#13 Scenario: Training Triplets

I'll B There To C You


Thanks for all the love towards my previous scenario ^^v Many of you requested jealous!Chanyeol then, but sorry not sorry, this scenario #13 will be about the triplets. Yes, you read it right. The triplets.

:DDDDD Honestly, I can't wait to know your reaction to the grils. So do leave your comment & upvote, mkay?







Greeting the staffs around with a cheerful good morning, Chanyeol even bowed to each of them slightly before taking the seat in front of the hoard of cameras. Somehow he felt restless at the very moment, though it was already his nth time in the infamous, small black room, waiting to be interviewed.

Chanyeol smoothed his shirt and smiled nervously as he watched Kang PD plopping down on his designed seat, that was before him, then. He thought it must be the things the producer mentioned to him last week, that the filming later on would be up solely to him. “You’re free to do whatever you want”, he said. “There’ll be no script or sort”, he added, and Chanyeol seriously felt like to cry at the unexpected task.

“So… have you think of anything, Chanyeol-shi?”

Kang PD blurted out the question suddenly Chanyeol could feel his palms got sweaty. He looked up to the camera and saw the glow of a tiny red light on the rear of the device—a sign they already started recording. ‘Heol’

Chanyeol chuckled to himself as he turned to face the PD again. “Urm… you know my family is known to many people, right?”, he asked, which the Kang’s cheekily answered “Obviously” at once. Chanyeol would be more than glad if the camera didn’t catch his flushed face then.

“But what’s about it?”

Chanyeol heaved a sigh at that. “Actually PD-nim… my wife and I are worried about our kids’ safety. You know, don’t you? We kinda feel that they’re being over-exposed now. We didn’t bother about Sehun and the twins much though. The boys are old enough to look after themselves, however, we couldn’t say the same thing on our triplets yet”

He paused and waited silently for Kang PD’s reaction. When the latter didn’t speak, he later realized that the PD was motioning with his hand for him to continue.

“I’ve been thinking… I want to teach the girls a few tricks so that they would know what to do in case they get approached by a stranger”

“You meant like a training to prevent child-kidnapping?”

“Yes”, Chanyeol replied immediately as he began to play with his wedding band, rotating it around his finger. “Baekhyunnie thought since Sumi, Seul and Sun are 4 now, they should be ready to learn this kind of thing. He said kids at this age could do fine on their own if the parents guide them well. So yeah… I really wanted to train the girls as earlier as I can”

Chanyeol watched Kang PD as the male nodded slowly, seeming to ponder his words. Nevertheless, he knew that he is already granted a green light at that point.

“Where do you intend to do it?”

‘Bingo’, Chanyeol mentally patted himself on the back as he gave a smile to the producer. Surprisingly, he wasn’t that nervous anymore too.

“They said the safest place is likely to be the most dangerous one… hurm maybe at the playground in my neighbourhood?”















As usual, the triplets yelled excitedly as soon as they reached the playground. Even he is blessed with a pair of long legs, Chanyeol couldn’t catch up with the girls as they already ran around the place. ‘Did Baekhyunnie fed them with too much sugar this morning?’

“Wah, a swing! Sumi want to sit on it”

“Seul want too! After you, Sumi-ah

Chanyeol turned to the two and a big, wide smile spread across his lips when Sumi, the oldest triplet hopped on the swing herself, while Seul wordlessly pushed her. They later counted one to ten loudly together, and once done, Sumi quickly got off the swing seat, pulling Seul to sit on it afterward. Chanyeol couldn’t help but felt proud of them as he saw that.


Chanyeol felt someone tugging on his pants, and he naturally looked down. He smiled when his eyes caught his maknae, Sun’s little round face. “Yes, sunshine?”, he asked as he lifted her up.

“Daddy… that one”, the youngest uttered, her tiny finger pointed at one of the equipment at the play park. Tightening his hold on Sun’s waist, Chanyeol leaned down to peck her cheek and followed her finger with his eyes.

A quiet laugh escaped his lips then when he locked eyes on the said equipment. A freaking monkey bar. ‘You’re indeed mine, sunshine’, Chanyeol mumbled inwardly, amused by his thought as he remembered he used to like to swing on a monkey bar too when he was young.

“Monkey bar? You want to play on that?”, Chanyeol stared down at his daughter and asked again

“Eung”, Sun nodded. “Manman bar”, she said, earning herself a laugh from Chanyeol when she purposely leaved the ‘k-e-y’ in monkey. Chanyeol had noticed long ago that his maknae couldn’t yet pronounce some words or come out with a proper sentence unlike her sisters, however, he thought he should let it pass again this time.

