Yoona's Diary

One More Chance


August 2003

12 years ago.

“Why are college girls way more attractive then high school girls?” Kai shamelessly asked as he leaned back onto his chair allowing the sun rays hit his face. “I admit girl’s in high school were so immature, college girls reach another level of matureness,” Lay elaborated.

It was the first few weeks of college for these young six boys, Luhan along with his friends Kai, Lay, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun all got accepted to in Yonsei University. Not all six boys are doing the same course though, in fact, Lay and Kai are engineer students both doing different majors, Chanyeol is studying film studies and one day would love to be producer, Baekhuyn is studying to become a n high school teacher, Sehun is a business student majoring in mass communications while Luhan is studying to be an architecture.

It was so good that every single member of the their friendship group in high school made it into the same college, it made hanging out a lot easier for them. Everyday they somewhat try and spend their breaks in between classes together as a group. Today they have chosen to sit outside of the campus steps while eating food they have brought from home or a near by food stand.

“Are there any attractive girls in your classes?” Luhan asked his friends. You know the classic guy talks between young adolescence.

“Please I have nerdy, fat computer wizards in mine,” Chanyeol chuckled.

“Kai and I don’t have a single girl in any of our classes, that’s engineering life for us.” Lay explained.

“I have some but all look too innocent looking,” Baekhyun added his two cents.

“I have some but it’s so hard to talk to them they are all stuck up, annoying business students thinking they will become rich one day,” Sehun continued. “What about you Luhan?”

“There are some in my architect classes, some are so smart but none are good enough,” Luhan explained making the rest of the boys roll their eyes. Why is Luhan always so bitter when it comes to girls? Out of the guys he’s the most attractive yet he’s the only one who has never had a girlfriend. Luhan has very high standards causing contradiction in picking up any type of girl.

“Then what kind of girl are you after?” Baekhyun asked.

“I don’t know someone girly, who is decent, smart, dresses nicely, very pretty, skinny, with long hair,” Luhan described.

“So you pretty much want me to pick out an idol for you?” Kai joked. “The girl you are describing sounds too perfect, you will never find anyone that perfect Luhan. You will find someone close to perfect, she will have flaws but you will learn to love them. So stop downgrading every girl you see,”

Luhan couldn’t agree, he just didn’t seem interested with the girls that came onto him or the ones he was introduced to. Every girl he has met had some kind of flaw that pushed himself away from them. “I’ll find her trust me,” Luhan explained to Kai. He may have sounded a little calm but the truth is Luhan was freaking out. It’s his first year of college, about to turn 19 and still is a , never kissed a girl or nor has he ever had a girlfriend. Time was ticking for him. The young male just didn’t want to graduated a or girlfriendless.

“If you meet this girl, it’s going to be some kind of miracle,” Sehun pointed out making the other guys laugh.

“I promise if I meet her I’ll buy you all BBQ,” Luhan continued as the others cheered, “I know I’ll meet her, this new years eve will be the last year that I will be single, I promise you that,”


And with that Luhan kept his promise.

The next day Luhan grabbed a coffee before his 9am lecture. It may seem like any other morning, but it’s the small things from each day that can grow into something big. If Luhan didn’t get coffee the morning, his life could have had a different turn.

As usual Luhan waited in line for his coffee when smelt a strawberry scented fragrance enter the room. It was Luhan’s favorite scent, he hated the fruit itself though oddly enough. It didn’t take Luhan another second but to turn his head to follow that smell. His eyes landed on a girl that walked passed him.

In his head Luhan quickly analyzed the girl without noticing as any guy would. From the results of his evaluation, he thought that the girl was very pretty from the back. She was average height, had long wavy hair, a skinny body and skinny legs and she had a good sense of fashion, wearing a flowy top with denim shorts, it was simple but she pulled it off in a classy way.

It was no doubt that she ticked off everything on his check list which was very weird to say as no one girl has ever been good enough to even reach an evaluation that good from Luhan with just the back of her. Now Luhan needed this girl to turn around to truly give her a final evaluation.

“What name can I have for that order?” the person at the counter asked the girl.

“Yoona,” the girl sweetly said.

Her voice was very soft and cute and so was her name, double ticks for Luhan. Luhan waited patiently for the girl to turn around, somehow it took longer then expected as she casually put her money back into her bag.

Finally she turned around to wait in line for her coffee, and there Luhan gave her an final score of 11 out of ten if that was possible. Her face was milky white, she looked so angelic with hardly a drop of makeup on her face. She looked like a nice person and at first glance and Luhan wanted to get to know her more. Instantly he was interested in her which in no way has he felt for any other girl.

They say love at first sight is possible; it defiantly wasn’t love at first sight because Luhan wasn’t in love with some stranger. It was the fact that for the first time in Luhan’s 18 years of living Luhan finally approved a girl and she wasn’t introduced to him, nor was she a desperate enough to chat him up. What made this experience so surreal was that she was some random that Luhan has never met.

“Order for Luhan!”

