Chapter 2

Love behind those cold eyes | Kim Taehyung

" After that horrible experience of being threatened by Taehyung, recess had finally came to an end and everyone was heading back to their class.

It was time for Science, and it was in fact, the subject I hated the most. And did you know what's worst? Taehyung was seated right behind me. Time to suffer more of his nagging.

With a heavy heart I entered the class. The only thing that made me happy during Science lessons were that I sat beside Chae Young.

As I headed towards my seat, I saw that Chae Young was already seated and getting her materials out of her bag.

As she saw me approaching her, she gave me a big smile and signaled for me to quickly get to my seat.

Sitting down, she looked at me with her big brown eyes. 

" Alright, fill me in! " She excitedly said.

" On what? " I said, confused.

" Well, just now during recess when the Discipline Master came, I was pushed from away and couldn't get to you since everyone was rushing away from the scene " She explained.

" And so? " 

" And so, I saw Taehyung grab you! I couldn't find you afterwards. What did you guys do?! Are you guys together? And Myungho, I thought you guys didn't talk much? Why did he save you? " She shot out all her questions at once.

She was too busy asking me questions, I didn't realize that the class has already started, everyone was already standing up ready to greet the teacher, only Chae Young and I were seated down.

All of the eyes in the room were fixed on us.

" Stand up you idiots, " Taehyung uttered.

" Are you two done? " My Science teacher, Ms Yoon asked.

Embarrassed, Chae Young and I slowly pushed back our chairs and got ready to greet.

" Now that it's over, good morning class. " Ms Yoon greeted.

" Good Morning, Ms Yoon. " The class greeted back.

As we were about to take our seats, Ms Yoon stopped us.

" Class don't sit down yet, i'm going to changing some seats. " She announced.

There were sighs, moans and cheers from different corners of the classroom.

" Do you think this is our fault? " Chae Young asked me scratching her head.

" I think so.. " I chuckled, feeling slightly guilty.

" Look what you did, you retard. " Taehyung flicked the back of my head.

Well, you know. I'm pretty sure Chae Young would be happy if Taehyung was around her for every lesson, but sadly he isn't. However, for me, it's a different story. He's around me for EVERY lesson. Do you know how much of a burden that is.

" What did I do?! " I snarled.

" Alright, guys. Settle down, I shall start the process now. " Ms Yoon exclaimed as she put her hands together.

" Firstly, Jinyoung and Baekhyun, please change seats. " 

" But Ms Yoon- " Baekhyun whined not wanting to be moved away from his best friend, Chanyeol.

" Whining won't help, move along. " She straightfowardly concluded.

Baekhyun groaned as he moved over to change places with Jinyoung whom was sitting beside Mark. 

" Next, Taeyeon and Hyorin please change places. " 

They willingly got up without any complaint, most probably because they were going to sit beside Kwangmin and Youngmin, one of the most popular boys in school.

" Alright, finally. Chae Young and Myungho, go and change your seats. "

" I saw this coming from a mile ago. " I grumbled as I heard her name being called.

" Hey, at least you're sitting beside a cute guy. " She nudged me, wanting to cheer me up

" And you're sitting beside Jimin, " I smiled sheepishly.

She hit my shoulder playfully knowing what I meant by that. Jimin had been her crush for the longest time. She constantly talked about him when we went out and fangirled about him. And now she was finally given the opportunity to sit beside him.

" Alright, i'll go now ~ " She cheerfully pushed back her chair and went to sit beside Jimin.

My new seating partner then came. 

" Hello Na Hae. " Myungho greeted.

" Hello. " I acknowledged. " Thanks for just now, and sorry I abruptly left you to meet the Discipline Master alone. " I added on before looking back and glaring at Taehyung whom was the cause of it.

" Oh.. Speaking of that matter. He wanted me to tell you that you have to go to detention later for apparently not going to meet him with me. I already tried to reason out that Taehyung took you. But he just wouldn't accept it. " He informed.

" What?! " I exclaimed in disbelief. " That was totally not my fault, why do I have to go to detention?! " I whined in disbelief.

" I already tried to convince the Discipline Master about it, but he just wouldn't budge. " He admitted.

I sighed in frustration, " It's fine, thank you for you help. "  I have to spend another 2 hours with the retard who already made me serve punishment with him in the morning. This is such a cursed day. 




The bell rang informing us that school had ended.

" Alright, that's it for the lesson today. Oh and the Disciple Master said that if any of you have detention please go to it, if not you will have to do CIP. " Ms Yoon reminded. 

" This is specially for you, Kim Taehyung. " She added before walking out the class.

Hearing his name, I couldn't help giggle. I wonder how many times had he gone to detention already. 

" Alright, have fun at detention, Na Hae. " Myungho teased as he stood up and ruffled my hair.

" Shut up. " I joked as I slapped his hand, I hated it when people made my hair messy.

" Oh and one more thing before I go, can I... have your number? " He awkwardly asked as he passed me his phone. His eyes was filled with hope that I wouldn't decline his request.

