write notes.

"No I don't. I have just meet him. I was very perplexed when this event happened, but do you know if he's okay?"

"Yes, he just needs rest and we might need to prepare an IV drop for him since he might not be able to eat in this condition."

"Okay, thank you sir."

Minseok's P.O.V. 

I opened my eyes to see black. Where am I? I adjusted my eyes and I saw a silouette next to me. my hand twitched as I realized that ot was Luhan and he was holding my hand. Am I in the hospital? Why-

Flashbacks flooded my vision and my face heated up. So I fainted? Oh my god. That is so embarrassing. I slowly slid my hands out from under Luhan's grip and slowly got up to turn on the lights until I felt something grab my arm.

"Don't go. Stay with me." Luhan mumbled, still having a grip on my arm.

I stayed in place, clearly still in shock until I got myself together and sat back down. I held his hands and pulled my knees up to my chest. I took a close look at Luhan. He was beautiful. The moonlight embraced his features. He looked so peaceful. What is this feeling? I stayed in place listening to our heartbeats synching.

"Why do you make me feel this way?" I said quitely.

"Because I love you. Ever since our first encounter." Luhan said as he opened his eyes and looked straight at me.

I stood still with eyes and mouth wide open still baffled from his bluntness. Luhan suddenly grabbed my chin and began to close the gap between us until we heard a cough. We simultaniously looked at the person standing at the doorway. Thank god, it was only the nurse.

"I came to refill your IV drop."

"Oh ok." I stayed shocked for the hundredth time.

"You guys look cute by the way." The nurse said as she slyly smiled and left.

We stayed in silence until a laugh broke the silence. Then I began to laugh as well, reviewing the situation that happened not too long ago. Luhan pinched my cheeks as I smiled, feeling only joy and peacefulness. But that feeling will soon disappear once I go back home. I want this feeling to last forever but it won't.

"Do you have a phone minseokie?" Luhan asks.


"Hmm... I'll be right back. Wait for me okay?"


I wonder what he's going to do. Maybe it's something urgent. Or maybe he's meeting someone. I shook the thought way and looked for something to do. I spotted a small bookshelf in the corner and reached out for a random book. The title was "Until We Meet Again" by Renee Collins. The title was a bit cliche, but something about it made me interested. By the time I was done the book, Luhan was back and was gazing at my face with a bag in his hand. It startled me, but I still kept my composure.

"You're back?"

"Yeah. Here, I got you a phone since you didn't have one."

"Wait what? We literelly just met and yet you're giving me a phone. i can't accept it. I have nothing to repay you with and-" 

"Keep it and use it. I added my number and call me if anything happens again okay?"

"Alright." I opened the box holding the phone and stared at it. I was amazed since I have never had a phone and had no use of having connections. 

"Are you not a fan of Apple products? Crap, I should've asked you f-"

"I love it."


"I like it a lot!"

Luhan stared at me with a shocked expression, but it soon turned into a smile.

"I'm glad you like it."

The nurse walked in once again and announced that I could be discharged and told me to take better care of myself or else I would faint again. After that, I changed to my school uniform and walked out with luhan.

"I'll drive you home." Luhan declared.

"You don't have to."

"No, in your condition you won't be able to go home alone alone. Plus it's very late and it would be dangerous."

He does have a point, but father can't see me with him. I'll have to give a useless excuse if he does see me with him. Maybe I'll tell Luhan to drop me off at my work place. Yes, that's right. And I can walk from there.


"Let's go then." Luhan took my hand and lead us to his car that I did not now existed. 

Luhan started the car and the engine revved up. When I reached up to fasten the seatbelt, Luhan had also reached over and he fastened it for me. I looked up to his eyes and he also looked down to my eyes. We stared at each other for a long 10 minutes until a car beeped at us waiting for Luhan's car to move out so it can take the parking spot. Luhan smiled at me and got back to his seat and started to drive out. 

"Where do you live?"

I expected this question to come out, but I still haven't found a decent answer to it. So I stayed silent contemplating what I should tell him.


"Oh um... I live near the cafe at *** rd. Can you drop me off there?"

"Hm...alright, but be careful going to your house okay? I don't want anything happening to you."

"Okay." But Luhan wouldn't know what would happen to me when i arrive home. 

I want to say something, but I can't risk him getting in danger. I can't tell him to save me. I also can't tell him to protect me. I don't want to cause harm. I stared at him with saddened eyes and turned back before it got too wierd. In turn, I looked out the window and I saw rain dropplets fall on the window. It expresses my feelings. How coincidential. 

"This won't do, I'll have to drive you home."

"No you can't!" Luhan looked suprised. "I'm sorry for shouting, but you can't."

"If it's that bad, then okay. But I'm afraid you'll get sick from the rain. Your condition would get worse if you do." Luhan handed me a jacket and an umbrella. "Take this okay. I don't want risk you getting sick." Luhan looked at me with a worried expression. "Are you sure youll be alright?"

"I'll be fine, but why are you doing this much for me?"

"Because I love you." The car stopped and Luhan closed the gap between us and collided his lips on mine lightly. I closed my eyes and leaned in to cause more friction. The kiss sent electric sparks though my whole body. Somehow I wanted more. I craved for it and I wanted Luhan to be close to me forever. This feeling was intense. I knew i couldn't stay with Luhan forever, but his feeling wouldn't go away. Moments later, we seperated and stared into each other's eyes desperately. Though we knew this wouldn't last, we continued.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I tried to old back my tears, but failed miserably. Luhan wiped my tears away and leaned in for one last kiss and it lasted slightly longer. After we seperated, I had no choice but to see him off. I took my things and put on the jacket that Luhan gave me.

"Thank you Luhan for doing this. I will never forget your deed.  I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye."

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow. Be careful."

"Okay." I turned around and my legs rejectingly wouldn't budge, but I still managed to walk away. I gripped my collar tightly as I walked with a fast pace. Once I reached the front of the awfully familiar building my legs foze, knowing what will happen next. Minseok braced himself as he reluctantly opened the old door. 

*Third person*

As soon as Minseok entered, a glass bottle was thrown oh so close to his head. Minseok jumped and covered his head. He expected another bottle to be thrown, but there wasn't. He looked up to see a huge and buff man standing right in front of him, shadowing his small figure. Minseok has never seen this man before out of the many "friends" that his father brought over. Minseok shivered as he felt the man's breath ghosting over his skin. His knees started to shake and he fell on the ground as he felt hands go his jacket to reveal his skim figure. Then Minseok heard the sound of glass clashing with something unfamilier and the man that was in front of him fell to the ground. Blood started to pool underneath the man's head. Minseok looked up and saw a person that he did not expect to be there.

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Chapter 2: Please update and also make it longer. It's interesting
Chapter 1: Xiuhan....and that's it! Especially cute and y Minseok! For you too? Then go for it and write your Xiuhan story! I'll try to wait with patience for the next chapter.....
Chapter 1: Yay! So jongdae is going to have a big part in this story huh? Interesting~
I liked the description, and I hope you haven't given up on this story! I think it could turn out really great.