Luhan was quickly snapped back into reality, he gave the girl one last glance before retrieving his order. He had class to get to but his architecture career can wait, he was about to meet the girl that change the game so he sat by at the café and drank his coffee. Every few seconds he would look up to see if the girl Yoona was still there. He tried to keep her in his sight and prayed that she would sit down at the café, hopefully near him.

It was somewhat Luhan’s lucky day, when the girl sat down on one of the seats near Luhan once her order was ready. Luhan carefully watched her as he sipped onto his coffee. He found that he was very drawn to her the way she spread her butter on her toasted banana bread or how she multi tasked with writing notes on her diary.

Luhan didn’t know the exact reason why, but he was just felt so differently about this girl. She was different from other girls and  Luhan didn’t know why. He was so eager to know more about her, even to befriend her he was happy at that. She was so beautiful and Luhan was just insanely drawn to her.

After half an hour of being in this café just staring at the same girl, the girl got up and left her finished breakfast at the table. For half an hour the girl just sat there, fiddled with her diary by writing notes and ate her banana bread while Luhan lurked from the other side of the café, in a non creepy way of course.

He gained somewhat an interest in half an hour, it honestly didn’t take that long. When she left, Luhan wanted to follow her as that’s what his instincts told him to do. Luckily he looked back to the seat where the girl sat is where he saw her diary that she was playing before just sitting there. Luhan quickly reached for the diary and attempted to run after her. He tried to find her through the busy crowd of college students. He couldn’t find her and hopelessly gave up after a while.


A few hours later


“So you this girl’s diary,” a shocked Kai ask. Luhan met up with Kai and Baekhyun after his class and decided to tell them first about his encounter with this girl named "Yoona" that morning. The three were walking towards where the rest of the guys are sitting. “Yeah its here,” Luhan brought it out of his bag. Baekhyun was about to reach for it to see the diary but Luhan quickly snatched out of his side and placed it back into his bag. “Its not yours so you don’t get to touch,” Luhan warned.

“Neither is it yours,” Baekhyun pointed out.

“So when are you giving it to her?” Kai asked as the three approached the rest of the guys of the group.

“I don’t know,” Luhan shrugged, “When I see her, at least I have something to talk to her about,”

“What’s going on guys?” Lay asked as the other three sat by a picnic table where the other guys were sitting on campus. “I think we are getting our free BBQ,” Kai joked making everyone else confused. “Luhan finally found the girl that he deem as perfect,”

The other guys are shocked. Never did they think this day would come, they have known Luhan for years and for the first time ever he has found a perfect 10, heck nor is she a perfect 10, Luhan gave her an 11. “So… does she have any flaws,” Sehun asked.

“Not yet,” Luhan smiled.

“Was this girl from an another planet or something? This is such a rare occasion, what was she like?” Chanyeol beamed.

“Well she was breath taking beautiful, she had long hair, quiet, very girly,” Luhan described.

“So did you talk to her?” Luhan shook his head in response to Sehun’s question.

“But I do know her name,” Luhan continued, “Her name is Yoona,”

“We must meet this Yoona!” Chanyeol the happy pill clapped his hands together. “We much meet the girl that got a perfect score from this perfectionist!”

“Before you meet her I need to see her again, I need to talk to her this time,” Luhan explained.

Unfortunately Luhan didn’t see the girl again when he went to the café the next morning exactly the same time. He didn’t have classes that day but he decided to still come in the campus to see this girl. He even waited a few extra minutes but she was did not appear.

After an hour Luhan gave up and went home, determine to see her the next day.  Day after day, he would come into the campus café the same time everyday but the girl never came in. Until that one day. That one day Luhan decided to get milkshake after class to cool himself down in this summer heat before his next class. It wasn't mid day and Luhan didn't think Yoona would even come in the cafe at this time. 

He waited in line as per usual; everything seemed normal until he smelt that familiar strawberry scent. Quickly Luhan turned his head to follow the scent, it was the girl that caught his eye ordering her order at the counter.

Luhan suddenly panicked, he got so nervous and started to sweat. He didn’t know what to say to her. For days he has planned his meeting to her, he figured how he should approach her? He thought a cocky way might scare her off, trying to play it cool may push her away as well. Luhan needed to carefully think about it as one mistake can ruin his chances of ever getting to know this girl.

He received his order and sat by the same table he sat at everyday for the last few days. He watched her ever so carefully making sure this time she doesn’t leave his sight. Luckily Luhan hasn’t taken out her diary out of his bag, he left it there just incase he bumped into this girl.

The girl finally received her order and took her seat in the same exact place a few days ago when Luhan first saw her. Luhan didn’t know what to do, should he approach this girl? Wait for her until she leaves? Is it creepy that he still remembers her? Will she be weirded out? These questions haunted Luhan as he sat there making strange faces probably scaring the other users of the public café.

It was stressing him out and he knew that time of opportunity is running out. He can’t sit in that chair forever, he needs to get up there, introduce himself and give the diary back. “Just do it for the diary,” Luhan thought. Exactly, the diary is an good excuse, the diary that this poor college student needs. It probably has all her exams due dates and the more he’s keeping it from her will cause more risk in her study. If she misses out on an exam or submission of an assignment it will be Luhan’s fault for not giving her diary back in time before the due date of an exam or assignment because he was too scared to give it to her. Ah the crazy scenarios that ran through this weird mind. Never has a girl made him this nervous.

