Little BC

I'll B There To C You


Lol wtf with the title. But here 4+k words as a sequel for 'I'll B There To C You'. A bit angst at the beginning, but don't worry I'm a fan of fluff. Btw, this contains my other otp moment + intern V + sour gummy bear + brownies + Aeri?

Don't forget to leave a comment if you love this ^^

ps: Happy New Year 2016!




Baekhyun takes off his stethoscope and wraps it around his neck as he smiles down to the patient laying before him. “You’re breathing fine, sir. It seems your body accept the new heart just well”  

“R-really?”, an elderly woman besides the patient asks, and Baekhyun nods, showing his eyes smile again.

“Yes, halmeoni. But your son need to stay here for another week at the least until we could be sure of it, hurm?”

AigooAigoo…”, the woman takes Baekhyun’s hands into hers and squeezes them. “Thank you, doc. Thank you for saving my brat here. I owe you. Only the heaven could repay your kindness”

Baekhyun grins sheepishly as he shoots a don’t-you-dare look at the interns who are joining him in the ward round as they start to look at him funny.

Well it’s not like he hasn’t get used to this kind of thing, however Baekhyun dislikes having to face it lately. To top it all, he realizes that many people come to the hospital and demand for his service ever since—

“Oh right! I watched the TV yesterday. Your Sehunnie is so adorable. The twins too!”

—his husband, Korea’s popular chef celebrity Park Chanyeol, along their 3 kids be the new cast in The Return of Superman.

Baekhyun feels like crying when he remembered that he was the one who suggested his husband to get on the show. Now, of course people come to him to get treated, but he is slowly seen as the middle person between the fans and his kids. At first, Baekhyun welcomed them with open arms to save Chanyeol and their boys’ image, yet the huge amount of gifts and cookies left by those fanatic fans in his office make him think otherwise lately.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Byun. My mom is a big fan of your sons especially your eldest”

Baekhyun shifts his gaze to his patient and shakes his head lightly. “No, it’s okay”, he replies, still all smiley, though anyone who is close to him could notice how force his smile at the moment.

“Isn’t it?”, the elderly woman grabs Baekhyun’s hands once again as she says. “Then… can I bring the sweaters I knit for the boys tomorrow? You can accept them, can’t you?”

“Mom, please don’t”

“Shut up. Besides, Dr. Byun won’t mind. Right, doc?”

“No”. But the single word get stuck on his throat as he sees that hopeful look on the older’s face. Baekhyun can’t help but flashing a smile towards her in the end, even it comes out so awkward.

“I… would love it, halmeoni











The next morning


“Mama, look! This sweater has Seojunnie’s name on it!”

“Wah! Mine as well! Oh… Sehunnie hyung’s too!”




Baekhyun hums with a disgruntled sigh as he nibbles on his toast. His family were having breakfast together just now when all of his 3 sons decided to abandon their food after he told the boys that there’s a present coming from a fan for them.

Great. He is sure his Sehunnie and the twins love the taste of their newfound popularity.

“What with the long face?”

Baekhyun looks up from his now empty plate and meets his husband’s face. He feels his heart skips a beat as he looks at the latter’s handsome face then. Even with such messy morning hair, Baekhyun wonders how his husband could still be that attractive.

His mind suddenly went to the last month’s event when he overheard a group of nurses gushing over Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol-nim is so good looking. I felt blessed turning to KBS yesterday”

“Me too! Handsome, tall, rich and gifted. Ah… why is he so perfect?”

“I know right? And he has 3 kids. He must be very strong”

“Yah yah what did you mean?”

“Geez don’t act innocent, . I knew you drooled over his guns when he lifted Seoeon and Seojun on the go”

And their sickly laugh after that made him leave the scene, both in rush and frustrated. He swears when he asked Chanyeol to join The Return of Superman, he didn’t ask for women to ogle him all the time. Heck what if his husband secretly likes the attention?

“Why did you stare at me like that?”

“Like what?”, Baekhyun asks as he looks away and takes a sip of his juice. He feels annoy out of sudden because of the brief wild thought. ‘Chanyeol isn’t that type of person, is he?’

