Chapter 1

Love behind those cold eyes | Kim Taehyung

Chapter 1 : Sarcasm is the best response. 


" Shut up, Taehyung. You're the one who got both of us into this mess. " I scolded one of the most notorious boys in my school.

Taehyung and I were kneeling outside the classroom as we had to serve punishment.

" Me?! You're the one who started bickering with me. Don't push the blame to me! " He fought back. 

" If you hadn't had thrown the freaking paper balls at me, we wouldn't have been here in the first place. What do you mean it's my fault?! " I said harshly. I was so irritated with him.

My name is Lee Na Hae and how did I get into this situation you ask? Simple, one name is enough for my explanation. 

Kim Taehyung;  the " bad boy " of the school who always tucks out his shirt and doesn't ever bother to set his tie properly. I pity whoever will be marrying him in the future. However, i'm pretty sure this bad boy demeanor is just to seduce girls. 

Before I had gotten myself into this situation, I was attentively listening to my English teacher, Mrs Jung, explain pronouns. But this jerk just had to interrupt my concentration by throwing paper balls. If he had thrown one, i'd be alright with it. But he didn't throw one, not two either, but five paper balls at my head. 

I mean who on earth wouldn't get annoyed by that?! I swear. It's just my luck to get into the same class as this douchebag who has zero sense of Empathy nor concern.

" If you didn't overreact we would still be comfor- " Taehyung tried to talk back before the loud bellowing of Mrs Jung interrupted us.

" Both of you are serving punishment right now, so I would appreciate if you two would keep your mouth zipped up instead of fighting outside. If you are having any problems, resolve it after class. " She sternly said. " If I hear another word from either one of you, both of you will clean the all of the classrooms after school. " She threatened.

After hearing what Mrs Jung, Taehyung rolled his eyes and cussed something under his breath while I just sighed. I didn't know what to do with him. Ever since I had gotten into the same class as him, he has been constantly pestering me. Have I mentioned how many times we've gotten into trouble this semester? 


15 times. 


Do you feel my pain? Not to mention it's only the first semester and I have three more left with him. Sigh.


~ <> ~ 


" Ringggg " The bell rang signalling the end of lessons. We had knelt for at least 30 minutes outside the class. Taehyung wasn't even paying attention while he was outside. I failed to believe that someone can doze off while kneeling. but today, I had seen someone do it with my own two eyes. 

" You two may get up now, please pay more attention in class and stop fighting alright. " Mrs Jung informed us as she walked out of class. Her voice snapped Taehyung out of his nap. Mrs Jung was a really nice teacher, but when it came to paying attention in class, she's really strict.

" Finally, " Taehyung and I said in sync as we stood up. After hearing what each other said, we glared at each other. I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes at him. 

" Yah! You're really rude you know that. Do you know who I am? " He announced.

" Talk about ironic, who's the one who started this crap. And no, the only thing I know is that you are a douchebag. I do not want to learn anything else neither do I care about learning anything about you. " I shot back. 

" Tch " 

" How much more are you two going to fight? " Jungkook, one of the guys in Taehyung's clique came and interrupted us.

" Class is over, come on. Let's head to the canteen and get some food! " Jimin, another one of Taehyung's close friend came over and put his hand around Taehyung's.

" You should watch out Na Hae, " Taehyung warned before walking away with his friends.

" I'm not scared of you, after all you're just someone who beats up after people because you're lonely. " I thought to myself as I looked at his back which became smaller and smaller as it walked further into the hallway.

" Na Hae! Are you alright? " My best friend, Chae Young, came running towards me.

" I'm fine, just really irritated. " I complained while dusting the dirt off my knees due to kneeling so long.

" How many times have you served punishment with him this month? " She asked whilst giggling.

" It's not funny, Chae Young. I'm really suffering with that . He just enjoys disturbing me so much and I can't do anything. " I sighed.

" Oh come on! He's pretty handsome you got to agree! " She smirked while elbowing me.

" No, " I irked. " He is the most disgusting thing I have ever encountered. He is like an alien that came from another planet and I don't want anything to do with him. " I straightfowardly informed her.

" Don't be like that ~ They're serving tteokbokki today, isn't it your favourite? Cheer up alright! " She said happily while she dragged my wrist and led me to the canteen. 

I sighed again, and just obediently followed her, I was sick and tired of school. It hasn't even reached mid term yet. However I already want the school year to end.


~ <> ~ 


As we reached the canteen, I saw a huge group of people crowding around the center of the canteen, there was a stale, suffocating silence.

" Why did you bump into me, you punk?! " A familiar voice echoed throughout the quiet canteen.

" Oh no.. " I murmured as my eyes widened. That voice, it can only belong to one person.

Chae Young seemed to have read my facial expression and confirmed with me " Yeah, it is Taehyung's voice. " 

I quickly wriggled free of Chae Young's grip and made my way through the crowd, hoping to see what on earth was happening.

Squeezing through the suffocating crowd, I saw Joon Ki, one of the nicest boys in school, being held by his collar by Taehyung. 

Without thinking, I quickly rushed towards Taehyung's side. I wanted him to stop this instant, god knows what he was capable of.

I grabbed Taehyung by the shoulder without thinking of the consequences.