“Daddy… manman bar… quick”

“Alright… alright. Here you go, sunshine”

Carrying Sun to the monkey bar, Chanyeol then stood under it while his youngest worked her way from one side to another. His eyes trailed over to the swing at his other girls and gave a sigh of bliss as he found the two still taking turn playing.

A flashback to the time when the triplets could barely walk came into his mind suddenly. Before, whenever the whole family went out, he usually had to carry Sun and Seul in his arms, while Baekhyun would tend to Sumi, leaving the dependable Sehun with the twins.

Once, his mother in-law even suggested to him to hire a helper in case it was getting too much. But, after a lots of thinking, Chanyeol decided that he don’t want to get anyone. He was scared the kids would build a wall with him if ever he let a random person taking care of them.

“Daddy… Sun… drink”

Sun’s voice brought him back to the present, and he jerked slightly. Smiling, he helped her climbing down from the monkey bar. “You want a drink?”, he asked, and got a nod from the girl instantly.

“Juice. O… Orange juice”

Chanyeol scrunched down to the maknae’s eye level and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with his thumb. “I got it. Daddy will buy it for you, hurm?”

As he was about to get up, he heard a high-pitched “daddy” and footsteps running towards him, and two pairs of chubby hands soon engulfed him in a bear hug from behind.

“Daddy, Seul too. Seul want apple juice”

“Ahh… then mango juice for Sumi”

Chanyeol huffed out a small laugh, grabbed Sumi and Seul’s hand and pulled them forward. He made them stand in a line, Sun is in the middle whilst her sisters are on her both hands side.

“You three are indeed triplets, aren’t you? You even get thirsty at the same time”, Chanyeol said as he tickled each of the girls under the chin and tummy, making them squirm with delight. “Aigoo pretty… whose daughters are you?”


The triplets chorused, putting their hands above the head in a heart shape, and Chanyeol swore his heart was warmed by their cuteness.

“So Sumi, Seul, Sun… daddy is going to get the drinks now. Wait for me here, alright?”

“Okay”, they responded in unison again.

“Don’t talk to people you don’t know, hurm? Don’t take anything from them as—“

“Why is it? Are they bad?”, his oldest princess suddenly piped up, silenced Chanyeol for a while, before he bit down on a grin. ‘Of course, you were was always the most curious one’, he thought as he turned to Sumi.

“It’s not like that, Sumi-ah. Daddy only wanted you to be careful. We can’t read people’ mind so we won’t have any idea whether they’re good or not. That’s why it’s the best not to put your full trust to those you just met, okay?”

“Urm”, Sumi said, but Chanyeol knew her face was less convincing than her word. He glanced from Seul to Sun and saw they tilted their head, blinking.

Chanyeol felt his mouth twist and murmured ‘It’s fine. They’re still young’ within himself repeatedly. He then beckoned the girls to come closer which they gladly did.

“Anyway stay here, alright? Daddy won’t be long”











When he was sure he was out of the girls’ line of sight, Chanyeol looked around the park to find his supposed helper. Surprisingly, the park was almost empty despite the nice weather that he just wanted to give up. It was later his eyes caught an old lady exercising on the fitness equipment provided, and so he went up to her, tapping her shoulder.

The old lady turned around, a flicker of recognition crossed her face when their eyes met. Chanyeol felt a small measure of relief to find out.

“Oh… I know you! Chef Park, right?”

“Yes, I’m”, Chanyeol replied. “Are you a fan, halmeoni?”. He bowed slightly with a smile and added. “Urm… I’m sorry for taking your time though. It’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Ah… no. Not at all, Chef Park. I’ve nothing to do even. But yeah… I like you in your Yummy Yummy Show. Everyone in my house also enjoyed watching it. You’re very pleased to see, you know?”, the lady said, reaching over and patted Chanyeol on his .

Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck as he felt heat climbing up there. “Well… t-thank you”

“Oh my… are you perhaps filming for Yummy Yummy Show outdoor?”

Chanyeol watched the older as she eyed the men recording around them and shook his head. “They’re from The Return of Superman, halmeoni. I’m actually filming with my girl triplets right now”

“Ahhh… that KBS show”, the old lady paused for a moment as she nodded her head once. “Wait—you’re the one with the most kids, aren’t you, Chef Park?”, she commented rather innocently, yet Chanyeol could feel a blush working its way up to his neck again.

