He Had Gone

You Will Always be My Everything

Youngmin’s POV 

Oh no! Immidiately, I ran to him and put his head on my laps.

"Yah! Kwangmin! Wake up!"

"Hyung... Are... you okay?"

"Stupid! Why did you push me? Look at you now!"

I started to cry. Because of me, he became like this.

"Hyung... Don't cry..."

"How can I not cry? You... You..."

He lifted his hand slowly to wipe my tears.

"Please take care of Minwoo, hyung. I got a feeling that I can't meet him anymore."

"No! You will meet him! You will live happily ever after with him!"

"No, hyung... I can't feel anything, hyung. My body went numb... Maybe I will not be able to survive..."

"Shut up! You will live! You are not going to go anywhere! You shouldn't push me and sacrifice yourself! ! Why there is no people here?"

I cried even louder, I could not imagine if Kwangmin would go forever.

"You know, hyung... I am happy that I can do something for you... Even if I will die today, I will feel no regret, because you are okay. So please, if I am not around, please take care of Minwoo. You are the only person that I trust the most. I love you, Youngmin-hyung. Please be happy with Minwoo..."

I nodded and he smiled weakly. Slowly, he started to close his eyes.

"YAH! Don't sleep here! Wait for people to come! SOMEBODY! HELP!"


Kwangmin was on the ICU, being operated the doctor. I sat on the waiting room with Donghyun-hyung who hugged me. Both of us kept silent. I have stopped crying but I was very frustrated. God, please do not take Kwangmin. After the accident, the driver of the car ran away.

Soon, our parents came. They came to me. Dad pulled me and forced me to stand up. Without any hesitation, he slapped me and hit me all over my body.

"Ahjussi! Please don't..."

Donghyun-hyung tried to stop him. My mom was standing with a worried face.

"YOU! Why did you and your brother went out this late? It must be you who took him out right?"

I kept silent, I just listened to him. No point defending myself. What I wanted was for Kwangmin to survive.

Several hours later, the doctor came out from the operation room. Our parents rushed to him.

"How is his condition, doctor?"

The doctor shook his head.

"Sorry... But we lost him..."

"You must be kidding right, doc?"

"No. I'm telling the truth. Once again, we are very sorry... Excuse me."

The doctor left. My mom fell into the floor, she was crying so hard. I came into her and tried to comfort her even though I was also very sad. No matter what she have done to me, she is still my mom.



I stunned. I hoped for that to, I wished I died instead of him. My heart was really hurt, but I could not cry at all.

"See! You are not feeling sad at all! You don't even cry!" Dad said.

Then, he brought mom out from the waiting room. I fell down on my knees.


Donghyun-hyung came to me. He cried, I saw that he cried. I was sad, why could not I cry?

"Youngmin... I know that you are very sad..."

"Yeah, hyung. I feel like I have lost my life... But I can't cry..."


Minwoo's POV

"Good morning, class!"

"Good morning, teacher!"

The class has started. Kwangmin and Youngmin have not come. I have texted both of them, but no reply at all.

"We have a bad news today... Last night, Kwangmin and Youngmin just got an accident. And... Kwangmin have left us forever..."

What? Really?

I saw the girls started to cry. No! I could not believe this! He loves me, he will not leave me like this.

"Sir! You must me kidding!" I said.

"No, I'm just telling you the truth, Minwoo."


I shouted and the whole class was staring at me. I grabbed my bag and rushed out from the class. Kwangmin, you are still alive, right?


As soon as I reached my house, I locked myself inside my room.

"Minwoo! What happened? Why are you home so early! Hey, open the door! Are you okay, dear?"

My mom shouted from outside. I ignored her. What I had to do is to call Kwangmin to make sure that he is still alive.

"Please... Answer my call..."

I called him so many time, but he did not answer.


Youngmin's POV

Today is Kwangmin's funeral. I saw many people came. However, I could not see Minwoo. My classmates said that he did not want to come, because he could not believe that Kwangmin passed away. He believed that Kwangmin will come to him.

My parents, relatives and friends were crying. I was still unable to cry. From today onwards, I will stay with Donghyun-hyung because my parents did not want to live with me.


"Youngmin, you don't need to go to school today... Just rest at home, okay? You look so stressed out. I will go only for two hours."

"Yes, hyung. Thanks."

Then, Donghyun-hyung left me in his apartment. I sat on my bed, thinking about Kwangmin. He had gone. He saved my life and sacrificed his own life. It had been one week since his funeral.

'How dare you leave me like this?' I thought.

Suddenly, I remembered about what my parents said to me at the hospital last time. I felt so empty.

I was worried about Minwoo, so I called him but his phone was dead. So, I called his home.


"Yeoboseyo, this is Youngmin. Can I talk to Minwoo?"

"Oh! Youngmin... Minwoo doesn't want to get out from his room. He is very frustrated and he didn't believe that Kwangmin has died. I'm feel sorry for you, Youngmin, for losing your twin brother..."

"Thanks, ahjumma... Please tell me if something happens to Minwoo..."

"Okay. Take care."

"Okay. Bye."

I hung the phone. Minwoo... He loves Kwangmin so much.

