chapter xii

denial is not just a river in egypt

“I’ll wait outside,” Wonsik muttered as Hakyeon knocked on 513’s door, backing off a bit down the corridor. “When Taekwoon hyung passes you the vacuum I’ll help you carry it back from here.”

Hakyeon gave him a look as the sounds of Taekwoon undoing the lock from the other side of the door came through the wood. “You can’t avoid Hongbin forever.”

Wonsik turned and moved off further down the corridor, muttering something that sounded like ‘watch me’.

Hakyeon disappeared into the apartment, the door closing softly behind him, and Wonsik tried not to look awkward standing doing nothing in the middle of the fifth floor corridor. A few minutes feeling silly were nothing compared to the colossal disaster that bumping into Hongbin in his own house would have been, however, so Wonsik was prepared to power through it. Only, of course, the ‘few minutes’ Wonsik and any other normal person would have thought it would take for Hakyeon to go get the vacuum Taekwoon had helpfully agreed to lend them because theirs was mysteriously spoilt (it was Wonsik’s fault, actually, but he’d be ed upside-down before he’d confess it to Hakyeon) was of course equivalent to roughly ten to fifteen minutes of Hakyeon Time – god knew what he was doing in there, and Wonsik was starting to sweat. The further away from Hongbin’s apartment and Hongbin he was the calmer and easier life would be. Imagine if right that moment -

Right that moment, the lift dinged, releasing Hongbin into the fifth level corridor looking flushed and healthy after his morning run. He came to an abrupt halt when he saw Wonsik hanging around shiftily outside his apartment; one hand lifting unconsciously to his hair, fringe sweaty and tousled by the wind before he caught himself and forced his arm down. He was making the patented alarmed ‘eyes as wide as dinner plates’ face Wonsik usually liked to about – that that face would scare whatever was scaring Hongbin even more than it was actually scaring Hongbin - but right now Wonsik was willing to bet that both of them were feeling roughly the same amount of ‘Oh, ’.

“Wonsik,” Hongbin found his voice first, and Wonsik swallowed.

“Hey.” Wonsik managed, his emotions roiling inside him so terribly he had no idea how he was supposed to feel. Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Nervous? Excited? Hongbin looked so good. He always looked so good, even sweaty and wearing thick nondescript gym clothes. Nearly three weeks had passed since – that night, and he hadn’t heard a single word from Hongbin. For all he knew Hongbin had dropped off the face of the earth.

“How – how are you?” Hongbin asked, and then Wonsik could see the internal cringe that followed. The question hung heavy in the air between them, Hongbin quickly averting his eyes and studying Wonsik’s shoes.

“I’m good,” Wonsik lied smoothly, finding a little more equilibrium from seeing how uncomfortable Hongbin was. At least the bastard still had a conscience.

Hongbin nodded, trying to smile. “That’s good. Um -”

Wonsik looked at him, waiting, taking Hongbin in. He’d never gone three weeks without seeing Hongbin before – he imagined he could see the differences; thinner, maybe? Fringe finally long enough to fall into his eyes, needs a haircut – and then felt a twinge of amazement at how delusional he was.

“How’s things with Jaehwan going?”

Wonsik could see Hongbin swallow, his lips nervously after the question, and he wracked his brain trying to figure out what Hongbin meant by that – he shouldn’t be surprised, of course Hongbin would eventually find out – but the blood rising in his cheeks was too distracting. There was no threat in Hongbin’s face, no taunt or sneer in Hongbin’s voice – he was looking at Wonsik openly, still trying to smile, but Wonsik was blushing and hating himself for blushing. He didn’t want Hongbin to think – of all people he didn’t want to talk about Jaehwan with Hongbin –

“Fine,” Wonsik said finally, trying to think of a million better things to say but failing miserably. “Things are fine. Are you seeing anybody?”

Hongbin blinked at the sudden change of subject, and Wonsik was slowly becoming aware of the immense ridiculousness of the two of them conducting this tentative dance around each other outside Hongbin’s own house – did Hongbin think Wonsik had come to see him? What were they doing?

“I, uh. Not right – I mean,” Hongbin frowned, unable to get the words out properly and the instinct to lie to protect himself heavy on his tongue. “No. I mean – no. Not currently.”

“That’s new,” Wonsik blurted before he could decide what he really felt about it, and he really had meant it to come out light as a joke but even to his own ears it sounded nothing but bitter.

“Yeah,” Hongbin seemed to deflate. “Um, why are you-” he looked to his door and then to Wonsik, but Wonsik was saved – finally, after ten years – by Hakyeon emerging from 513 struggling with the old-fashioned vacuum he was carrying in his arms.

