#14 Scenario: Yoda Ear

I'll B There To C You

Hi! Did anyone miss me?

I badly miss updating this story too...

Personally writing has been one of my stress reliever. And when l received so much love for this story I couldn't be more happier :D

I even found myself coming out with a goal that’s to see ‘I’ll B There To C You’ to get featured first before I put an end to it. Hahaha I don’t know how did I get that shameful confidence :3

But I can’t go on with that thought anymore...

My work is very hectic at the moment and I don’t think I could make a time to write

I would probably regret this later but I’ve decided to give this story its final real ending now

So everyone... #14 scenario would be the last scenario for ya~~


I’m not going to ask you guys to upvote or leave a comment hahaha


ps: ChanBaek ftw! See you in my next CB fanfic... hopefully 



Chanyeol hates his ears.




Well maybe he isn’t. But he really did not take a liking to how his ears look, which’s a bit stood out. He wasn’t being ungrateful—he could have sworn on that. He only wished that the God above would do something about his ears, at least make them less Yoda-ish. Then again, he must be not the God’s favourite child.

Every day, as soon as he woke up, he would look into the mirror and saw his reflection still had both of his big ears intact.

Despite of that, his mom always said that his ears are adorable. His sister also thought the same. She found it charming. “Uniquely charming”, she added when he gave her a side eyes.

But then, a family wouldn’t hurt each other.

A family wouldn’t like to make fun of his adorable and uniquely charming ears first thing first in the morning.

It actually started when he was in kindergarten. His classmates had never missed to pick on the unusual size of his ears. It continued until years later, which barely halted during high school as he came to win over most of his long-time bullies with his height.

Nonetheless, those bad kids surely threw many mean things about his poor ears.

“Kim songsaengnim, Channie’s ears look funny!”. That was coming from one of the girls in the kindergarten.

“Oh no! Chanyeollie! Your ears are going to fall off soon. They look heavy”, said that one kid who sat behind him during elementary.

“Hey Chanyeol! Change your seat with me, can you? Your ears are blocking my sight”. And this one was in high school, however, Kyungsoo’s dead glare and Jongdae’s sassy remark were normally did all the retorts for him.

Honestly, Chanyeol loved to believe that his bullies cared about his ears too much, even more than their own parents worrying on them.

Chanyeol also had come to think that supersonic hearing appear like 2-in-1 package deal with his adorable and uniquely charming ears. For example, he could catch the stuffs two random persons whispering five seats away from him and he heard them clearly even.

Jongin commented that it is the God’s compensation for giving him such Yoda ears, yet Chanyeol would like to argue better. He admitted that there was a peak to be blessed with such a good hearing sometimes—like he could easily point out those who badmouthed him. However, the con is he got to listen to the other unpleasant things as well.

Such as…




“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

“But dude… he’s wearing a wedding band”

“Hah do I care?”




Chanyeol gritted his teeth when he heard the conversation, again.

His eyes never leave the two customers on the VIP area in the restaurant—his restaurant. They were talking in French and so Chanyeol couldn’t blame their current object of affection, a pretty guy who sat next to them, to stay oblivious. But not him, Park Chanyeol of course!

He freaking took French class for two semesters in college back then, and though he isn’t that fluent in it, he knew he still remember how to cuss in the language.

Unfortunately, it is dinner time and the place is having a full house that he had no choice but refraining himself from causing a scene.

He just settled on the corner, gave polite smile when someone praised his food and yet, eyes not so subtly throwing dagger at the French guys’ way.

“Cut it off, will you?”

Chanyeol snapped his head to the person beside him and shot the latter an absurd look. “Donghae hyung! That French fries are saying impropriate things about Baekhyunnie, okay?!”

Did he say that the pretty guy is actually his wife?


Then yes, it is Baekhyun. Hence, he simply saw red at the very moment.

“How are you so sure, huh? You didn’t even come to their table to hear them talking”, the older replied, sounded mocking than genuinely curious.

Chanyeol let out a tsk. “I told you I’ve a good hearing”

“Yeah… right”, the patissier said, unbothered, and pointed to his eyes. “But it seems your eyesight is bad”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you serious? Baekhyun is looking at you and even tried to catch your attention since… let me guess 10 minutes ago?”

Chanyeol widened his eyes in surprise as he quickly turned to his wife’s table. He met Baekhyun’s gaze right away and couldn’t help but chuckling when the latter pouted, mouthing ‘I’m full’ at him.

The action came out so cute that he almost gave in, but he remembered that Baekhyun just got there after his shift ended. Chanyeol shook his head a little then as he kept gesturing at the latter to finish his food.

