
On the other side, at the village, Hyejung was lying on her bed. She felt so weak.

Today was her birthday but none of her family was there to celebrate.

The door slowly open revealed the couple came in while holding a cake on their hand.

“Happy Birthday, dear”, the couple sang.

Hyejung smiled seeing the beautiful couple in front of her. She glad she met them.

Even though she doesn’t feel the love from her own family but she still got felt love from a mom and a dad.

She smiled while wiping her tears on her pale cheek.

The couple placed the cake on the bed and they sat next to Hyejung

“My dear, I don’t know what happen towards you and your brothers, but the day I saw you, I knew you’re a destiny to us”

“You’re are fate to be with us dear”

“It felt like God finally gave us chance to have a daughter.” The wife kissed Hyejung’s forehead.

The husband held Heyjung’s cold hand and kissed it “I had asked God everyday to give us a chance to have our own child”

“But, God already have his own plan”

“He not given us a child but he gave us an angel”

“Even though our meeting was not too memorable” he chuckled.

“I still glad…”

“No”, he smiled and looked directly at Hyejung

“Appa still glad that I have a daughter name Hyejung that are sent to me and my wife”


Hyejung cried and smiled to both of them.

Finally she had felt the love from a parent and she was happy and glad to have the couple until her last breath.

She’s already accepting her fate.

Even though her own family, her siblings doesn’t love her, she still loved them from bottom from her heart.

She doesn’t want to point the wrong at them.

That’s what her grandma taught her.

She already apologized for all their wrongs and she hope and pray for their live to be success and live happily ever after.

She wished the best for all of them.


Hyejung was fighting with her own death right now.

Her leg started to get cold and when she tried to move her legs, her legs doesn’t move any.

She stayed quiet but she knew her time was here.

Pushing all the thought, she faced the couple one more time, trying to capture her last moment with them.

“Hyejung… blow your candle and make a wish”, mom asked while pushing the cake near her.

Closing her eyes,

‘I wish the success in my all brother’s and Hyejin’s life’

‘I wish Yamada won’t mad at me and he will meet his own girl and make a good life’

‘I wish, appa and omma will have a good life’

‘And my last wish is’ taking a deep breath

‘I wish, if I’ve a second chance to live, I wish I’ll become their daughter again.’

Hyejung slowly opened her eyes, trying to bear the pain that she was holding right now and blew the candles away.

Her body seems not to hold any pain anymore, her eyelids started to fall and her body started to cold.

The couple seems to see this was the end of their daughter life, holding back their tears, they still create a smile to Hyejung who was fighting with death.


“Appa”, taking a deep pain breathe

“I wish to become your daughter again if God willingly give me a second chance”, Hyejung hold tight both of her parents hand

“Could I be your child again?” closed her eyes, trying to pull out all her last energy.

The couple cried, nodding their head “Yes dear”

“We’ll be glad if you’re becoming our daughter again”, both of them kissed both Hyejung’s cheek.

With her all energy left, she opened her eyes “Thank you and I love you both”.

The couple nodded and smiled

“Sleep my Hyejung”

“Sleep angel”, dad patted and brushed Hyejung’s hair gently.

“Make your pain go away”

“No one could hurt you anymore”, mom smiled and looked out the window looking at the bright sun shined through the window.

“We’ll promise to ourself”

“If we are given a chance to choose”

“We’ll always take you as our daughter all over again”

“Thank you for coming in our life, angel”


30th November…

This date is the date where she was born with her twin, echoed across the ward with her ​​weeping, but this date also the date where she finally left all things in this world without her twin and her brothers on the side.

The girl name Hyejung… or her real name is KIM HYEJUNG finally went AWAY far from her her family.


Last chapter coming right away...

Hope you enjoy.


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noussi #1
Chapter 5: i cried alot coz of this story, it's really great, keep on tht
Chapter 5: Regret always come later,,,, thank you for the lesson you want to told us by your story
Chapter 1: This a very interesting story so far I can't wait to read more :)