Luhan closed his eyes, ignored the assumptions in his head and went for his will. He found himself walking towards her, it was a scary but Luhan couldn’t help but not stop himself. “Hi miss,” Luhan whispered to the girl.

The girl looked up looking a tad confused, “Sorry can I help you?” Yoona asked nicely. Luhan was automatically mesmerized by her pure looking face. She was far more beautiful up close making this the best thing Luhan has ever done in his life.

It was that moment Luhan has been waiting for, the last few days he has been trying to gain confidence to talk to this girl but now the moment is here, he realize he never prepared what he was going to say. He just followed his gut feeling and grabbed her diary to chase after her. But this was a rare experience of a girl receiving an 11/10 from Luhan, it may never happen again. So Luhan swallowed his pride and stood up to be a man because who knows when will he ever meet another beautiful girl like her that has received such a high rating.

“I got your diary,” Luhan said so shyly as he handed her, her diary. “You left it at the café, I was about to leave when you were and I notice that you forgot to put it in your bag.”

The girl gave Luhan an odd look, was he possibly stalker her? Luhan quickly realize what he said was a little stalkerish and attempted to save it before she thinks he’s a creep. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching you anything but I just saw you get up from the corner of my eye and I realize a diary was just sitting there, I’m guessing it is yours,”

Yoona just cracked a smile, even her smile killed Luhan, he wanted to melt on the spot but he was on an important mission and Luhan needed to keep it together as anything or a single move can destroy this whole thing.

“Thank you so much, I’ve been looking for this,” Yoona smiled so sweetly as she took the diary of Luhan’s hands. “I really I owe you one,”

“No no,” Luhan eyes widen in surprise, “It’s only a diary, its nothing,”

“No,” the girl smiled, “I’ll buy you coffee or something,”

Luhan shooked his head once again, “Its fine I already had my daily dose of coffee,”

“Oh, then I guess I still owe you,” Yoona smiled nicely. “I swear to god I'm OCD so the last few days has been so stressful, so thank you again. I like to keep organized Yoona got up as she was prepared to head off. “I’m Yoona by the way, Im Yoona,”

Luhan looked at the hand that Yoona extended to greet him. Luhan warmly smiled as this is going great. “I’m Luhan, Xi Luhan,” Luhan introduced himself as he shooked her hands. He not only talked to her, learnt her real name and just shook her hand, Luhan was on some kind of roll here. 

“Well its nice to meet you Luhan, thank you again for the diary I promise I’ll make it up to you. I have to go to class now, I’ll see you around hopefully,” Yoona flashed one last smile before she was stopped by Luhan who did not want to end this pleasant conversation.

“Where is your class?” Luhan asked finding a way to keep this conversation going. He realized how much he liked talking her.

“B block,” Yoona answered.

“Ah same I’m heading that way, I can walk with you,”

“You do medicine as well?” Yoona asked.

“No no, I do architect,” Luhan answered.

“But that’s on the other side of the campus?”

“Yeah but my classes changed,” Luhan quickly answered, luckily he thought of a good save before she figured out that he’s lying. To be honest Yoona was right, Luhan’s building was on the opposite side of the medicine building. He had no classes in B block but only wanted to come with to talk to Yoona more, it would give him a big advantage to get to know her more.

“Well in that case, lets go?”

Luhan happily joined Yoona.

And that was the start of the long,enduring, confounding pathway the two will ever endure in their lives. 

Things would have been different if Luhan didn't go to the cafe that one morning......


Authors note,

HI guyssss

I just want to thank you for your views and subs thank you so much for supporting this fic. Please watch the teasers I made for this fic which can be found in the description box of the story. Again I want to thank you and please sub and tell your friends about this fic



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Gehanle #1
Chapter 7: It's crazy that it's already 2019... but I hope youll still update!
Thesilentreader24 #2
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update!!!!! Pleaseeeee! I luv ur story!!!
Gehanle #3
Chapter 7: Omg I checked just in time, please update those chapters!! Love this story!!
yanyansoshi #4
Chapter 7: I love you story..please update. TT
lee041991 #5
Just started reading your fanfic its soo good please update soon
Gehanle #6
please update ! every week i always check to see if you update even though it's already april, i still love this story!
Cleopangpang #7
Chapter 6: Waaaaah!! This is the start of the new beginning kyaaaah! My LuYoon will reunite and fall in love with each other again.
Chapter 6: Yeahhh coming soon luyoon moment
i really hope this is the chance for them to reunite again please
Cleopangpang #9
Chapter 5: This chapter is so cool. Talking about your future with someone is one of my dreams.Kkkk~ fighting authornim!
Cleopangpang #10
Chapter 2: Omg! This is awesome! the way you let my LuYoon meet again is fcking awesome! Omg!! My feels!! Kyaaaaah!!!