" O-oh.. Sure. " I agreed before taking his phone and keying in my number. 

After taking his phone back, he waved and left the classroom. 


I turned around just to see Taehyung lying on the table, sleeping.

" This idiot, " I thought to myself. " He requires so much babysitting. " 

" Oi, Kim Taehyung. " I croaked whilst shaking his table.

" Just give me 5 minutes... " He moaned sleepily.

" You're going to be late for detention. " I sighed.

" Why do you care.. it's not like you're going as well.. " he grumbled.

" Well for your information, I am and it's all because of you. You better get your up before I tell Mr Park you skipped detention. " I threatened.

" You're such a pain in the . " He complained as he sat upright and yawned.

" You're worse than me, " I shot back as I stood up from my chair. " Let's go, we don't want to be late. " 




As we reached the detention room, we realized that there was no one else apart from the both of us. Mrs Jung was already seated inside marking papers whilst waiting for us to arrive.

I knocked on the door and she signaled for us to come in.

" Na Hae? It's rare to see you in detention. " She pointed out as I walked awkwardly to an empty table and sat down, Taehyung did the same. 

" It's my first time actually. " I said matter-of-factly.

" Well, on the other hand. I see Taehyung every other day. " She mumbled. 

" Yo, nice to be back. " Taehyung rudely greeted as he heard what Mrs Jung said.

She sighed as she took the stack of paper she was marking and stood up. " Since the two of you are the only people who needed to come for detention. I'll be taking my leave for a meeting. If I come back to find any of you missing, you're going to get into a load of trouble. " She announced as she walked out of the door. 

" Tch, irritating. " Taehyung gawked as he saw her walk out. 

" Aren't you going to study or something? " I asked.

" Shut up, I want to sleep. " 

" Rude. " I commented.

" Yeah yeah, just go study you nerd. "

" That's exactly what i'll do, " I snorted as I took out my books from my bag and started to take down notes. 

Detention might not be that bad of a thing, considering the fact that I can actually study since I wouldn't bother doing so at home. 


~ <> ~ 


1 hour and a half into detention, I was so sick and tired. I had been writing down math formulas hoping that time would past faster, but it's only been an hour.

I stretched hoping to relieve my stiff shoulders when I turned to my right and saw Taehyung sleeping soundly beside me.

" Are you even allowed to sleep during detention? " I questioned myself. " Even if we weren't allowed would he even bother? " I said answering my own question.

As I was about to continue writing down my notes, a thought came to my mind. 

I quickly rummaged through my pencil case hoping to find what I needed. 

When it came into sight, my eyes lit up.

" Perfect! " I thought. A black marker to take my revenge.

I slowly crept over to Taehyung's table and uncapped the marker.

I bent down so that I was my face was level with his. I realized how he had such beautiful eyelashes and such baby-like skin. He actually looked really good when he wasn't making a ruckus.

W-wait. Na Hae, what are you thinking about. 

Snapping out of those disgusting thoughts, I started to use the marker and draw one his face.

The first thing I started with was a mustache. Why? Because he is such a little kid and maybe having a mustache would make him seem slightly more mature.

Next, I drew a unibrow because why not.


" Should I draw a because he's a dickhead. " I thought to myself before giggling. I'm so funny. 


As I started to draw, his eyes opened and he grabbed my wrist. 

My heart skipped a beat due to his sudden actions.

" What were you doing, Na Hae? " He asked as his eyebrows furrowed.


" N-nothing.. " I stammered whilst trying to control my laughter. I mean, you can't expect me not to laugh when the most notorious guy in the school has a freaking unibrow.


" What's that in your hand? " He questioned as he lifted his head off the table.

" Black lipgloss. " I lied knowing that he wouldn't buy it. 

He grabbed the marker out of my hand and snickered " My face is beautiful but it isn't a canvas for you to draw on okay. " 

After he said that statement he pushed his chair backwards and it fell onto the floor. I quickly wriggled free of his grasp, knowing what he was planning to do. I quickly shot up from my squatting position and started to run away from him.


" Lee Na Hae, get back here! " Taehyung commanded.

" No ~ " I pouted.

" You're going to be a goner when I get you! " He shouted as he continued to chase me around the class.


We went around and around in circles, there were so many times where he almost caught me, but luckily I managed to outrun him.


However, at the last round I wasn't so lucky. He had cornered me and I had no where to run. Behind me was a wall and the other two sides were blocked by the stacks of tables.


" I got you now! " He gloated as he ran towards me from the other side of the class.


I slowly walked backwards hoping that I could find an opening when I hit the table and fell backwards. 

Taehyung who was running couldn't stop in time and he fell on top of me.


" Tae- " I looked up just to realize how close our faces were.

Just as the both of us were about to move away, Mrs Jung entered the classroom.

" Alright you two are dismis- " She saw the position both of us were in and immediately shut up.