“Like I’m from a cucumber family. God knows how much you detest cucumber, Baekhyunnie”

Chanyeol’s humor put a smile on Baekhyun’s face straight away, and the former smiles back as his hand reaches his wife’s small one across the round dining table. “Why is it, hurm?”

Baekhyun gazes down at their intertwined hands before sighing inwardly. ‘No, I think I’m the one and only people in Korea, heck the world maybe, who isn’t happy with your and the kids’ increasing popularity’. “Nothing… I’m just stress about work I guess”

“Then forget those craps for today, okay? You’re on a leave, remember?”, Chanyeol says as he caresses Baekhyun’s hand with his thumb lovingly.

Baekhyun nods as he shallows back the heaviness he feels inside him. ‘Yes, I did a good job for not telling Chanyeol the real thing. It’s very selfish of me if I do so’.

“You guys have no filming today?”, Baekhyun asks as his eyes trail on the makeshift camera huts at every corners of the apartment and find no one in there.

“No, but we’ll be filming in the studio tomorrow. For the 200th episode special”

“Oh… okay”

“I’m going to record Guerilla Date next week by the way. They said it’s for the Superman appa special”

“Hmm… good for you”

“Just that?”

“H-huh?”, Baekhyun lifts his head and meets Chanyeol’s questioning gaze on him at once. He breaks the contact first as he tries to pull his hand on the latter’s grip, yet his chef husband reacts fast by tightening his hold on it.

“Okay… you are certainly being bothered on something, Baekhyunnie. Tell me what is it, will you?”, Chanyeol insists. “Please?”, he tries again when his wife keeps his mum.

“Yeol, don’t overreact... I only tired from the work I promise”











Two weeks later


“Hey Dr. Byun”




Baekhyun shifts his attention on the medical charts in his hand to the voice, and soon he lets out a soft gasp as he takes a full look on the pretty male standing before him.

‘Holy ’

“Lu-luhan hyung”

“Yup, it’s me”, the male—Luhan takes a step closer and chuckles at the younger’s surprise expression. “Yah! It’s not like I’m a ghost. You can stop gaping now, Byun Baekhyun”

“H-hyung… no… wow… how long has it been? 2 years?”

“Almost 3 years I guess? I left Korea when your twin boys were still 1”

“And now hyung… you’re back”

A sudden thought comes into Baekhyun’s mind and he looks straight at the older male, albeit hesitantly to blurt out his next question.

“Hyung, will you stay or—“

“Leave again?”, Luhan cuts him, and Baekhyun nods his head slowly after a while as he is worried if ever he has just crossed a line.

Everyone in their circle of friends doesn’t know the exact reason why Luhan left back then. All they could assume is that his Minseok hyung was a part of it.

Those two hyungs are like an inseparable pair before. If there was Luhan, there was also Kim Minseok. That’s how tight close they were. However, Minseok unexpectedly announced that he will accept a temporary job abroad—training the pilot cadets, and then, long before the pilot left for UK, Luhan disappeared first.

It was a year later that they got to know the Chinese’s whereabouts, courtesy of Yixing’s wide connections in China. Apparently Luhan is a soccer coach in one of the private elementary schools in Beijing.

“Well to answer your curiosity, Dr. Byun… yes, I’m going to stay here for good”

“Are you serious?”, Baekhyun asks, can’t help being a bit loud. “But how about your job?”

Luhan smiles as he hands over a small card to Baekhyun, which the surgeon accepts with one eyebrow lifts.

“What is this?”. Baekhyun narrows his eyes on the fancy font printed on the card, trying to read the word. ‘W-E-D-D-I-N-G… WEDDING?’. Baekhyun looks up to Luhan almost immediately.

“I’m getting married this spring, Baekhyun-ah. I already quit my job in my home country and found a new one here in Korea”

“You’re getting married”. Baekhyun mumbles the brand-new fact repeatedly. He is happy yet somehow he feels bad for a certain petite friend of his. ‘What about Minseok hyung?’

“What about Minseok hyung?”

Baekhyun widens his eyes and quickly cups his mouth with his free hand, yet, much to the surgeon’s confusion, the hallways only fills with Luhan’s laughter afterward that Baekhyun slowly brings down his hand and stares at the older quizzically.

