Chapter 3

Love behind those cold eyes | Kim Taehyung

" Will you quit it, Kim Taehyung. " I turned around and glared at him.

" What if I said no, " He challenged as he threw another paper ball into my face.

I swear to god, one day i'm going to bash this kid up.

" Suit yourself, I don't have time to entertain you. " I sighed, I had enough punishments this week already,

It was History, and as I said before, Taehyung would always be sitting near me. So here he is again, seated behind me. Sometimes I wonder if I did anything wrong in my past life to suffer this torture. 

" Oh come on, you're no fun, " He complained.

My table partner was called Ji Hyo. She looked at me with her concern-filled eyes and asked " Are you sure you don't want me to tell the teacher about Taehyung? " 

I smiled and reassured her, " it's fine. If you do so, you'll only make him want to annoy me more. "

" Oh speaking of which, how are you and Myungho doing together? " I smirked and nudged her.

" We're doing fine! " She exclaimed. Her eyes lit up upon her boyfriend's name. " Our 9th month is coming up as well. " She smiled.

She and Myungho had been dating since the first year of High School. They were everyone's relationship goals.

" Na hae, Na haeeeee, Lee Na Hae ~ " Taehyung whined and interrupted my convo with Ji Hyo.

I clenched my fist and turned around " Kim Taehyung, you better shut up before I kick you. " 

" You're free to do so, that is, if you can even catch me, because someone has no stamina at all ~ " He taunted.

" Kim Tae- " My statement was interrupted when Mrs No, our History teacher called my name.


" Na Hae, Taehyung, This is the third time I had to call both your names. This is the final warning before I tell Mr Kim about your actions. As for now, please head outside and serve your punishment." She ordered. 

Hearing the word punishment, I knew it was going to be the usual- kneeling outside the classroom and repenting on our mistakes. Sigh. Punishments had became a daily occurence to the point where what I needed to do and how long I needed to do it for.

" Yes Ma'am. " I listened and shot a death glare to Taehyung before the both of us walked out. 


" You always overreact you know? " He smirked as we both got into our kneeling positions.

" I do not! " 

" You're doing it now. " 

" Shut up before we get into some more trouble. " 


~ <> ~ 

As class was about to end, Mrs No called Taehyung and I back to our seats. 

" Alright class, I have an announcement to make. There is going to be a History project on the Wars that Korea has experienced. Please make a board filled with information on each war. " She told us as we sat back down onto our chairs.

I glanced over at Chae Young who was already looking at me. I always partnered Chae Young when it came to group projects, obviously because she was my bestfriend. 

" However, to make you guys interact with more people, I will be making the pairings. I don't care if you guys are against the pairings, you just have to go with the flow as this is graded. " She emphasized on ' Graded. ' Hearing those words immediately made me feel like my hopes were dashed. Almost every teacher in school knew that Chae Young and I were best friends, they would never pair us up together. 


" Okay, the first pair would be Seokjin and Namjoon "
" Taeyeon and Sooyoung " 
" Mingyu and Wonwoo "
" Chae Young and Jimin "
" Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok " 
" And lastly, Taehyung and Na Hae. " 


As I heard the name that was paired up with mine, I immediately stood up from my chair and so did Taehyung.

" Mrs No, I am unable to work with Na Hae. " He informed.

" And i'm unable to work with Taehyung as well. " I agreed. For once, we both had a mutual agreement, we should get an award.

" Hmm. Then both of you get zeros if you guys aren't planning to try to do something together. " She blatantly said. " With that, class is now dismissed. " She concluded the lesson and left.


I turned around and glared at Taehyung.

" You're going to do all the work, " He said and smiled innocently. As expected.


~ <> ~ 


" OMO! " Chae Young enthusiastically came to where I was sitting and cheered after Mrs No had left the class.

" Congratulations on your marriage, " I sarcastically said.

" Oh come on, you got Tae. He's really hot too, you'll enjoy the group work. " She tried to cheer me up.

" No, i'm not. Now let's go before I have a mental breakdown on needing to do all the work. " 


~ <> ~ 


As we reached the canteen, I was greeted by the aroma of food. I was so annoyed throughout the whole History lesson, I forgot how hungry I was.


" Come on! Let's queue for food! " Chae Young exclaimed as she dragged my hand to get in line.

" What should we have today? Bimbimbap? Jjajangmyeon? Mmmm, i'm so hungry. " She asked happily as we queued. To be honest, I envied Chae Young's life, She always seemed so carefree without any problems.


Upon reaching the counter, I started to place my order. 

" One jjajangmyeon please, " 
" Make that two, " A voice added on. 
I turned to my right just to see Taehyung grinning at me.


" I'm not paying for you. " I informed him.

"  Why not? " He pouted.

" Why should I? " I shot back. 

" Well, even if you don't want to, she's already preparing it, you can't just cancel the order. " He smirked as he pointed at the lady who was preparing the food. " I'll collect the food from you later ~ " He added before he skipped happily back to his table. 


As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. That sly kid. 


I sighed as I looked back to the lady at the counter. " Here you go, two jjajangmyeon. " She said as she placed the bowls on my tray. 
" Aren't you a nice girlfriend, " She teased as I put the money on her hand to make my payment. 
Hearing those two words almost made me puke, Girlfriend? To that jerk? No thank you, i'd rather watch drama and be with my imaginary husband than that alien.
" I'm not his girlfriend, but thanks for the food. " I calmly informed before heading over to the table where Chae Young was sitting at.

" You must be really hungry huh? " She asked as she eyed the bowls I had on my tray.
" I have lost my appetite in fact. " 
" Why did you get two bowls then? Do you have a secret boyfriend who says you should gain wei- " She smirked before I cut her off. 
" No I do not have a boyfriend, Chae Young. Kim Taehyung forced me to buy one. " I groaned. 


Speaking of Kim Taehyung, I rarely see him in the canteen, it's weird that he's here today.


" Where's my jjajangmyeon? " A deep voice said as I felt a hand on my head. Speak of the devil. 
" Right here, your highness. " I addressed him as I passed the jjajangmyeon.
" I'm off, " He patted my head after he received the jjajangmyeon and headed back to his table. 


I am getting treated like a slave then a dog, What could be worse.


" Na Hae, i'm going to go sit with Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. " Chae Young snapped me out of my thoughts.  " Do you want to sit with them as well? " She offered.


Of course, getting ditched by my bestfriend. 


" No. I'm not given up my pride to sit with that alien and his two minions. " I grunted.
" Suit yourself then, " She nodded before bringing her tray over to their table. She didn't even seem like she had the intention of convincing me to sit together with them. 

" Thanks for leaving, I really appreciate it. " I mumbled to myself sarcastically as she walked off.

Initially I thought that they would reject her, however, she fit in immediately. They started laughing and talking like they knew each other for years.

" Now my appetite's really gone. " I sighed to myself. " Might as well just walk around the school. " 


~ <> ~ 


As I wandered off to the third floor, I saw that there was a piano near the room where Taehyung had dragged me to the other time.

I excitedly went over to the piano and sat down. I loved playing the piano. It was my favourite past time. Whenever I was stressed or angry, I would release all of it by playing the piano. 

My grandmother thought me how to play it, although.. I haven't really seen her in a long time.

I really wanted to get a new piano when I moved from Busan to Seoul, but my parents were reluctant to help me buy one. They said it was a waste of space and I would gain nothing from learning the piano which I think is complete utter bull.

I pulled out the piano stool before sitting down comfortably and laying my hands on the keys which I haven't touch in a long time and started to play. It felt like a second nature and was as if I connected with the piano and became one. It felt so relaxing, like all my problems just disappeared.

I closed my eyes and immersed myself in the song I was playing.


Finishing the song, I heard someone from my left.

I opened my eyes just to see Myungho smiling gleefully at me. 


" That was really good, " He complimented.
" Thanks. " 
" Why are you here though? And not with Chae Young? Isn't Taehyung disturbing you? " He shot me with questions.
" Well, I got ditched by Chae Young, she's together with Taehyung and his gang now, " I answered.
" Well that . I know this is really weird, but would you mind going out with me after school today? " He asked out of the blue.


I was taken aback by the sudden question, and why would he be asking me out? He was together with Ji Hyo, so why ask me instead of his girlfriend out?
" I don't really want Ji Hyo to get the wrong idea, so did you ask her for permission? " I questioned just to make sure. 
" Oh... " He hesistated, " We broke up just now. " 


Hearing what he said, I kept my mouth shut knowing that I had hit a soft spot. "  I'm sorry.. It's just that I asked her this morning, and she told me that your monthsary was coming up so... " My voice trailed off.

He grinned at me with a smile that said " It's alright. " 

" How about for saying that about, you must absolutely go out with me after school today! " He sheepishly suggested.

I sighed knowing that ' no ' was not an answer, " Fi- " But before I could agree, the loud voices of a few people started to enter my ears.


I looked to the left where the sound was coming from just to see Taehyung and his gang heading towards us.


" What's this? " Jungkook asked.
" Are you guys having a date, by the piano? " Jimin laughed.
" Are you that desperate for boys that you had to go for a boy who's already in a relationship? " Taehyung teased.


I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 
" I was just playing the piano, you and your small mindspan couldn't possibly understand that. " I snapped as I stood up from the stool.


" Tch, in fact, I can. " Taehyung said as he quickly walked towards where Myungho and I were standing.


He was about to lay his hand on me when Myungho quickly grabbed it.
" Oi, what's your problem? " Taehyung asked.
" You're about to lay your hand on my girlfriend, who do you think is the one who has a problem? " Myungho shot back.


My heat skipped a beat.


He had just broke up with Ji Hyo, as much as it is every girl's dream to be Myungho's girlfriend, this is escalating too fast. I'm so confused.


" Girlfriend? " Taehyung chuckled. " She wouldn't go for a guy like you, and aren't you together with Ji Hyo? " Jungkook put in.

" I broke up with Ji Hyo, and yes, in fact, she would go for guys like me. " Myungho said as he put his arm around me.

" Myungh- " I tried to say before he cut me off. I was clueless to what he was trying to do or what he was trying to prove.


" I love you, Na Hae. " Myungho finished.

I felt my face heating up, I didn't know what to do, nor what to say. I just hoped that something would save me.


" boy, " Jimin cursed under his breath.


" I- I " I wanted to reply but the words just couldn't come out. All I wanted was the bell to ring, I just needed an escape from this.


My prayers were answered when the bell rang interrupting the intense conversation we were having.

" Disgusting, " Taehyung spat before signalling Jimin and Jungkook to head back to class.

As they started to walk, I looked at Myungho and stuttered " Myu-Myungho, can you please remove your hand? "

I wasn't really good with physical contact, most probably because I hadn't had a boyfriend before.


" Oh, sorry. " He apologized.

" It's fine, I guess i'll see you after school? " I smiled before walking off so that I would escape the awkward situation/

Honestly.. Myungho's actions did save me from a load of crap I would've to suffer from Taehyung if he didn't do that. So I guess i'm thankful as well. 



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damnjjong #1
Chapter 3: Omg lovely story! ♥ Looking forward to how it develops >//<
kaisoox #2
Chapter 1: love the fic^^ fightin!! :)