We were frozen when we saw the look on her face. " Mrs Jung it isn't what you think! " We defended ourselves, hoping that she wouldn't get the wrong idea.


" Of course, you guys were... playing with markers right? " She reassured herself as she eyed Taehyung's face.

" Yeah.. Just playing with markers. " She repeated again, it seemed like she was trying to convince herself. After saying that she quickly left the classroom.


" Oi, Kim Byuntae, get off me. " I cried.

" Tch, careless. " He chided, as he got off and started to brush his pants.

" Aren't you going to help me up? " I asked.

" Are you disabled? You have arms don't you? " He barked as he started to walk towards the door, leaving me behind.

Honestly, I didn't know what was I expecting when I asked that. I used my arms to support myself as I stood up and dusted my skirt. 


" Thanks for today. " Taehyung said softly as he walked out of class.

" What did you say? " I clarified.

" Thanks for making me seem like a fool in front of Mrs Jung, tch. " He repeated. After he said those words, he had completely disappeared out of my sight and into the hallways.


~ <> ~ 


As I walked out the school, it was already 7.45pm. I didn't see Taehyung at all when I went out, he must've rushed home. 

I rarely went home this late, usually I end school at 5 or earlier, today was an exception. Reason being that I was sabotaged to go to detention.


It was already really dark and there weren't many street lamps on the way to my house, and even if there were it was still really dim.


As I walked, I felt someone behind me. 

I turned around just to see Taehyung walking behind.


" Yah, are you stalking me? I thought you went home already.. Or is it because you want to send me home? " I scoffed.

" Stalking you? I don't have time for that. I went to buy a drink that's why i'm behind you. Plus, my house is merely the same way. And why on earth should I send you home. " He denied.

" Tch, fine. " I accepted his reasoning and hastened my footsteps, I knew that my parents would be worried.


As I was about to reach my home, I looked forward just to see a group of men who looked like they were in their 20s, smoking at the dustbin.I felt a wave of uneasiness surge through me, there was just something intimidating about them. 

" It's okay, just ignore them, Na Hae, i'm sure they're nice. " I tried to reassure myself as I quickened my pace as I walked past them.

From the corner of my eye, I saw one of the them appraoching me. " Hey, you alone? " He chuckled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards. The smell of cigarette being emitted from his mouth was so strong.

I was abruptly stopped due to the amount of force he used to pull me back. I turned to look them in the eyes when another one of his friends started to approach me. " Want to join us? " He smirked. 

" N-no thanks. " I rejected, hoping that they would leave me alone. I quickly turned to the direction of my house wanting to leave but the man who had grabbed me the first time stopped me again. 

" Why are you being so cold.. Don't you want to have fun? " The third guy teased.

" I don't want to, let me go! " I shouted trying to break free but he was too strong.


" Let her go. " A deep raspy voice warned them from a distance. I looked in the direction of where it came from.
My eyes widened when I saw who it belonged to, why was he here? Why was Taehyung here?! 
Taehyung shot them a death glare. If looks could kill, boy, they'd be killed instantly. 


" Who's this? Your boyfriend? " The second guy asked looking at me. 
As I was about to open my mouth to reply, Taehyung's voice quickly cut me off. " I said let. her. go. " He emphasized on each word before walking towards us, which gradually changed into a run.Upon reaching where I was, he punched the man whose grasp was around me.

" , " The man who was holding me let go of me due to Taehyung's punch.

" This boy! "  His other two friends tried to grab Taehyung but he ducked and grabbed my hand before leading me down into an alley.


~ <> ~ 

" A-are th-they following u-us? " I asked while panting. Taehyung peered out to check before looking back at me and giving me a look which said ' they aren't '.
There was an awkward silence between us as I was trying to catch my breath. There were so many questions in my head that I wanted to ask Taehyung.

" Come on, i'll send you home. " He offered, breaking the silence.

" What? You were the one who didn't want to do it just now, what's with the sudden change of heart? " I questioned him.

" Fine then, go home yourself if you run into- " 

" I was kidding! " I quickly cut him off. The thought of seeing those men again sent shivers down my spine. God knows what type of ' fun ' they were talking about.

He chuckled, " Do you know another route to your house? If we walk the same way they might still be there. "  
I nodded as I walked first and led the way, " There's a back alley. " 

~ <> ~ 

As we walked I asked him one of the many things that were on my mind.  " How did you know I was there? " 
" Um... " He hesitated. " I... I was turning into the alley then I heard a scream so I decided to check it out. " He explained. However he sounded unconvincing, like he was making up a lie. But since he was sending me home, I didn't want to pursue the matter even further. 
" Thanks then. " I smiled.
" You owe me a favour for helping you escape, " He added.
" Tch, " I knew that his ' service ' wouldn't be for free.

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damnjjong #1
Chapter 3: Omg lovely story! ♥ Looking forward to how it develops >//<
kaisoox #2
Chapter 1: love the fic^^ fightin!! :)