 " Kim Taehyung! " I shouted. " Stop this instant! " 

" Yah, Go away! " He said irritatedly as he pushed me away using his right hand while his left hand still held Joon Ki by the collar. 

Due to the strong and unexpected force, I lost my balance and fell backwards. 

I frantically moved my hands, trying to grab onto Taehyung's jacket to prevent myself from falling but to no avail, he was too far away to reach. 

" Crap.. " I cursed under my breath as I closed my eyes to brace for the impact knowing that it was the only thing I could anticipate now.

However, the impact never occurred. 

" Huh..? " I thought to myself feeling really confused as I opened my eyes.

" Honestly, how ungentleman-like can you be to the point where you have to push a girl backwards? What happens if something happens to this pretty face of hers? " A soothing voice asked. 

I looked behind and saw Choi Myungho supporting my back so that I wouldn't hit the ground. Choi Myungho was from my class, however we never really talked. I never really bothered to because he was constantly surrounded by girls even though he had a girlfriend. He had a gentleman-like personality and had a really nice smile, which was a turn on for almost all the girls. 

" Why should you care? Go to your girlfriend. " Taehyung shouted angrily. " She was the one who came in between Joon Ki and I. " He added on pushing the blame to me. 

" With that crappy attitude, no wonder you can't get a girlfriend. " Myungho teased.

" With your ever-flattering attitude, I wonder how many girls you've had a one-night stand with even though you have a girlfriend. " Taehyung shot back.

" That was a nice comeback, " Myungho agreed. " But at least I have a girlfriend which i've been together with for almost a year already. Throughout your whole schooling life here, no one has ever liked you, am I right? " 

Taehyung released Joon Ki by the collar and stomped towards Myungho and I angrily. Joon Ki scampered away after he was released, due to the fear of getting grabbed again.

" Did I hit a soft spot? " Myungho asked.

" You piece of cr- " Taehyung was ready to pack a a punch when the Discipline Master; Mr Park came into the scene.

" Kim Taehyung, what do you think you're doing?! " He asked loudly. Upon seeing the Discipline Master enter the scene, all the students dispersed and went back to their tables to have their break.

" Tch, what a party pooper. " Taehyung complained.

" Detention, 2 hours after school. If you dare skip it, you will have thrice the detention this week. " Mr Park sternly instructed.

" Na Hae, Myunyho, I would like to see you in the office now to fill in on what had happened. " Mr Park ordered as he looked over at us.

" Yes sir, " Myungho and I answered in unison. 

After he left, Jimin and Jungkook came running to Taehyung.

And I realized I was still in Myungho's grasp.

" Uh... Myungho.. " I said awkwardly whilst pointing to his arms.

" Yeah? " He asked clueless about the position we were in. 

" Oh! I'm sorry. " He apologized when he realized what he was doing. He supported me and ensured that I had regained my balance before he had let me go.

" It's fine, and thank you! " I smiled as I turned around and bowed.

" Let's head to Mr Kim's office now, yeah? " Myungho asked, and I nodded my head.

Myungho walked led the way as I followed behind. As I walked past Taehyung, I felt a grip on my wrist.

" O-oi. Let go! " I stammered as I looked at Taehyung and saw that he was the one who grabbed my wrist.

" Follow me. " 

" But I have to go to the Discipline Master's office. " 
" Let Myungho do that. " 

Myungho was oblivious to what was happening behind him. 

" Myungh- " I tried to shout, but before I knew it, my mouth was covered and all that was heard was a muffled sound.


~ <> ~ 


" Yah! Kim Taehyung, where are you dragging me? " I questioned as he finally let go of my mouth. Jungkook and Jimin were behind me to ensure that I didn't run away.

" Shut up and follow me. " He demanded.

" What a douche, " I thought to myself after hearing his words.


Taehyung stopped in front of a store room door which I assumed was our destination.

" What? Are you going to trap me inside? " I sarcastically asked.

" I wish I could, but you're going to wail like a baby for someone to save you. " He answered.

" Tch, am not! " 

He opened the door and pushed me inside.

He then entered together with Jimin and Jungkook. The room was filled with the lingering smell of cigarettes.

" You smoke? " I questioned him.

He ignored my question and pushed me towards the wall, pinning my against it. My eyes widened, clueless on what he was about to do. I had to admit that I was slightly intimidated by him.

" What are you d- " I asked but before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.

" Lee Na Hae, I already told you to watch out. Stop sticking your nose into my business. Because you will regret it. " He threatened.

" Whatever, " I mumbled before I pushed him away and walked to the door. Who did he think he is, honestly? What can he do to me. 


As I tried to open it, he quickly put his hand on the door to prevent me from opening it.

" What is your problem?! " I asked, irritated. 

" One more thing, if you dare to tell anyone that we smoke or if you tell anyone, even Chae Young. You will regret it. " He emphasized each word.

" Yeah yeah, now can you remove your hand off this wall? I loathe the smell of smoke. " I complained.

Hearing my request, he opened the door and pushed me out. Rude.

" If I find out you tell anyone about this, you're going to pay. " He said before slamming the door into my face.


Pay for what? Pay for the mental institute he's going to put in? Yeap, I would surely chip in to that. 




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damnjjong #1
Chapter 3: Omg lovely story! ♥ Looking forward to how it develops >//<
kaisoox #2
Chapter 1: love the fic^^ fightin!! :)