Chapter 4

Love behind those cold eyes | Kim Taehyung

Finally, hell was finally over, after 12 hours filled with torture.
Honestly, I was actually looking forward the my day out with Myungho, it might be a change of atmosphere.

I was packing my books when I felt a presence lean over me.
" Have fun with your boyfriend, " it said sarcastically.

" Thanks Taehyung. Even if I don't have a good time with him, it'll be better than spending any time with you. " I snorted as I looked into his eyes.

He flicked my forehead as he looked into my black orbs, " Don't get taken in by his white lies though. " 
After he said that statement, he walked away.

" Yah! Kim Taehyung what do you mean by that? " I shouted, but all he did was wave and continue to walk.

What was he trying to tell me? 

" Na Hae! " A voice called out which snapped me out of my thoughts
I looked up and saw Myungho running towards me grinning.

" Let's go, shall we? " He exclaimed as he put out his hand for me to take it. Such a gentleman, am I right?

Although his actions did make my heart flutter, I knew that Ji Hyo was around the area. Plus, I didn't know who initiated the break up, so I shouldn't be giving other people the wrong idea.

" It's fine, I don't really want other people to get the wrong idea, " I honestly reasoned out, as I rejected his gentleman-like gesture. ( But honestly, I really wanted to take his hand. ) 

" O-oh, it's fine, I wasn't really thinking clearly as well, " He awkwardly chuckled.

I smiled as I stood up with my bag and dusted my skirt. 
I didn't know how this day out was going to turn out. Most probably because it was the first time I had went out with a guy and Myungho and I didn't talk much as well.

~ <> ~ 

" So where are we going? " I asked curiously. He hadn't told me anything about where we were heading to nor what were we doing.

" Hmm, it's a surprise? " He chuckled as he grabbed my hand and started to run.
" O-oi, Myungho, " I croaked due to the sudden surprise of him grabbing my hand.
 " We're reaching really soon! " He spoke enthusiastically as we continued to run. He seemed like a little kid going to a theme park. 

I'm actually really excited to see what's in store for me.

~ <> ~ 

" Ta-da! " He shouted as we reached.

" Wh-where are w-we? " I asked as I panted, I wasn't really the fittest person. Myungho on the other hand was the complete opposite. He was the captain of the football team, he goes to the gym nearly everyday too. Not to mention when we arrived, he wasn't even panting. Sigh, I want to become like him, but when pizza exists, how is that even possible.

" See for yourself! " Myungho cheered.

I looked up just to see that we were in front of a huge outlet of Paris Baguette. My jaw dropped in awe as I stared at the high class building. Was he treating me lunch? Or did I have to pay for him just like I had to for that bastard, Taehyung. 

" Let's head in! " He yelled as he rushed in, still holding my hand.

As we entered, we were greeted by the countless waiters and the cashiers.
Even though it was already 4pm, there were still so many people hanging around in the cafe. All of them looked really elegant and had dresses and suits on. 

" Welcome, Myungho-ssi " A waitress greeted as she walked past. Myungho smiled, acknowledging her greeting. 
" You know her? " I questioned as I nudged him.
" This is my parents cafe, I come here occasionally to have lunch or dinner. " He answered.
" What?! Your parents cafe?! " I raised my voice a little due to the shock.

I felt eyes on me after I had said that statement. Awkward.

He smirked as he saw my reaction. " Yeah, i'm pretty rich y'know. " He bragged jokingly.

Hearing what he said, I playfully punched his shoulder. " Show-off " 

" Myungho-ssi, did you and Ji Hyo break up, who is this? " A waiter interrupted our conversation.

I felt my heart break a little upon hearing Ji Hyo's name. Okay, this is a little secret between the us. I never told anyone, not even Chae Young that I had a huge crush on Myungho before. I slowly gave up on Myungho after he had gotten with Ji Hyo because I didn't want to interfere with their relationship. That was also the reason why I so excited when he had asked me out recently. 

" No, she's just a friend. Is there a table for two? " Myungho inquired. 

I felt my heart shatter as I heard the words ' just friends '. But then again, what was I expecting? 

" Just friends? That's weird since you're holding her hand, " The waiter pointed out.
Upon realization, he quickly let go of my hand and started to scratch his head, " I'm sorry. " 

I shook my head, with a smile that said " It's okay. " 

That's what I said, but inside my head, I really felt like screaming my lungs out to the waiter whom pointed it out because I wanted him to hold it more.

" Well now that the matter is out of the way, let me lead you to your table, " The waiter professionally announced as he bowed 90 degrees before leading the way.