“Stupid Taekwoon wouldn’t even help m- oh, Bin,” Hakyeon said, coming up short and tone even shorter. “I wondered where you were.”

“Morning run,” Hongbin answered, gesturing down at his gym clothes. “Why are you taking our vacuum, hyung?”

“Ours broke,” Hakyeon answered curtly, nudging Wonsik to help him. “See you around, huh?”

The brush-off was so obvious even Wonsik felt like flinching at how cold Hakyeon was being – Hakyeon and Hongbin had never been close, but for Hakyeon to be so rude –

Hongbin seemed to be expecting it, however. He bowed slightly as Hakyeon passed, Wonsik having to keep up with Hakyeon because they were carrying the unwieldy vacuum together and Hongbin turned towards his still-ajar door as if he knew he’d been dismissed.

Wonsik twisted around before they entered the lift to catch a last glimpse of Hongbin going into his apartment, and the half-baked goodbye died on his lips with the closing of 513’s door.

“You okay?” Hakyeon asked once their own lift doors had closed and they were on their way to the first floor. Hakyeon was now looking at him softly, all the hard edges of a minute ago gone.

“Yeah,” Wonsik answered, giving Hakyeon a quick smile. “I’m okay.”


Sanghyuk heaved his bag of their costumes onto Taekwoon’s little dining table, Taekwoon eyeing it with so much apprehension and disapproval Sanghyuk wanted to smack him. So he did.

“Ow,” Taekwoon grumbled, sitting down beside Hongbin studying on the sofa and massaging his arm where Sanghyuk had hit him. Hongbin hid a smile in his textbook.

“We’ll get you dressed first,” Sanghyuk announced with a determinedly excited look on his face. “I’ve got your pants and blazer. And the tie. You have the white dress shirt I asked you to get ready?”

When Taekwoon didn’t move from the sofa Sanghyuk impatiently moved to pull him to his feet and Taekwoon quickly stood up on his own, fearing more violence.

“I’m doing this under protest,” he muttered on the way to his room with the other clothes Sanghyuk had shoved into his arms, the shirt in question already ironed and hung up to wait.

He got dressed dreading the outcome, but it looked like a normal school uniform in the end, if a bit strangely coloured – brown pants, green tie, dark grey blazer. It didn’t fit fantastically but it didn’t look weird at all, either, which Taekwoon was fervently thankful for.

“Here,” he said, opening the door to his room, and Sanghyuk clapped his hands delightedly at the sight of Taekwoon.

“Perfect! You’ve got sneakers for the shoes, right? Okay. Now I just need to do your hair.”

“What are you going to do?” Taekwoon asked suspiciously, Sanghyuk manhandling him over to the couch next to Hongbin again who was watching the whole proceedings with amused interest, studying forgotten. Sanghyuk stood in front of Taekwoon with a thoughtful look on his face.

“I know I’m not getting you into a wig so I just have to do my best with what I’ve got,” Sanghyuk murmured, half to himself as took out a comb from somewhere and began brushing Taekwoon’s hair straight down over his eyes.

“Kong hyung, you’ve got hair wax?”

Taekwoon grabbed Sanghyuk’s wrists and held them at bay, crazy anime hairstyles flashing through his mind even as Hongbin eagerly went to get the hair wax. He was surrounded by demons.

Hongbin came back in a flash – or Kong hyung, as Sanghyuk was now calling him permanently, Hongbin revelling in the nickname because ‘Sanghyuk is so cute, isn’t he, hyung?’ – and Sanghyuk patiently shook Taekwoon’s hands off.

“Relax, hyung. It’s nothing terrible. I’m wearing a wig!”

“How is that supposed to make me feel better?” Taekwoon complained bitterly, resignedly allowing Sanghyuk to start to work the wax into his fringe.

Sanghyuk worked quickly, hands gentle in Taekwoon’s hair, and he would have enjoyed the attention – he’d always enjoyed people touching his hair and running fingers through it – if not for the self-consciousness building up in the pit of his stomach and the anxiety of not knowing what Sanghyuk was working towards even though Hongbin was giving small noises of approval, looking between the photo on his phone Sanghyuk was using as reference and Taekwoon’s own hair.

Sanghyuk finished much faster than he expected, and Sanghyuk took his hand to lead him to the bathroom mirror to have a look at himself, Hongbin tagging along to see his reaction.