“Silly, Byun Baek! Read the whole invitation card, can you?”











Turns out, the person that Luhan is going to get tied to is Minseok himself.

Both of them actually dated each other back then (Baekhyun says “I knew it!” as he hears this), but they broke up when Minseok insisted to take the job offer abroad.

Minseok claimed that Luhan didn’t understand his passion in his work, while the latter thought that his Korean lover didn’t love him enough to just stay behind. Hence, they chose to separate. They went through a pretty messy one to be exact—they stopped talking with one another.

It was through a mutual friend that they finally met again.

They hung out together a few times and Luhan began to realize that he has never forgot his feeling towards Minseok. And so, he proposed, in which the reply he received after getting down on one knee in front of Minseok was thankfully a yes.

“Communication is the key in a relationship, Baekhyunnie. Maybe if Minseok and I didn’t feed on our ego and took any chances to talk, we must have had a lots of kids like you and Chanyeol”, Luhan utters before getting into his car, and Baekhyun managed a smile as the older waves slightly behind the stereng.

Baekhyun drops his smile when Luhan’s car drives away. ‘Communication is the key?’. Baekhyun sighs as he tries to recall back the last time his husband and him having a proper conversation.

As a doctor, he has always been occupied with all the demands from his job. However, now that Chanyeol has gotten his name known by many, he also becomes as busy as him, if not busier, be it due to Superman show recording, endorsement filming or his restaurant.

Baekhyun feels scared out of the blue. He puts his palm on his still flat tummy and bites his lower lip. ‘When will I get to tell daddy about you, Aeri-ah?’











The next day


“I’m surprised you’re not watching TV with the rest at the waiting lounge, sunbae”




Baekhyun plops the last piece of sour gummy bear into his mouth as he stares at his favorite junior with a questioning look. “Why should I?”

Taehyung shrugs and returns to his laptop screen. “Well today is Sunday. There’ll air the 200th special episode of The Return of Superman they said”


Baekhyun replies shortly as he grabs another packet of gummy bear and opens it. It’s his fourth packets for today that he started to worry in case the baby inside him would develop such unhealthy eating habit.

“Do you want to stream the show using my laptop instead?”

Baekhyun lifts his head and sends Taehyung a pointed look. “No, thanks. I just want to eat these things, okay, Kim Taehyung?”

“I already opened the streaming site for you though, sunbae”

 “You little—”, Baekhyun huffs. “Why are you so eager, huh?”

Taehyung grins as he swiftly pulls the chair his senior is sitting on towards his work desk. He clicks the play button then and the video starts to buffer. “Why not?”

The video works after a while and as if on cue, Chanyeol and his 3 kids’ face appear on the screen as they were introducing themselves.

“Hello. Nice to meet you all. I’m cool Sehun, cute Seoeon and chic Seojun’s awesome daddy, as well as Korea and soon-to be the World No. 1’s chef, Park Chanyeol”

Baekhyun’s lips twists into a smile as his sons pose when his husband says out their name. He unconsciously puts his hand on his stomach just at the time all the Park’s blow a kiss and wink to the camera then.

“Aigoo are the kiss and wink for your noona fans, kids?”

Baekhyun could hear one of the MCs asking his boys and he smiles even wider as he watches all of them shake their head in synchronize.

“I’m sorry but that was meant for our mama”

“Uhuh because mama couldn’t come with us and daddy”

“Mama is busy saving people”

“Yeah right. Your mama is busy devouring all the sour gummy candies, boys”

Baekhyun looks over his shoulder and shoves his tiny fist at Taehyung’s face. “Go make your round or what, intern. Don’t come back until I say so”

Taehyung playfully makes a salute and stuck his tongue out. “Alright, Dr. Byun. I put my precious Macbook on your care then”

“You say another word and your laptop will be saying its last farewell”

Taehyung puts his hands up in surrender and rushes to leave the room. Baekhyun snorts as he gives the laptop in front of him a full attention again.

The national soccer player, Lee Dongwook is dancing to a child song with all his five kids at the moment. Baekhyun laughs a little as Daebak begins to dance in front of Eugene’s baby princess, Rohee instead of coming to his sisters.

