Chapter 6 ♥

He said ''its okay''

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual, I put on my yoga pants and a plain white t-shirt underneath my sweater-- I look cute though. I put on my pink adidas running shoes which Dad bought me last summer and tie my hair ponytail. I rushed downstairs and saw Dad and Kyle putting jam on their toast, "What happened ?" Kyle asked while eating his toast, "I'm fat, you know", "good thing you acknowledge it" he teased. "Stop teasing your little sister Kyle, she is our pride" Mom defended. I really feel like want to slap his face with a chair-- maybe not. We both and Dad step outside and start to jog for a lap or two, "you probably would catch flu, its starting to cold". Kyle know me so well, he knows that I hate it when its cold but how I still like it when its snowing. He knows that I hate hugging myself in the bed to keep myself warm but how I still like it when it feels like I am more appreciating myself for existing. He knows everything that sometimes I don't even realize it myself.

I put on my earpods and let Kyle and Dad jog pass by me, I casually walk and shuffle some acoustic songs. It makes me calm and warm-- its more enjoyable when I stopped in front of this 'superb' house. When I take a look closer, the designs are quite unique. There is two garage at the very left corner, like always there is this red sportbike Kawasaki parked in front of the house. Its white cream painted and surrounded by 'forest' tree. It gave me this Twillight feelings. Kyle spanked my back, "oy, you haven't finished a lap yet what are you staring at ?" Kyle took a moment to look what I've been staring at-- "ahh this house, I heard the owner goes to the same school as yours", "I knew it", "you did ? who then ?", "I've got no chance to see his face-- its probably be a guy because would a girl ride a sportbike ?","you will never know","lets stop here then, I need to get ready for school" realizing its already 7:20 a.m, I rushes to home. Dad wishes me good luck when he saw me rushing, perhaps he want to stay longer here with Kyle for another lap. 

*8:45 a.m*

While waiting for Mr. Sung Jae, our Biology teacher to come in-- "it will start snowing soon, and a week more for winter break.." I mumbles. "I heard it, I heard it" Seung Ae said. "sorry","there is no need to sorry for, I am excited for Christmas too. Anyway are you free after school ?" she asked. I don't know what to answer because after the school periods I have a quick meeting with Ms. Hyolin, I just nodded. "Great ! We will having Dahee's birthday party at her parents' Coffee Shop, make sure to come. She asked me to invite you all along", Dahee is our class president. She is nice and a lil bit of nerd. Her parents own a coffee shop at the Seoul city, if I went to her place I might get a cultural shock. I hate party-- loud and all of the balloons, party hat, stuff. "Okay but I'm not promising to com--", "oy it will be only 30 people at the cafe. Don't feel embrassed though, we all are your friends", 30 people ? I should feel embrassed. "but--", "also ! Dahee stated that she invited a group of hot guy for her party, you should literally come !" she sounds excited and all. And then there is Mr. Sung Jae. 

*3:50 p.m* 

Right after the school periods end, I went to the school office to meet Ms. Hyolin. I spotted she was sitting at the couch facing the scenery outside the window. 

"Good evening.. susaengnim ?" I said. "Oh, here you are. Have a seat please" she pleased, I smiled. I smelled something bad is coming. "So y/n.. I have an offer to give. I don't if this seems an opportunity for you or anything but this is a special offer you shouldn't reject it" she stated. I know I need to calm myself down, I bite my lips which she totally would notice that. "The principal would like to have you sit in Class A, I know thi--", "WHAT!" I half screaming, I apologised to those people who seeing me like this "what ? " I slowed down my volume, a little. "I know you would be in a total shock, but since your current examination results are totally amazing, the principal would like you to sit in Class A", "I'm sorry Ms.Hyolin but there is a lot of people in the class deserves thi--","I know, we all know but this is the best for you" she said as she stood up, "y/n, make this school proud of you. This is your only chance, think about it. 3 days would do ?" she said as she smiling. 

I closed the school office's door slowly like I couldn't believe what happened. Its only about a week of my entrance in this school but-- wow. I literally would say no because other people would find it unfair. My phone beeped, its from Seung Ae

"ya ! ppali come here ~ The party is about to start. Where are you ? I gave you the address precisely, check your messages. Ppali !" 

I can read it with her voice which seems scary. I rushed to the class and packing my things-- I am in a hurry. I don't want to dissapoint my friends, how could I ? 

*4:10 p.m* 

I took the city bus and walk down the Seoul street. There are so many people, I haven't been in Seoul for almost 3 years so I kind of forgotten the path. 

Ground floor, lot 51, Jisang street 

"49...50... 51.. Dahee The Great Cafe, what a cheesy name" I whispered. Its getting cold outside, I better get hurry. 

As I entered the Cafe, there's this tinkling sounds. "Oh ! y/n ! Come here, blow the candles with me !" Dahee's loud distance shout. I greet her parents first as I walk towards the table. Dahee sure inherit her face from her mother, her mom looks pretty. I spotted Lim with her disgusted face-- okay. Seung Ae, Wooyong, Joo twins, Yuna, oh there is Jisuk too but of course he's sitting far from Lim. Megan our class president, Han.. most likely Dahee's boyfriend but from another class, the others are our classmates. And the 30th people is me. "Aigooo why are you so late ? Come here" as Dahee pleased, Lim excuse herself "excuse me girl, you just ruined the party"the whole crowd laughed. They just did it on purpose, I saw their fake faces saying 'please just this once let Lim disses you'.  "ya ! stop saying nonsense, she is our main guest" Seung Ae replied. "Nerd girls should just go home" Lim stated. I felt my heart burning when she said that but I just do nothing but smile."I'm sorry" I apologised.  