“See? Not that bad, right?” Sanghyuk urged, Taekwoon trying not to balk at his reflection. Sanghyuk had merely divided his fringe into three sections such that one part of his hair fell forward between his eyes, the hair wax defining the look. It didn’t look that weird, that was true, but Taekwoon groaned internally thinking of all the people who was going to be looking at him and asking him whom he was supposed to be. He was going to find a quiet corner and get drunk as fast as possible –

“Okay?” Sanghyuk was looking at him hopefully, waiting for an answer.

“Yeah, okay,” Taekwoon said, Sanghyuk’s answering smile so wide Taekwoon couldn’t help but smile grudgingly back.

“Great! Now it’s my turn,” Sanghyuk went off to get his costume and disappeared into the bathroom, Taekwoon retiring to the sofa to enjoy his last few minutes of peace. Hongbin settled down next to him once more, putting his feet in Taekwoon’s lap.

“What?” Taekwoon asked after a while, tone decidedly snappy. Hongbin had been grinning at him for the past minute or so, Taekwoon trying his best to avoid Hongbin’s eye, but Hongbin was wiggling his toes into Taekwoon’s thigh refusing to be ignored.

“Can I ask you something?” Hongbin said, still grinning.

“No,” Taekwoon retorted, knowing it wouldn’t do any good.

“When’s the wedding?”

Taekwoon threw Hongbin’s feet off his lap in answer, glaring. “Don’t you start. I’ve had enough of this from Hakyeon.”

Hongbin put his feet back undeterred. “So basically more than one person is telling you they’re getting decidedly couple-y vibes from the two of you?”

“Or you all are just ganging up on me as usual,” Taekwoon countered.

“Apart from the fact that Hyukkie’s been over here quiiiiiiite a fair bit recently-”

“He’s learning sight-reading! You know I promised to teach him how to play the piano!”

“What nonsense, hyung, yesterday he was over here eating ramyun and at no time did I see any sheet music-”

“We started after you left for your training,” Taekwoon said with dignity.

Sure. And after I distinctively remember you completely swearing off Halloween for the rest of your life after last year’s party, here you are once again.”

Taekwoon didn’t have a comeback for that because it was true. He’d sworn up and down that he was done with Halloween forever after the animal onesie debacle last year, but – here he was, once again.

Turns out he didn’t have to bother to come up with a reply because the sight of Sanghyuk coming out of the bathroom in his costume completely erased any higher-order thinking skills he may have possessed.

Sanghyuk was wearing only black full-leg swimming tights and an open sports jacket, with nothing on underneath – chest and stomach totally on display, showing off an impressively toned body that Taekwoon – and apparently Hongbin, judging from his reaction – had no idea Sanghyuk had been hiding all this time.

Hongbin whooped, getting off the sofa in a hurry in order to teasingly grab at Sanghyuk’s bare torso, Sanghyuk doubling over to save himself and laughing in embarrassment. There was completely nothing left to the imagination – the low-riding tights clung to him like a second skin, outlining long firm legs and a small but perky –

Taekwoon inhaled sharply and looked away, blinking fast. In the bag Sanghyuk had brought at the bottom there was still a pair of swim goggles and a shock of maroon hair – so not only was Sanghyuk going to be walking around the party practically he was also going to be red-haired. Wonderful.

Sanghyuk was reaching for the wig, and Taekwoon belatedly realised he was being spoken to.

“… The character, Rin, he actually has these really cool sharp teeth like a shark’s but obviously I can’t do those, so that’s just too bad. I had so much difficulty getting this outfit, hyung, you wouldn’t believe it. The jacket was selling online for seventy thousand won like I’d pay that kind of money for something I was just going to wear for only one night. But in the end I found someone to rent it from. The swim tights and goggles are my own and I have no idea how the wig’s going to look but let’s see-”

Hongbin was grinning at him again.


“Hurry up, hyung!” Sanghyuk urged, already power-walking ahead of Taekwoon, Taekwoon trying to look everywhere but at Sanghyuk because of how what he was wearing clung to his body. “It’s too cold, I’m not wearing a lot of clothes here.”

I KNOW, Taekwoon’s brain yelled back. “I told you to take a proper jacket,” he repeated, echoing the small argument they’d had back at the apartment; Taekwoon nagging and Sanghyuk resolutely refusing to bring along something warmer for the walk to the north dorm where the party was being held because he didn’t want to be lugging a jacket around the whole night. Hongbin had still been grinning at them when he’d seen them off, Taekwoon trying to simultaneously ignore Hongbin and strongly back away from analysing his own reaction to Sanghyuk in that outfit.

Taekwoon sighed at the thought of Hongbin; staying home alone on a night all of them by right should have been together.