As we walked, I tugged onto Myungho's shoulder.

" Hmm? " He sounded.

" I actually.. don't have enough money to eat at such a high class cafe. " I mumbled in embarrassment.

He started to laugh after hearing what I said. " Do you seriously think I would ask you to pay for you own meal? I brought you here to treat you to lunch. " He stated.

I felt my cheeks heat up due to the stupid statement I had just said. I'm such an idiot. 

" Here's your table, " The waiter exclaimed before putting the menus neatly on the table and walking away.

Myungho walked over to my seat and pulled it out for me. " Ladies first, " He smiled.

I mouthed a ' thank you ', as I sat down. After ensuring that I was sitting comfortably at my seat, he went and sat down on his chair as well. 

" What do you want to eat? " He asked, flipping through the menu.

I took the menu and started browsing through it. The prices of the food served made my jaw drop. 
" $19.00 for a salad?! " I thought to myself, who on earth could even afford this.
" I'll have a cabonara, " I told Myungho after I browsed through the pages searching for the cheapest item.
" What? That's like the cheapest item on the menu, " He whined. " Get something like a seafood pasta. " He suggested.
" Cheapest " He says. But it costs $39.

" I feel really bad if I order something so expensive, " I told him. " My parents didn't raise me to ask other people to treat me to such expensive things either. " I thought to myself.
" It's fine, " He reassured before calling the waiter from before to place his order.

~ <> ~

After placing our orders, he looked into my eyes as I stared into his. It was complete silence between us, and it felt really awkward. 

" So.. " He broke the silence. " Tell me about yourself, " He asked.

" Lee Na Hae, Second year, my favourite colours are black and blue. I love k-drama and anime. " I told him, it was really simple, but I thought he should know a little more about my interests.

" Oh come on, there must be something more interesting, don't give me generic stuff. Why don't you tell me if you have a boyfriend or something. " He suggested. 

" A boyfriend? " I repeated. " I don't think any guy would go for me honestly. " I chuckled.

" What about Kim Taehyung? " He added.

I almost choked on my saliva hearing that name. Kim Taehyung, my boyfriend? What a joke. This has happened twice already, once with the cafeteria lady and another with my ex-crush. Just great.

" He's just a classmate, I don't consider him as a friend even. He just enjoys to annoy me and doesn't care about other people's feelings. " I ranted.
" Huh. I thought you two were secretly dating or something. " He laughed, behind the words he said, I knew he was doubting my statement. 
" No way, the thought of dating that alien disgusts me. " I frowned. 

" Why do you rarely smile? Even if you do, it's a fake smile, isn't it? " Myungho asked, changing the subject all of a sudden.

I was taken aback by this random question. " I smile pretty often when i'm around Chae Young though. Why do you say that? " 

" When I saw you at the piano earlier, you didn't seem too happy. " He explained.

" We all have our own problems, don't we? " I reasoned.

" Well, you're really pretty when you smile, so do it more often. " He complimented.

I cleared my throat after hearing what he said. He's flirting isn't he.

" Well enough about me, why did you break up with Ji Hyo? " I questioned. " You two always seem so happy together. " 

" She enjoys hanging around other guys instead of me. The last I heard is that someone saw her making out with another guy. " He explained.

" Bummer, " I mumbled, I didn't have any boyfriends so i'm not sure about how he was feeling right now.

" Anyways, i'm sure I can move on from her. I need someone who is more protective of me, who really loves me with all her heart. " He added.

" Do you have someone in mind? " I asked curiously.

" Yeah, she sits beside me in class and has a beautiful smile. " He admitted.

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing his words. It couldn't possibly be me. He only sits beside me during Science. He sits beside plenty of other girls during other lessons.

Oh my god, Na Hae. Snap out of it, he couldn't possibly like you. 

" Na Hae, are you there? " Myungho snapped me out of my thoughts.

" O-oh, s-sorry. " I stammered. 

" The food arrived while you were day-dreaming. " He laughed. 
My heart skipped a beat as I saw his beautiful smile flash as he laughed. 


The feelings are coming back aren't they?


( A/N : Hello! This is one of the few fanfics which i've written so I apologize for any grammatical errors or words which I have spelled wrongly. I hope all of you are enjoying it, and although it's not the best, I still hope you support it! So, are you team Myungho or Taehyung? :) ) 



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damnjjong #1
Chapter 3: Omg lovely story! ♥ Looking forward to how it develops >//<
kaisoox #2
Chapter 1: love the fic^^ fightin!! :)