Aside on the net, no one really have ever been so vocal about his productiveness in child-making. Not that he hadn’t bring up the very fact himself to Jongdae or Jongin, sometimes Minseok, before.

“Yeah that’s me”, he said, a bit bashfully. “But, halmeoni… can I ask for your help like now?”

“Oh… tell me”

“Urm you see, halmeoni. I’m training my girls over there—“, Chanyeol waved his hand in the direction of the triplets and continued. “—to be aware of a stranger. I taught them not to talk to anyone easily or just scream and run in case someone want to do them wrong, but to be truth, I haven’t yet see it myself how well they would do on their own. So urm… could you please act as the stranger towards them, halmeoni?”

“Sure”, the old lady agreed at once, and Chanyeol thanked her over and over again when she left for his kids.

Chanyeol carefully stepped closer, trying to hide his giant frame behind another slide next to the playground where the kids are, and watched as the lady made her attempt to talk to them.

The lady seemed struggling at first and Chanyeol cheered inside to know his girls picking up the hard-to-get trick he showed to them, however, when the older fished a familiar, flashy bite-sized packet out of her sweater pocket, he frowned.

“Please don’t, girls. Daddy trust you”, Chanyeol chanted the six words in order to calm himself down. Nonetheless, he thought his mental telepathy didn’t go along with the girls when he eventually saw them, one by one, took a candy from the old lady’s hand.

Chanyeol looked up as he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. ‘Parenting isn’t a piece of cake’, he thought, before walking over to his triplets.

It amused him though when he noticed his maknae princess threw her arms back and hid the candy behind her after she saw him coming.

“Daddy!”, the said maknae ran to him and grabbed at him to be lifted up, which he did, but not before he sneaked up behind her and took her candy away, making the latter pout.

Wordlessly, Chanyeol kissed her lips, giving the pout a stop. He then turned to the old lady and thanked her for another time.

“Yah… what did daddy tell you girls earlier about taking something a stranger give to you?”, Chanyeol began to question the kids as soon as the lady was gone.

“But that halmeoni is nice”, Sumi reasoned as she popped the small candy into . Seul copied her and soon both of them made a yummy sound after that.

“Really, hurm? How could you be so sure?”

“She gave us a delicious candy so…”

“… she’s nice”, Seul finished her sister’s word, and Chanyeol didn’t know whether to treat it as the kids’ joke or to cry over it.

“Fine. I’ll just pretend I didn’t see you two munching on a candy right now. But Sumi, Seul…”, he paused as he looked down at the 4 years old in his arms. “…and you too, Sun. Don’t do it again, okay?”

“Okay, girls?”, Chanyeol repeated himself, and only then he received a distracted ‘okay’ from Sumi and Seul as they kept on savouring their candy.

Chanyeol turned his attention back to his maknae and said. “How am I going to do with your sisters, huh?”

Sun smiled and shrugged her shoulder cutely. “Daddy”


“Where… juice?”




Daddy: 0, Daughters: 1











Chanyeol didn’t like how the training was going, therefore, he opted for the second simulation. After getting his triplets their juice, he left them, saying he wanted to go to the washroom, when in fact he was looking for a potential helper.

His eyes scanned the play park again, and luckily it just took him a while before he spotted a male student—probably still in college, sitting on a bench nearby, reading a manhwa.

Chanyeol quickly stepped up to the student and told the latter about his plan that morning. The student nodded as he suddenly held up his phone, signalling for him to come closer.

“Huh?”, Chanyeol questioned, confusedly.

Opss…”, the student realized his bluntness and laughed. “Urm Chanyeol-nim… honestly, I had a fight with my girlfriend yesterday. But she’s your big fan… so I was thinking to make up with her using our selca. You… won’t mind, right? I’m going to help you later anyway”

Hence, they took a few photos together, and the student was off to do his supposed job after that.

Hiding himself behind a crawling tunnel this time, Chanyeol anxiously eyed the male student as the younger came near to his girls. Anyhow, much to his surprise, his helper had it easy drawing the triplets’ attention to him. Chanyeol could see his girls taking turn to say their name and even squealed happily around the student.

‘Weird. My girls always got shy around a new guy’, Chanyeol thought as he remembered that Junmyeon needed a year just to talk to his easy-going Sumi without her crying at that hyung’s face.