They finally arrived, Sanghyuk forcing Taekwoon to hurry along with him so that they were more or less jogging. This year the dance crew had managed to secure one of the dorm canteens for the party, and the planning committee (which Wonsik was in) had pretty much outdone themselves doing up the place. Sanghyuk had been the one to get their tickets – usually Hongbin would have gotten them through Wonsik but clearly that was out of the question, this year, and Taekwoon wanted to put off giving Hakyeon the satisfaction of knowing Taekwoon and Sanghyuk were going together for as long as possible. Sungjae and Joy – apparently it was working out even better than Sanghyuk had predicted – were going on their own, Sungjae apparently not being interested in being distracted from the woman of his dreams for one second by anyone else, even his best friend.

Sanghyuk bounced a little on his toes, rubbing his hands together to warm them. The red wig he was wearing was absolutely ridiculous by Taekwoon’s standards – it was stiff and looked completely fake, but judging by the reaction of the dance crew girls at the ticket reception booth Sanghyuk had apparently done a good job. After handing over their tickets Sanghyuk tugged Taekwoon closer to him and the girls – all dressed as skeletons, and Taekwoon assumed Wonsik would be too – squealed in recognition.

“Oh, but if he’s Haru why aren’t you Makoto?” one asked, mischievous look on her face, a question that completely flew over Taekwoon’s head.

“No, Harurin over Makoharu any day,” another argued, and Sanghyuk laughed shyly, pushing Taekwoon ahead of him into the party hall.

“What were they talking about?” Taekwoon asked, and Sanghyuk just shook his head.

“Nothing important. Let’s go find Hakyeon hyung, I can’t wait to see what he looks like. Sungjae’s already here, too.”

Hakyeon – in his worry over what Sanghyuk would make him wear Taekwoon had almost forgotten Hakyeon was coming in drag. That was sure to cause a stir, considering Hakyeon never did things by halves. Taekwoon took out his phone and called Hakyeon, Hakyeon picking up excitedly and giving them directions to the back of the hall near the drinks and food booths.

“Did you really come as what you said you were going to dress up as?” Taekwoon asked, still on the phone as they made their way through the crowd, Sanghyuk also on the phone with Sungjae and holding on to the back of Taekwoon’s blazer in order not to lose him as they dodged in between people dancing and milling about, Taekwoon’s cheeks warming at the contact.

“Of course,” Hakyeon’s voice on the phone replied. “You’ll see soon enough. If I don’t win best costume tonight it’ll be a crime.”

Taekwoon ended the call and continued to lead Sanghyuk through the hall, aiming roughly for where Hakyeon had said he was. He could hear Sanghyuk close behind him arguing indignantly with Sungjae on the phone, Sungjae apparently refusing to meet up with them because he was afraid Sanghyuk would embarrass him in front of Joy. Taekwoon grinned as he listened – Sungjae was perfectly capable of embarrassing himself in front of Joy without Sanghyuk’s help.

“Idiot, I’m not going to ruin your chances. Do you think I want you hanging around me all my life? The moment you get married and start your own family I’ll be free of you. I’ll even lie to her to make you look better than you are – Yes, I will! What do you want me to say? Sure, no problem, I can do that. You were high school valedictorian and topped our class – yes, sure. Now come over to us, we’re all at the back near the drinks.”

Sanghyuk hung up and put his phone back into his jacket pocket, muttering ‘idiot’ under his breath but the press of people was so thick that he was close enough behind Taekwoon for Taekwoon to hear. His now-free hand joined the other, holding on to Taekwoon’s blazer so they looked like a little two-man train moving slowly, and the gesture was so cute Taekwoon almost – only almost – fully blushed.

They finally emerged from the madness right at the back of the hall, and the moment Taekwoon and Sanghyuk saw Hakyeon Sanghyuk threw his head back and shouted with overjoyed laughter, Taekwoon’s jaw dropping.

Hakyeon was standing with Jaehwan and Wonsik, Wonsik dressed as a skeleton just like the dance crew girls at the reception, probably to help recognition of the crew members amidst all the other costumes in case they were needed. Jaehwan and Hakyeon – honestly, Taekwoon had no words for this. Jaehwan was Ken, so he had his hair slicked up and back and he was wearing well-cut bermudas and a polo t-shirt with boat shoes, looking very much like the Korean version of the rich sorority-boy model all Ken dolls were apparently modelled after, down to the perfect thick eyebrows.

