
The Opposite Stars
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No matter how much Sehun denied it, there was no hiding the fact that he was blushing because of Jiyeon.


Taehyung continued to annoy and by saying "Why is Sehun's face so red, Jiyeon~?" Sehun tried to make him shut up by blocking his mouth and mouthing things that shouldn't be mouthed... But Taehyung didn't care he continued to do it. As the vicious war between them continued to happen, someone came into the classroom and posted a large paper on the notifications board. Jiyeon walked up to it and saw what it was, she called Sehun over after reading it.

"Oh Sehun! The festival performance audition notice is up!"

"Huh? Already?"

"Yeah, it's next wednesday. You're going to do it again this year, right?"

"Of course."

At Jiyeon's school, they had the festival in the first semester, and an athletic competition in the second. Sehun and Jiyeon were already starting to plan what they were going to do for the audition that's in about a week.

"Again? You guys did the performance before?"

"Yeah, for a few years straight. I did the singing and Sehun did most of the rapping."

".. So there's no rule for new students doing the performance."

"Of course not."

"Maybe I should go up on stage again."


As she heard Taehyung's quiet mutter to himself, Jiyeon felt goosebumps everywhere. Taehyung was still a star, and a singer. After performing in front of thousands of fans with a smile, suddenly no one would listen to him, as she thought of that, Jiyeon looked at Taehyung with a face about to cry.


"Park Jiyeon, why is your face like that?"


"Um... Y-you don't have to look at me like that..."

"Kim Taehyung, do you really want to sing?"

"... If you ask like that, of course I want to. I've always liked singing."


Taehyung answered Sehun's question with a slight nod.




Taehyung is now confused. He doesn't know why he is sitting between Jiyeon and Sehun, trying to decide on a song.

"No, you idiot, this song is way better!"

"You're the one that's an idiot. You're deaf if you think that song will be better!"


Jiyeon and Sehun were fighting. Jiyeon wanted to do Some, while Sehun wanted to do Officially Missing You. (A/N:Both of them is by Soyou, it

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kateun #1
Chapter 7: this is a good story and I've been waiting for a new chapter since... long ago ahah
vkookss #2
Chapter 7: Yeay vyeon moment.. please update soon!!
NickWhite #3
Chapter 4: When jiyeon said "somebody like u"
I just remember meme about that wkwk ...

Army very funny ♥
NickWhite #4
Chapter 3: Wow "some" nice nice nice kkk

My fav song ♥♥♥♥
NickWhite #5
Chapter 2: Its very short chap than before -3-
NickWhite #6
Chapter 1: Joah joah ♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Ahhh hi!! im a new subscriber ^-^
since you're going to work on the college fic, will you still be updating this one or will it go on a hiatus? I prep ally really like this fic as well as your writing! I hope to see a new update from you soon =)
Chapter 7: Sehun protected Jiyeon like a brother did, but that's what a best friend should do too. He didn't make his feeling obvious, especially with Taehyung's existence around them. However, Kim Taehyung surely know what he was doing. Which couple is better? I can't choose....
kateun #9
Chapter 7: yay new chapter
kateun #10
Chapter 6: i need more