Still puzzling, his eyes then caught his triplets trailing behind the same student, as if they were planning to go somewhere else. Chanyeol huffed, groaned and rushed to them in record time.

“Sumi-ah… Seul-ah… Sun-ah… where are you going?”, Chanyeol said, a bit breathless.


“Yes…”, Chanyeol muttered, trying to get his breath.

“Daddy, Joongki oppa said he’ll treat Seul, Sun and me ice cream. It’s Baskin Robbins!”

“O-okay… hold on… who is this Joongki oppa?”, Chanyeol asked and then let a sigh as he finally caught his breath.

“Him”, the triplets replied at the same time as they all looked up to the student beside them.

Chanyeol raised one eyebrow as he stared at the young student. “You said your name is Jinki?”

“I’m. But the kids kept saying that I look like Song Joongki. They were only going to listen to me if I let them calling me that too”, the student—Jinki ended with a sheepish smile, and Chanyeol gave a forced smile knowing the newfound fact; that his girls haven’t move on from the Song Joongki syndrome.

Mentally rolling his eyes, Chanyeol ushered the girls to his side and mumbled a quick thank to Jinki. The latter awkwardly left later, pulling him in another round of headache when the kids started to whine about not getting their ice cream yet.

“Yah daddy told you three not to talk to a stranger, didn’t I?”

“Joongki oppa—“

“He’s not Joongki oppa, alright? His name is Jinki”

“But he’s handsome?”

“So… do you think if he’s handsome, he’s good?”


Chanyeol felt a burden being placed on his back straight away.




Daddy: 0, Daughters: 2











After the two unfortunate turn up, Chanyeol didn’t feel like to continue the so-called training anymore. He bought the triplets ice cream and let them play some more time as he talked to the production team then. Lucky for him, Kang PD gave the OK sign and simply said they would continue the filming inside the house instead.

Wasting no time, Chanyeol called out for his girls to stop playing and briefly glanced down at his wrist watch. ‘Almost noon’, he noted.

“Are we going home?”

Chanyeol looked down and immediately noticed a pout on each of the triplets’ face. He nodded nevertheless.

“Already? Now?”

“Yes. Now”, Chanyeol replied amusedly as he watched his girls pouted deeper. “Come on… hurry up. We need to prepare lunch too. Your Sehunnie oppa, Seoeonnie oppa and Seojunnie oppa will be back from school anytime”, he added, and it magically piqued the girls’ interest as they began to race with one another to their apartment building.

“Yah wait for daddy!”, Chanyeol yelled out as he jogged, trying to catch up.

But then, when a group of high school students suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked his path, Chanyeol had no choice other than made an abrupt stop. He stepped sideway and tried to slip past the female students, yet they wouldn’t let him.

He casted a glance over his shoulder towards the cameraman behind him and mouthed “help”, but the latter seemed to enjoy the whole occasion better as he already had his huge camera on the roll.

Sighing, Chanyeol slowly turned to the students. “Urm… hello?”

As if on cue, the young students broke into a uniform excited scream and shoved countless gifts into his hands. Chanyeol was slightly taken back but he made sure to take the gifts with him, which thankfully only consists of handmade cards and cookies, as he mumbled a thank you.

With that, like how Moses parted the Red Sea, Chanyeol finally got to get through his own sea of fangirls. However, as the shrill screaming could still be heard, he quickened his pace and it was when he reached the lobby of his apartment building that he was able to breath properly.


“Hurm”, Chanyeol spun around and came face to face with three sets of judging eyes at once. “Urm girls… what’s wrong?”, he asked, brows furrowed.

“You, daddy”, Sumi muttered as she crossed her arms against her chest.


“Yes. Daddy talked to strangers”

Chanyeol blinked, then laughed. “Well they’re my fans—“

“Daddy took something from them”, Seul interjected, and Chanyeol somewhat gulped as he saw her narrowing her eyes at the gifts in his hold.

“Uh it’ld be rude of me if daddy refused these, o-okay?”, Chanyeol answered, having no idea himself how on the earth did he was put in the disadvantage there. He could have sworn that the girls learnt to turn the table from Baekhyun.

“Now… now… stop looking at daddy with that mean face, hurm?”

“No”. It was Sun.

“No?”, Chanyeol asked, a little surprised. ‘What happened to my sweet Sunshine?’

Sun placed her hands on her hips and uttered the next three scary words later.




“I… tell… mommy”




Chanyeol had a cold sweat already…











Daddy: 0, Daughters: 3











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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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