‘But Rohee is irresistibly cute’, Baekhyun thought as he looks down to his stomach and gently pats it. “You’ll be as cute as Rohee unnie, will you?”

Soon after the five siblings family’s performance, it was the Choo’s and then comes Chanyeol and the kids’ turn to get on the stage. Baekhyun sits still on his seat as his eyes never leave the screen. He has no idea what Chanyeol and their boys have been practiced so he is surely anticipating for it.

“Sehun-gun, what are you guys going to perform?”

“We’ll sing mama and daddy’s favorite song”

“Oh what song is it?”

“It’s called Tender Love”

“Really? EXO’s Tender Love?”


Baekhyun feels his heart swells in gladness as he listens to Sehun and the MC’s conversation. True, he remembers that old time when he enjoyed singing Tender Love with Chanyeol in almost every car rides. He also used to joke that he would love to sing the said song with his future kids.

‘Did Chanyeol teach their kids the song because of that wishful thinking of his?’. Baekhyun gasps as he thinks of the possibility.

“I guess I taught my kids this song because I missed my wife so much”

“Park Chanyeol-shi, don’t be like this please”

“What? What did I do?”

“Stop being Romeo, will you? Or else, the other dads here might feel burden”

Baekhyun lets out a giggle at Chanyeol’s flustered face, yet, he somewhat feels warm. He knew better that his husband loves him more than anything but he couldn’t believe it that the latter has always being vocal and obvious about it.

The awaiting performance starts shortly after that, and Baekhyun can’t help smiling at how adorable his four most precious persons singing and dancing on the stage. If he is entertained, what’s more on the audiences. The surgeon could already makes out a very loud cheer in the studio whenever his boys, mostly the twins did something cute like messing up with the lyrics.

“Neol saranghago isseo I wanna give you”

 “Tender Love!” “Chicken Tendeh!”

Baekhyun shakes his head in amusement as Seoeon and Seojun sing the wrong lyric over and over again. The corner of his eyes then catches Chanyeol dancing in a comical way, along with Sehun who simply follows his daddy’s movements. Together they certainly makes a funny body gag duo. And Baekhyun eventually lose count the amount of time he laughs while watching the Park’s performance.

A single tear rolls down his cheek suddenly, but Baekhyun only lets it. ‘Ah… my pregnancy hormone’. Baekhyun chuckles as he stares down at his clothed stomach. “Just wait, Aeri-ah. You’ll get to play with your daddy and your brothers too later”








Baekhyun turns around and his eyes blinks in surprise at the male standing at the entrance of the staff lounge. The male brings a big bento in his both hands, and Baekhyun feels like a dejavu at the sight.


“Yeah… have you eat? I cook—wait… why are you crying?”

Baekhyun laughs softly as he sees his husband’s panic face and wipes his tears. “It’s your fault”

“My fault?”, Chanyeol asks in dumbfounded until he notices the recent episode of his reality show playing on the laptop beside his wife. “Yah don’t tell me you cry because of that”

Baekhyun pouts. “Yes, because you’re embarrassing me”











Later, that night


“Have the kids sleep already?”, Baekhyun asks as he makes a space for Chanyeol on their king sized bed.

“Yeah”, Chanyeol replies as he leans down to kiss Baekhyun’s temple before laying next to him. The taller of the two naturally latches himself on the other’s body. “I miss you, you know?”

Baekhyun giggles as he turns to his husband and faces him fully. “It’s a good thing I asked for a leave tomorrow, right?”

Chanyeol hums and takes a peck on Baekhyun’s lips. “I’m sure the kids would love it too”

“Will they?”

“Of course. Can’t you see all of them talking non-stop to you during our dinner? I was practically invisible just now”

Baekhyun smiles as he leans his head against the chef’s arm. “I bet it was my brownies, Yeol. You know too well that our sons have a sweet tooth”

“Hmm”, Chanyeol mumbles as wraps one arm around the smaller male’s back and pulls him closer. Baekhyun lets out a content sigh now that his head is on his husband’s chest. He loves to listen to the latter’s heartbeat after all.

“But I wonder why did you make brownies out of sudden? Didn’t you say it’s for any special occasion only?”