But Hakyeon - at least ninety percent of the people who walked past their little group were doing double-takes or even staring outright, because even though upon a closer look Hakyeon was clearly a boy he was also amazingly pretty – he was wearing a short sparkly dress and impossibly high heels Taekwoon had no idea he could even stand in much less walk in, and he had on a very pretty long curly brown wig he’d accessorised with a hairband. The fake eyelashes, red lips and the bra he was wearing all completed the look, and Wonsik was almost in tears at the look on Taekwoon’s face.

Sanghyuk was already over by Hakyeon, touching Hakyeon’s wig in awe while ignoring how Hakyeon was trying to tickle his bare stomach.

“This is crazy,” Taekwoon couldn’t help but say as he caught up with Sanghyuk. “You look – you look like a girl.”

“That’s kind of the point, Taek,” Hakyeon rolled his eyes, perfect eyeliner accentuating their shape.

“No, I mean,” Taekwoon struggled. “You really look like a girl.”

“I understand, hyung,” Wonsik said, patting Taekwoon on the shoulder. “That’s what I said too.”

“How is it you look so much like a girl?” Taekwoon was beginning to sound like a broken record, Jaehwan cracking up at him.

“I told you,” Hakyeon sniffed, supremely smug. “Have your socks been knocked off yet?”

“I’m not wearing any, but if I were they would be,” Taekwoon answered honestly, the compliment evident in his voice. Hakyeon beamed.

“Hey, do I need to step in here?” Jaehwan joked, putting a protective arm around Hakyeon. “Don’t make moves on my girl.”

“Hello everybody – whoa,” Sungjae’s voice came from behind them, Sanghyuk and Taekwoon turning around to see Sungjae and a pretty girl dressed as Pippi Longstocking draw up to them, Sungjae’s gaze fixated on Hakyeon. Hakyeon preened, flipping his hair over his shoulder. Sungjae – in an eye-catching suit of black and white stripes and hair sprayed white sticking up everywhere – cast an eye over all the rest of them. “Hakyeon hyung wins,” he declared flatly.

Joy was introduced to them one by one, and when she reached Sanghyuk and Taekwoon she giggled.

“Haru and Rin, right?” she said, grinning. “That’s so cute.”

“Why do I have the feeling only girls watch this anime of yours?” Taekwoon hissed at Sanghyuk later, after another group of girls all dressed in maid outfits had passed them, twittering and checking the two of them out.

“You probably wouldn’t be wrong, it’s all hot guys half most of the time,” Sanghyuk hummed, then laughed at the look on Taekwoon’s face. “I’ll be back, hyung, I have to go sell Sungjae to Joy like I promised.”

Taekwoon drifted back to Hakyeon, Jaehwan and Wonsik while Sanghyuk stood off to the side with Sungjae and Joy, watching Sanghyuk eventually begin to talk enthusiastically to Joy while Sungjae affected a look of humble modesty, shaking his head ever so often and putting a hand on Sanghyuk’s arm as if to try to stop him from saying whatever he was saying. Taekwoon snorted at the sight and was immediately elbowed in the stomach by Hakyeon.

So,” Hakyeon started, but Taekwoon did an about-turn, intending to walk away. Hakyeon and Jaehwan grabbed him all the same.

“So,” Hakyeon repeated, like nothing had happened. “You and the bae coming together, huh. Also the bae is wearing an extremely revealing costume.”

“Say ‘the bae’ one more time and you’re going to wake up tomorrow in the quad fountain,” Taekwoon threatened.

“Taekwoon,” Hakyeon said kindly, in a voice one reserved usually for small, illogical children and dumb animals. “It’s alright-”

Taekwoon set the drinks bar in his sights and shot off in that direction too fast to be grabbed again, hearing the three of them begin to laugh behind him as he walked off. Demons.

The night wore on, Taekwoon turning down pleas to dance in favour of drinking since the dance crew had managed to bring in his favourite beer among the three kinds that was on offer (a special favour from Wonsik? He wondered. Wonsik was generally sweet like that). He wasn’t the dancing kind to begin with anyway, not like the others all on the dancefloor right then. Jaehwan was dancing with Wonsik and Sanghyuk with a barefoot Hakyeon (he’d given up on his heels and had given them to Taekwoon to look after), Joy with Sungjae, all smiling and looking like they were enjoying themselves. It made Taekwoon warm inside to see it like a benevolent grandfather watching over his family.

Sungjae let Joy drag him back to Taekwoon, Joy collapsing into a nearby chair and fanning herself, beaming up at Sungjae when he offered to get her a drink to cool her down. It was so obvious the boy was smitten to the gills, and Taekwoon grinned to himself at the knowledge like it was a secret only he knew.

Sungjae returned with not only a drink for Joy but also for Taekwoon and himself, carefully balancing them and setting Taekwoon’s down next to him for when Taekwoon finished the beer he was currently drinking.

“Good kid,” Taekwoon said approvingly, Sungjae making a face at the word ‘kid’.

“If you call me ‘kid’ then I hope you call Hyukkie ‘kid’ too, since he’s two months younger than me,” Sungjae grumbled.

Taekwoon tried to ruffle Sungjae’s hair in response like he would to a real child, Sungjae ducking away with a whine as Taekwoon laughed.

The two of them watched their friends on the dancefloor as the song changed to something with a dirty pounding bassline, the crowd screaming their approval to the DJ. Taekwoon’s eyes flicked from Hakyeon who had playfully yanked Sanghyuk to him, to Wonsik and Jaehwan. Wonsik wasn’t meeting Jaehwan’s eyes as they danced closer, his usual fluid movements when he danced – Taekwoon always marvelled that it was the same gentle, awkward Wonsik who turned into someone so confident and y when he danced – becoming rather stilted and unsure as Jaehwan put his arms around Wonsik’s waist. Taekwoon raised an eyebrow.

Sungjae the Oblivious said, “Wow, look at Jaehwan and Wonsik hyungs. They look pretty good together.”

Taekwoon didn’t say anything, wondering if it was only if you knew Wonsik that you could see how self-conscious he was, dancing that close to Jaehwan, their faces mere inches apart.

“I wish Hyuk would hurry up and find someone, too,” Sungjae was continuing. “I mean, now that he knows he likes guys too he literally has so many more options. Look at me, I’m happily in love. I want him to be happy too,” he ended, looking sappily in Joy’s direction and not noticing Taekwoon’s look of intense surprise him.


“What?” Sungjae repeated, blinking. “I’m in love?”

“Not that,” Taekwoon said impatiently. “The part before that. About Sanghyuk.”

Sungjae thought for a while and then answered. “That he’s bi?”

“He told me he wasn't into guys,” Taekwoon prompted, and Sungjae finally seemed to realise he might have said something that wasn’t his place to say.

“Uh,” he said intelligently. “Yeah. Please forget I said anything?”

“Hm,” Taekwoon grunted thoughtfully, eyes going back to sweeping the dancefloor. Wonsik looked far less awkward now that him and Jaehwan had moved closer to Hakyeon and Sanghyuk to watch Hakyeon doing his best to dance up on Sanghyuk and Sanghyuk half-dying of laughter in the process. Taekwoon watched Hakyeon pull the sports jacket off Sanghyuk’s bare shoulders, Wonsik and Jaehwan running their hands over Sanghyuk just to see how flustered they could get him. Sanghyuk was struggling to get his jacket back on even while he moved together with Hakyeon, laughing so hard his eyes had disappeared into two little half-moons; Sanghyuk was a strange intoxicating mix of shy and shameless.

Hakyeon then turned his back to Sanghyuk’s front, putting Sanghyuk’s arms around his waist and moving them both into body rolls, Sanghyuk burying his face in embarrassment in Hakyeon’s wig even while his body followed Hakyeon’s; smooth waves, his hips bumping up against Hakyeon’s sequined-covered . Jaehwan and Wonsik wolf-whistled at them, yelling, one or two people around them also cheering in encouragement and others turning to look as well because of the commotion. Hakyeon was in his element with all the attention on him, and he finally graciously let Sanghyuk go once he was satisfied with the stir he had caused, Sanghyuk escaping from him to run red-faced and still laughing hard back to Sungjae and Taekwoon.

He barrelled into Taekwoon, hiding his face in Taekwoon’s neck in the heights of his embarrassment and Taekwoon in his shock stood there with his arms hanging in the air on either side of Sanghyuk’s body, Sanghyuk still giggling uncontrollably and Sungjae whacking him on the back for the display he’d just put on.

A low buzzing had started in Taekwoon’s brain, blocking out all other noise and sensation other than the feel of Sanghyuk’s body against his and the warm puffs of his breath against Taekwoon’s neck as Sanghyuk calmed down, his hands clutching at the back of Taekwoon’s blazer. There was nothing else but Sanghyuk in that moment – every place Sanghyuk was touching him was slowly gaining heat like little fires set in his skin, and when Sanghyuk finally pulled back and smiled down at Taekwoon, his cheeks flushed prettily and stupid wig slightly askew, Taekwoon’s heart belatedly started doing the rhumba.

Oh, . .