I took a seat at the very right corner, then I spotted Jisuk. He was all alone eating the desserts. I go near towards him, "hey" I greeted. He look at me while fixing his glasses, "yea hey" damn his voice sounds y, Lim should think twice before breaking up with him. "Don't you feel alone without anyone around you ?", "its okay, I'm used to it don't mind me", "aish stop talking nonsense, I'm here for you" I playfully punches his right shoulder and he giggled. "Seeing you laughing like that made my day", "this is the first time people actually speak to me like that but Li--", "what are you eating ? Bingsu ? Ya ! Share some with me, this looks extremely delicious" I said because I know he started to bring up that 'Lim-sueing-me' story. Its bored so I ended up eating Bingsu with him which is actually Korean ice-shaved ice cream ? I don't know, I just eat. "I saw your past examination results at the school board recently, its totally amazing. 882 points out of 900 ?" he stated. "Its not a big deal though, well--" I stopped because of a crowd screaming "Ohmygod ! Its Class A, a group of guy from Class A !", "Dahee-ya, I will pay for all the meal we ate okay", "ya Dahee ya thanks for inviting them, we will never be calling you fat again you're beautiful!" and all of these girls talk. 

An SUV parked in front of the cafe. I saw J hope coming out first, followed by Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin.. Namjoon and Yoong-- Suga. "He totally look just like Yoongi" I mumbled, "eh you said something ?" Jisuk asked, "no--nothing". The crowd started surrounding the 7 boys, "are we late ? we are sorry" Namjoon said, and the crowd denied it. "Cheesuite, they never deny such thing like that before, I wasn't even late right ?" I asked. Jisuk did nothing but stare at me, he looks like a squarrel. "Noona !" Jungkook shouted and waving his both of hands, nobody seems to notice that. I 'kitty' wave him back. "Hey did you read the news ?" Jisuk asked in a sudden and I said no, "what happened ?","The principal will be announced 5 lucky people from our class for a test", "what test ?" I asked because there is like a month or two more for test and I didn't study a thing-- it might not be me but who knows ? I felt like someone is staring at us, its Suga. So I pretend like nothing happened, "A test for Class A entrance" he said. I chocked.

"This is getting out of hand", "what do you mean by that ?" he asked. I should not tell him the truth, I need some serious moment with Ms. Hyolin tomorrow. I sips on my orange out of anger. "Hi noona" Jungkook said as he took a seat in front of me. "ya~ why are you calling her noona out of the blue ? You never call anyone older than you 'noona' before aigoo" said J hope who was standing besides him. "Yayaya ~ lets give them a space, Hobi hyung there is a lot of desserts there should we take control of it ?" Jimin was teasing J hope and they both went off to the desserts section. As what I see here there is Jin and Taehyung who was sitting at the main table surrounded by the crowd, they both look disgusted. Namjoon was talking with a few girl students from our class, not sure what he is talking about. And.. Suga ? Why did he just stand there and stare at me ? I feel uncomfortable already so I talk to Jungkook to burst the bubble. 

"Kook-ah,how was school ?" I asked, pretty much I look like a mom asking like that. "Aish noona, what is this ? You know I don't like to talk about schoo-- noona ya ~ we heard there is one person from your class will be attending ours","really ?" I don't mean to sound so rude just because I knew everything but at least I should act like I do not know what actually happened. He nodded, "yup, it better be a boy-- ah nothing.. " wait, does he just rejected me ? I'm upset. But what does he mean ? I eat the bingsu again, again and again-- "Are you okay ?" Jisuk asked. "Noona must be hungry" Jungkook interrupted. I sighed, "look here" Jisuk called and wipe something off my lips, "you should eat slowly, don't rush--", "excuse me ? Do the owner invited both of you having a couple meeting here ?!" Lim shouted from the distance. Everyone pay attention and put their stare on me, I stood up and say "well its not like what you thin--", Jisuk hold my arms and told me to sit down. "Oh my god everyone look here, they both are holding hands! How sweet, you just hit the lottery girl" Lim mocked. I heard few from the crowd saying things like 

she just came couple days ago and already picked up a boyfriend ? oh my look at her, very shameless holding Jisuk's hands. 

I let go of Jisuk's hands. I grab my school blazer I hung at the chair I was sitting and went off. "Noona ! where are you going ?!" I heard Jungkook's loud shout. "ya ! y/n ! " Seung Ae's too. I just ignore it, "I'm sorry Dahee, I'm such a mess" I told her before leaving the party. 

*5:13 p.m*

I walk fast towards the bus stop, I sat on the bench. Lim was just too much and the wheather is too cold for me. I hug myself because the winter coat and the boots just wasn't enough. "Its okay, I saw everything" suddenly Suga appeared and sat beside me. "Are you happy now ? Seeing me embarrass myself in front of the people ? I look ugly and thanks to you the CCTV" I said madly. He took off his scarf and put it on around me neck, "be warm next time, you will catch a flu" he said. I don't know what to say, should I thanks him ? It would be a shame because of what had happened yesterday. I rushed to the bus which would take it to my place, I just throw a smile towards Suga-- a fake ones. I hop on and took a seat at the very back of the bus near by the window. I closed my eyes deeply and whispered "I had it enough" 

-to be continued-

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Chapter 6: update more, author-nim~~! palli jaeball~~~!!