Baekhyun looks up and grins. “Who knows?”, he says in sing-song tone before leaning his head on Chanyeol firm chest again. “Maybe today I feel special hence the chocolate brownies”

“And why do you feel so?”

Baekhyun presses his lips into a thin line as he tries to hold his laugh and shrugs nonchalantly. “Well I have you, Sehunnie, the twins… ‘and Aeri’… I’ve no reason not to feel special, don’t you think?”  

“Is that all?”

“Yes, Yoda”


“Why?”, Baekhyun lifts his head and rests his chin on his husband’s chest. “Do you think there’s more?”

Chanyeol looks down at Baekhyun’s face and brings his other hand to pinch the bridge of the doctor’s nose briefly. “Who knows?”, he says in the same previous manner.

Baekhyun scrunches his nose and smiles in return. “Guess what? If you buy a lots, lots sour gummy bear for me tomorrow, I might tell you the real truth”

“Hah! I knew you hide something from me!”

Baekhyun chuckles and pouts playfully. “So… are you mad?”

“Hell yes, Park Baekhyun. You must spill whatever is it now as your punishment”

“I said tomorrow, Park Chanyeol”

“But your gummy bear only sold at Gmart and it, for your information, will start its business at 9 in the morning, Baekhyunnie”

“Then my Chanyeollie, I’ll tell you after 9, okay?”

“Love, please?”

Baekhyun lets out a snort as he puts his head on the firm chest again. “Tomorrow, honey. I promise”

The room feels into silence for a while till Baekhyun hears a faint “Okay, fine, B” from Chanyeol, putting a wide smile on the former’s face.

Somehow Baekhyun feels bad because he had always make Chanyeol to follow his way, but since he’s pregnant, he deserved to be spoiled, right?

“Hyunnie, can I tell you something instead?”

Baekhyun nods as he unconsciously traces some random patterns on Chanyeol’s palm. “What is it?”

“I was thinking to quit Superman”

And the statement totally gets the doctor taken back that he immediately shoots up from his laying position.

Chanyeol speechlessly gets up as his eyes never leave his wife. “Are you okay?”

“You’re going to quit Superman?”

“I was just… planning to?”

“But why? You and the kids are doing well. Many people love you guys. Even the PD said the rating is steadily increasing after our family appeared on the show. So why—“

“Wah… you’re really something, Baek”

Baekhyun frowns when he sees a gleam of amusement in Chanyeol’s eyes. “What?”

“Do you know you always have this do-I-care look plastered on your face every time I talked to you about our Superman filming? Besides, don’t think I was clueless with all the people that came to drop gifts at your hospital. So I thought you’ld be the happiest person in the world if we quit the show. But look at you, Baek… are you seriously opposing me here?”

Baekhyun looks down on his laps, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his pajama. Trust Chanyeol for being an observant husband. Nonetheless, it wasn’t like he hates them getting on the show. He might dislike it a bit at first, but he has come to accept it now.

“I was scared”, Baekhyun looks right into his husband’s eyes as he blurts out the three words. “I was jealous too thinking our kids would be attached to you more than me through the show. Everyone outside there adores you guys as well. I had this ill feeling that you’ll leave me out later because of them”

Chanyeol opens his mouth to retort, yet, Baekhyun quickly beats up the taller male by placing his hand on top of his. “I know… I’ve realized that I was afraid for nothing. I’m sorry, Yeol. Little did I knew, you and the boys had never stopped mentioning me in Superman and care for me a lots. Taehyung even said that my name got into Naver trending topic more than any other celebrities due to your constant mention”

“So I’m very sorry, Chanyeol-ah. Don’t give up on Superman, hurm?”

Chanyeol wordlessly brings his doctor wife’s hand up to his mouth and presses a kiss on his knuckles gently. “Baekhyunnie, how can the kids and I stop loving the person we can’t life without?”

Baekhyun lets out a tsk sound, but he still smiles at the sweet words. “Cheesy. Do I pay for the oxygen you guys using?”

“No… you’re the oxygen”

A pink blush spreads over Baekhyun’s pale cheeks and Chanyeol naturally wraps his hand around the nape of his wife’s neck, before pulling his face towards his chest.