Jaehwan dusted off the stone step before Wonsik sat down next to him, Wonsik smiling a little at the gesture. The party was still going full swing inside the hall, but Wonsik was already exhausted since he’d been working to set up the place and finalise everything since last night. He’d danced his fill and drunk enough and now all he wanted was to sit down somewhere quiet and rest a bit before he had to go back in and see to whatever needed seeing to; he was glad he’d only ever have to serve on the Halloween party planning committee once in his college life because he wasn’t sure he could do this every year.  

“You should go home soon,” Jaehwan told him softly, the slight breeze coming in from the open door at the bottom of the stairwell they’d found temporary refuge in from the noise and the people very welcome.

“Like I can,” Wonsik shook his head. “I have to be around to take down everything – clean up – be here for the caterers to collect their stuff-”

“There’s more than enough of the other dance crew members around, they can do it,” Jaehwan argued.

“They’re all just as tired as I am,” Wonsik protested.

“Well, sorry, but I don’t care about them, I care about you,” Jaehwan said, and Wonsik blushed in the dim light. Jaehwan found it easy to say things like that – things so blatantly corny or cheesy that Wonsik hardly knew what to do with himself when Jaehwan said them. He leant his head on Jaehwan’s shoulder in acknowledgement of the sentiment – he should be able to do that, right? They were dating, weren’t they? – but after a moment sat up again, feeling awkward.

“Wonsik,” Jaehwan said, and Wonsik turned to him, expectant. “You’ve enjoyed yourself so far with me, haven’t you? These past weeks? Today?”

“Yes,” Wonsik answered, heart starting to beat a little faster at Jaehwan’s serious tone.

“I really like you.” Jaehwan took his hand and entwined their fingers in a way Wonsik was coming to find familiar, Jaehwan’s thumb slowly Wonsik’s index finger. Wonsik’s heart rate was picking up, distracting him with how hard it was beating. Wonsik swallowed. Was he supposed to say it back?

“I want to kiss you,” Jaehwan gently turned Wonsik’s face towards him. “I know this grubby staircase is really not the place for a first kiss – wait, this wouldn’t actually be our first kiss, would it?” he laughed, and Wonsik desperately tried to stop the slamming of his heart in his chest. “But you look so adorable in that skeleton costume. Or is it lame if I tell you first? Should I just do it?”

Wonsik tried to scoff at Jaehwan’s teasing about his costume but it came out more like a squeak, his vocal chords refusing to cooperate at the knowledge of the impending kiss. Their kiss during the drinking game all that time ago had been nothing – just for fun – it hadn’t meant anything, but this – if Jaehwan kissed him now and he let Jaehwan, if he kissed him back –

Jaehwan moved closer and Wonsik shut his eyes on instinct, Jaehwan’s hand on his jaw – when did his hand get there? – holding him gently in place before their mouths touched, Jaehwan kissing the same way Wonsik remembered from that night. Soft, slow, good, sweetly coaxing Wonsik into parting his lips so Jaehwan could taste him. At the back of his mind behind the wild beating of his heart Wonsik registered that this was kissing that could undo him, if he’d never been kissed by anyone better –

“Wonsik,” Jaehwan sighed against his lips, and Wonsik flinched, eyes flying open.

Jaehwan pulled back, concern on his face, and Wonsik closed his eyes again, leaning his forehead against Jaehwan’s in utter resignation while wanting to scream and cry and crawl into a hole and never ever come out. Everything inside him sank down to his feet, leaving him feeling drained and nothing but exhausted.

Jaehwan cradled Wonsik’s face in his hands and Wonsik sighed, feeling desolate and like there weren’t enough words to explain and apologise. “I’m sorry, hyung.”

“I think I have a good idea why,” Jaehwan murmured, tipping Wonsik’s face up to his. “Hongbin?”

Wonsik’s eyes widened before he pursed his mouth, supposing he really was that transparent. “I’m sorry, hyung. I just need more time to really get over him, then we can-”

“Or maybe you just don’t actually like me back,” Jaehwan said gently, and Wonsik snapped up, ready to protest. “Wonsik, stop. It’s okay.”

“No, hyung, I-” Wonsik tried again, but Jaehwan shook his head.

“Look, I’m sorry too, okay? I think I knew from the start you were just going along with it to try and move on from Hongbin but I liked you too much to stop seeing you. But it’s obvious, Wonsik. You get jumpy when I touch you, when we get too close.”

Wonsik looked down at his feet, feeling awful. “I really tried, hyung.”

“I know,” Jaehwan said, softly running his fingers through Wonsik’s messy fringe. “And I shouldn’t have let it continue.”

“I’m so sorry,” Wonsik mumbled, guilt pressing a heavy weight on his chest. “I didn’t mean to use you, that wasn’t what this was about, I really thought I could – like you, develop feelings for you. I already liked you so much. Please don’t hate me, hyung.”

“Stupid,” Jaehwan said, flicking Wonsik’s ear. “I don’t hate you.”

“Things were so perfect, too,” Wonsik said after a few moments of silence, feeling like he could cry. “You took me to places I loved even without me having to tell you, and you just knew what I liked to eat – I mean maybe you asked Hakyeon hyung, but everything was so perfect. Like you just knew. You were perfect and I just screwed it all up.”

“Uh, about that,” Jaehwan began, drawing back a little as if he was nervous. “Someone told me what you liked, and where to bring you, things to do that you would enjoy. I didn’t magically know by myself.”

“Hakyeon hyung?” Wonsik asked, raising his head. “Well, that makes me feel a little bit better, actually.”

“Not Hakyeon hyung,” Jaehwan shook his head.

“Then who?” Wonsik frowned, confused. “The only other person who would know-”

Jaehwan nodded. Wonsik froze.

“Hyung,” Wonsik said slowly. “The person I was going to say that would know is Hongbin. But that’s not who you meant, right?”

“It is Hongbin,” Jaehwan said, and when Wonsik pulled back in his confusion Jaehwan quickly took his hand. “Wonsik, listen to me-”

“What the hell do you mean Hongbin told you?” Wonsik demanded, pulling his hand out of Jaehwan’s grasp. “After what he did – why would he tell you?”

“He said he wanted you to be happy, Wonsik, so I guess in his way he tried to help me with you?” Jaehwan pleaded.

Happy?” Wonsik exploded. “Happy?

“Wonsik, calm down,” Jaehwan said firmly, but Wonsik was already getting to his feet and taking the stairs downwards two at a time, leaving Jaehwan sitting alone on his step once Wonsik rushed out the door below them.

Jaehwan sighed and leaned his head against the wall. Alcohol to soothe the rejection, then a nice long bath at home to make things alright with the world, but first –

Jaehwan slipped out his phone, thinking it was only right he sent out a warning.

-Angry Wonsik possibly headed your way. Sorry :3


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Chapter 16: Ahhhh.. its over will miss you huhuhu luck is life ... loverboy or bae is really suit hyuk very much.. tq mother N
I've read this a bout five times, and as an avid Leohyuk lover, I can say this is indeed my favourite fic
SangoBongo #3
Chapter 16: This was SO GOOD! Your writing is seriously fantastic and your sense of humor is hilarious. I love that you incorporated multiple ualities in this fic. Representation is hella important and you did such a good job with it, thank you! This is definitely something I'll be rereading!! :)
Chapter 16: i also love how you made hongbin as taekwoon's baby brother, well sort of and everyone is well aware of it
Chapter 16: I can't believe I spent my whole holiday reading this, it's so good.
Chapter 16: did I just reread this entire story in one sitting? Yes, because I love it and missed it that much. I enjoyed it just as much as the first time I read it, and Im sure it won't be long before I'm back to read it again! Thank you again for writing this ^^
Chapter 16: Oh my. It's 4:46 in the morning as I finish this and I am dead. Dead, dead, dead. I began reading this simply because of Leohyuk, but I enjoyed the Rabin immensely too. I'm so dead, oh my goodness. Thank you for writing this beauty of a story. Thank you.
diamondacequeen #8
Chapter 16: i absolutely adored every moment of reading this fic omg. it was so well written and i couldn't get enough of the character interactions. the kenvi had me clutching my chest because i knew it wouldn't end happily for them but damn it they were so cute! i'm glad hongbin was actively trying to be better for himself and for wonsik. watching him lie like that hurt more than the knowledge that kenvi couldn't be together lol. and i LOVED the leobin. taekwoon was the best hyung for hongbin and he needed him. it was so great. i also loved how protective hakyeon was over wonsik. i feel like that was the blatant opposition to hongbin's actions that we needed. ah, i just really, really loved reading this. it was so fun. loved every bit of it!
Kat_Starlight #9
Chapter 16: I don't know what to say, this story gave me so many feels >-< omg when Taek asked if he was to late omg I sobbed ;---; so totally in love with this story, you write so really!! My luck feels are all over the place right now ^___^
rereading because i love this story so much. out of curiosity, would you ever consider writing a short sequel or an epilogue of sorts? :O i'd read it in a heartbeat!<3