He earned himself a set of sad puppy-eyes afterwards. His doctor wife even mouthed ‘Let’s go home’ that time.

“Just go, can you?”

Chanyeol glanced at his hyung briefly and sighed. “I would love to but—“

“Yah you’re the boss here, alright? You’re free to come and get off work whenever you like, you know?”, the older deadpanned. “Besides, I bet the kids feel uncomfortable with you being around too, correcting them every time”

“Isn’t that supposed to be a good thing?”

Chanyeol received a quick ‘No’ at once as he felt himself being pushed forward. He looked over his shoulder and playfully grimaced. “Hyung… you said I’m the boss?”

“You’re. That’s why Im taking care of your love life like a good employee I am”

A soft laugh escaped his mouth as he thanked the older, untied his apron and strutted to where Baekhyun is. He saw as his wife beaming up when he reached his table that he may or may not make a smug face at the two French earlier.

Wait for me, hurm? I’m going to change my clothes first”, Chanyeol said as he wiped sauce off the corner of Baekhyun’s lips with his thumb. “Always a messy eater, aren’t you?”,he chided lightly and another pout from the latter welcomed his sight later.

“We haven’t meet for exactly 12 hours and out of the things I expected you to do, you teased me first?”, Baekhyun said as he put his fork and knife down. “Well you only have 5 minutes, hubby

 “Got it, wifey”, Chanyeol replied cheekily, knowing very well that Baekhyun was joking. He turned to leave for the changing room, but not before he stopped by the next table.

“Is the food suit your taste, sir?”, he asked in fluent French, with as much as politeness he could muster.

“Y-yeah... it tastes excellent”, one of the guys, whom Chanyeol noticed had been eyeing him and Baekhyun beforehand answered him, though he looked a bit flustered.

Chanyeol inwardly smirked as he continued to ask the two to enjoy the foods in their language, and then in Korean. “I hope you get choked soon”

The French guys innocently smiled and Chanyeol excused himself, rather satisfied.











“Chanyeollie... ahhh”




Chanyeol stared down at Baekhyun’s expecting face and then at the dokbukki in the latter’s hand before opening his mouth just to be fed in record time.

“I thought you said you’re full”, he said, chewing on the said dokbukki, as he looked over his wife, who just took a mouthful of the same snack at the moment.

They were at a street stall in their neighbourhood and lucky for them, there were only a few customers there. Chanyeol surely love those people who called themselves his fans, but it would be nice, he thought, to eat out without getting bombarded by a hoard of fans sometimes.

Especially when he watched his wife happily stuffing the spicy dukbokki in his mouth too. He couldn’t help chuckling at the living proof of adorableness before his eyes then. “Was the food in my restaurant that bad, hurm?”

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at him and, after swallowing the last piece of dokbukki, he said. “Nonsense. Don’t you know our stomach always have room for a desert, Chef?”

“So dokbukki is a desert?”

“Yes”, Baekhyun replied in a heartbeat, and he grinned when the latter mumbled a soft ‘At least for me’ after that.

He lightly pinched his wife’s cheek as he suggested for them to get a take away. He knew better that dokbukki is Baekhyun’s best friend and it was proved through the wide smile spread across the smaller’s face right then.

“Really? Your treat?”

Chanyeol nodded. “Anything for a starving, off-duty doctor”

“I’m not!”, the said doctor argued, still all smiley nonetheless. “But don’t come to me crying over your empty wallet, okay? I’m going to order a lots and a lots. Just wait”

Chanyeol shook his head amusedly when Baekhyun practically skipped towards the stall owner and began to place his new order.




“Omo you really love my dokbukki, aren’t you, cutie pie?”

“Of course! Halmeoni’s dokbukki is the best!”

“Aigoo you’re such a sweetheart! Say Baekhyunnie... are you seeing someone right now? Want me to set you up with one of my grandsons?”




Chanyeol’s adorable and uniquely charming ears immediately perked up at the stall owner's words. He glanced down at Baekhyun and not-so subtly smirked as he took notice the blush on his wife’s cheeks while the latter showed the wedding band on his ring finger to the halmeoni.




“No way! You’re married, Baekhyunnie?”

“Yeah... urm you see that one standing outside, halmeoni?”

“That tall one with funny ears?”

“Eung. He’s my husband”




Chanyeol bowed his head politely when the halmeoni started to study him up and down, however, it didn’t last long as the older looked away just as fast, seemingly disapproved of him.

Chanyeol frowned. Unfortunately, Baekhyun didn’t catch that look on his face then as his back was facing him stead.




“Your husband is nowhere near as handsome as my grandson, Baekhyunnie. Aigoo poor you. And you’re still young too”

“Ahh... you’re exaggerating, halmeoni. I’m old already. My eldest kid is even in Grade 6 now”

 “But you look like you could pass as a high school student, alright? I would have thought your husband is your mom’s brother if you didn’t tell me”




Chanyeol snorted and turned a deaf ear from then on. ‘It wasn’t my fault if there’s a minority in Korea who has yet informed about ChanBaek, was it?”, he murmured to no one as he crossed his arms against his chest.











Once they paid for the dokbukki, Chanyeol wordlessly took Baekhyun’s hand in his as they left the stall. In return, his wife tightened his grip and he was glad the latter didn’t question his sudden silence there.

They held hands even when they reached the side of the pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light. In brief, as Chanyeol looked down to their intertwined hands, he thought he wouldn’t mind to go through the same routine every day.




“Daebak! Isn’t that Park Chanyeol?”

“Oh my—you’re right! That’s really him!”

“Ahh I’m so lucky! Wait... I’m going to kakaotalk my sister about this”




Sighing, Chanyeol glanced over his shoulder in the direction of the voices and saw two female students standing a few feet behind him. He regarded the girls with a faint smile upon his lips, which fortunately only earned an awestruck look from them, before they began typing vigorously on their phone.

Chanyeol couldn’t imagine the hassle then if ever the students screamed just now and lead to more excessive attention towards him and Baekhyun.




“But... don’t you think Park Chanyeol’s wife is pretty? The one besides him is his wife, right? What is his name again? Baekho?”

“It’s Baekhyun, idiot. But yeah... he’s indeed a beauty. My boss set his fantaken picture as his laptop’s background, you know?”

“Heol my professor too! You’ve no idea how shock I was when I saw his phone wallpaper”

“You meant that scary professor of yours?”

“Hah now that I know Baekhyun-nim is his weakness, I’m no longer scared of him”

“Aigoo you cunning people”




Drawing in a sharp breath, Chanyeol looked over at the girls again, but before he could say anything, Baekhyun beat him first by tugging his hand forward and he reluctantly crossed the road.

He kept his eyes glued on the students though, making them hurriedly walked passed him after a while.

Chanyeol smirked as he saw it that he didn’t notice Baekhyun had stopped walking as he almost bumped into him. He tilted his head confusedly and asked, “Urm... Baek, we’re in the middle of a road, okay?”

His wife, however, merely turned around with a smile slowly overtook his lips. “There’s still 50 seconds left”, he replied, referring to countdown timer on the traffic light.

“And so?“

“You know I always wanted to do this”

“Do what—?”

It was too sudden, but Chanyeol could feel a pair of familiar lips on his after that. He stared down into Baekhyun’s face for a long moment when they finally pulled away. “W-what was that?”

“Don’t you know? It called a kiss”, Baekhyun said between giggles.

“I know. But on a busy road? Really? You’ve never fond of public display before, Baek”

“Are you complaining?”

Chanyeol competed to answer straightaway when his eyes caught other passersby looking at him and Baekhyun weirdly—some shot them an envious look even. “No”

“Then... shall we kiss again?”, Baekhyun asked as he pressed his body onto him. “We have 20 seconds left, you know?”

Chanyeol gulped. “Baek, we’re so going to be the talk of the town tomorrow, alright?”

“Just let everyone talk. You heard too much anyway”, the latter said as he tiptoed, lifted his hands up to his ears and gently touched them. “Aigoo this poor ears. You guys suffer so much today”

Chanyeol stunned as he glanced down and met his wife’s gaze. ‘Baekhyun knew’, it hit him then. Baekhyun had a gist of what was happening and he actually comforted him there. Chanyeol immediately wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and hugged him.

“There my husband... next time don’t torture yourself to listen to everything people said, hurm?”

“How did you know?”, Chanyeol eyed Baekhyun and asked. “How could you tell I was bothered by it?”

“We’ve been together for years, Chanyeollie”, the petite male stated. “Besides, your ears would get droopy like a sad beagle’s ears whenever you’re down”

Chanyeol chuckled. “You seem to put so much interest to my ears , Baekhyunnie”

“Because they’re lovely”

“And a bit stood out”

“Hey don’t judge my favourite!”

Chanyeol smiled as he cupped Baekhyun’s face. He leaned closer to kiss him, but the latter unexpectedly backed away.

“There’s only 7 seconds left now”, Baekhyun whispered.

“I can manage”, Chanyeol said and smoothly captured his wife’s lips after.











Chanyeol decided he hates his ear half-heartedly.








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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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