Baekhyun smiles wider when Chanyeol whispers another good sweet words into his ear, and that’s when he decides that he doesn’t mind sour gummy bear anymore to tell that husband of his the good news he has been keeping.



“Congratulate me”

“For what?”

Baekhyun pulls away from Chanyeol’s arms and smiles cheekily. “Say… what would be a good name for Aeri?”

“Aeri?”, Chanyeol asks as he raises one eyebrow at Baekhyun. “Who’s Aeri?”

Baekhyun places both of his hands on his clothed tummy as he flashes a meaningful smile at Chanyeol. “Who do you think she is?”, he asks and bursts into a light laugh straight away when he sees his husband’s disbelief expression.

“B-Baekhyunnie… is it what I think it is? B-baby?”

Baekhyun quickly nods, and soon, a big smile spreads across Chanyeol’s face.

“R-really? You… you’re pregnant?”

Baekhyun nods for another time as he shows a peace sign. “It’s 2 weeks already”

“Oh my God. You aren’t kidding, are you? There’s really a baby?”

Still smiling, Baekhyun nods yet again, earning himself a bone-crush hug from Chanyeol after that. “Are you happy?”, he asks as he inhales the latter’s clean, masculine scent. Somewhat, the smell eases the nausea he’s having lately.

“Heck yes! I’m very, very, very happy! Is this perhaps what you’ve been wanting to tell me?”

“Yeah… I’m sorry”

“No, it’s fine, Baek. Oh I love you so much right now. Thank you, Baek. Thank you”, Chanyeol mutters as he tightens his hold on the petite frame in his arms. “Gosh no wonder Luhannie hyung said you were glowing like Minseokkie hyung when he visited you before”

Baekhyun raises his head up in surprise. “Minseokkie hyungie is pregnant?”

Chanyeol amusedly chuckles as he gives his wife’s button nose a quick peck. “Baekhyunnie, Minseokkie hyung loves to do his things in order. Why do you think he and Luhannie hyung want to settle down fast if there’s no a baby on the way?”

“Ah… look like our daughter will have someone on her age to play with then”, Baekhyun says as he puts his hand on his stomach.

Chanyeol smiles at the sight and places his own hand on the baby bump as well. “Daddy is going to play with you too, you know?”

“Sehunnie, Seoeonnie and Seojunnie too”

“Yeah… and her oppas will protect her from the bad guy at the same time”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looks at each other’s eyes and smile lovingly. This moment feels unreal to them, yet, it’s indeed real that they could only be thankful. Both of them still remember their first year of marriage. They had just graduated from college, however unlike other graduates, they have no time to play around and needed to work their everyday just so they could earn something to pay the rent and bills, and fed little Sehunnie.

They practically had nothing back then, but everything changed to better for them in the end. They have such good career, they own a comfortable house, they make quite a lots of saving and most importantly, they are blessed with another kids—a pair of lovable twins.   

And now that a new child is coming, they couldn’t wait to see what the future hold for them. They would want to find it out together, as both love and life partner nevertheless.



“Can you imagine? Nine months from now, Aeri will be on Superman too”

“! About that… “

“Yeah?”, Baekhyun asks and throws a weird look at Chanyeol, who suddenly grabs his smartphone on the nightstand before bringing it up to his ear. “Who are you calling?”

“Kang PD”

Baekhyun reaches for his own phone and slides his thumb across the screen to look at the time. “Park Chanyeol, it’s 11pm”, he says, pointing out the obvious.

“But it’ll be too late if I don’t call him now”


“I told him this morning that I wanna quit the show and he already agreed”















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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 2: Just read a few chapters but very sweet!
Chapter 16: Ahh wish there was more
Chapter 15: Haha yeol can't win against the kids
Chapter 10: This chap of the DOTS crossover has all my heart
Chapter 10: This chap of the DOTS crossover has all my heart
Chapter 8: All the scenarios are soo cutee
174 streak #7
Chapter 16: Chanyeol hates his ears half heartedly 😂😂😂
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 16: His yoda ears is his charm. Handsome Yeollie
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 9: High school sweetheart
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww