baby baby


from this prompt: VIXX babysitting Minyoolie for a couple of days. Taekwoon learning how to share his precious nephew. Jaehwan imitating everything cute the baby does and still failing to get as many cuddles.


Minyul is nine months old here. That reference where Hakyeon asks Sanghyuk whose baby he is is something Jeonghan of Seventeen says to Dino, and I find it so cute I had to include it.


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leeleeloveskpop #1
Chapter 1: So cute and funny
VelvetDiamond #2
Chapter 1: This was so cute! My goodness!
Chapter 1: Lololololol this story is funny! And Han sanghyuk! What are you doing with the baby toy car?! Haha
Tweets #4
Chapter 1: Oh my gawd! I like your story XD
Seriously no one ken defeat Kennie's adorkableness.