I stood up and walked to the window. Something on the table caught my attention. It was a cutter.

'Well, I don't have anything to do anymore. I've had enough. It's better for me to end my life and forget everything...'

I took that cutter, closed my eyes and cut my wrist. Then, I lost my consciousness not long after that.


No One's POV

"Youngmin! I'm home!"

Donghyun entered his apartment. He called for Youngmin, but no answer. Suddenly, he felt that someting bad had happened. He searched for Youngmin at his room.


Donghyun found Youngmin was lying on the floor with blood flowing from his wrist. Youngmin was unconscious. He put his ear on Youngmin's chest.

"His heartbeat is so weak! How could he do this stupid action?"

Donghyun lifted Youngmin's body and rushed to the nearby hospital.


"He is okay, there is enough blood donor for him. You can see him in his room now, he woke up already just now."

"Thank you so much, doctor..."

Donghyun entered Youngmin's room. He saw Youngmin sat on the bed with infuse on his hand. Youngmin looked so pale and lifeless.

"Youngmin... Are you okay?"

"Why am I still alive, hyung? Why don't you just let me die? Why did you help me?"


Donghyun slapped Youngmin. Youngmin gasped in surprise.

"YOU! You are such an idiot? Do you think that killing yourself will solve the problem? Please think with the brain of yours! Kwangmin will not be happy if you end your life! You promised him to take care of Minwoo, right? Moreover, he sacrificed his own life for you! He loves you! So, please don't break your promise!"

Donghyun screamed at Youngmin, he was so angry. Youngmin was stunned, it was the first time saw Donghyun like this. Suddenly, he remembered Kwangmin and his chest became very hurt.

"Kwangmin... Kwangmin... Kwangmin-ah! Why do you leave me? I hate you!"

Youngmin cried. Finally, Youngmin cried from the first time since Kwangmin's death. Donghyun hugged Youngmin tightly.

"Cry as much as you want. I'm glad that you can finally cry. I'm sorry that I slapped you..."

"Kwangmin... Kwangmin..."

Youngmin cried on Donghyun's chest for more than one hour. Then, he fell asleep. Donghyun laid him on the bed and covered his body with blanket.

"Youngmin... It must have been hard for you..."


Youngmin's POV

I was released from the hospital this morning after almost one week. I realized how stupid I was. I am so Sorry, Kwangmin.

My phone rang, It was from Minwoo's mom.

"Yeoboseyo, ahjumma?"

"Youngmin-ah! Minwoo... Minwoo..."

"What happened? Ahjumma, what happened to him?"

"Miwoo collapsed in his room. He refused to eat anything for the last three days. That boy said to me that Kwangmin will surely come back to him. He could not accept the truth that Kwangmin had left him, even thought I've explained to him... What should I do, Youngmin?"

"Where is he now?"

"He is on Seoul Hospital..."

"Okay. I will be right there."

I wore my jacket and went out from the apartment.

"Youngmin! You should rest!" Donghyun-hyung shouted

"Sorry, hyung! Something happens, I need to go! Don't worry I will not do anything stupid!"

I called a taxi and went to Seoul Hospital. The taxi driver was a bit annoyed because I kept telling him to drive faster. As I reached the destination place, I ran to the receptionist and asked for Minwoo's room number.

I went inside room 407, which is Minwoo's room. Minwoo's mom was sitting beside the bed.


"Youngmin, come here... Minwoo has not wake up yet..."

I saw Minwoo, he looked so terrible. That boy got so much thinner and paler. An infuse was on his left hand and he was wearing an oxygen mask.

"Is Minwoo okay, ahjumma...?"

"The doctor said that he will be okay. He is tired and lost lots of energy... But, he refused to communicate to people. He looks like a dead person lately. The truth is he still insists to believe that Kwangmin will come back to him... I don't know what should I do... I don't want to see him like this. If only I can bring Kwangmin to life..."

"Ahjumma... Do you mind if I dress up like Kwangmin and pretend to be him in front of Minwoo?"


"I know that it is not the right thing to do, but Minwoo loves him so much. I want him to back into normal... Even it means that I have to lie to him..."

"But, I heard that you love Minwoo... You will be hurt if you do that... Minwoo will treat you as Kwangmin, not Youngmin."

"I know. I love him, so I will do anything for him..."

"Okay then. Thank you, Youngmin..."


I dyed my hair back into black, changed my hairstyle and made it similar to Kwangmin's and dressed up neatly like him.

"Youngmin... Are you sure about your decision?"

"Yes. I'm sure, Donghyun-hyung..."

"Okay. I respect you decision, but don't force yourself too much."

"Thanks, hyung."

"You will move to Starship High School stating next month, right?"

"Yes, hyung. I can't stay in my previous school. That school contains too much memories of me and Kwangmin..."

"I see. I think Starship High School is a good choice for you as it is a performing arts school."

"Yes. I will proof it to my parents that I will be a great musician!"


I went to the hospital to meet Minwoo. Ahjumma said that Minwoo has gained his consciousness last night. I was glad to hear that.

Before I reached the hospital, I bought a bunch of red roses that have been wrapped beautifully for Minwoo.

I entered Minwoo's room. Minwoo was lying on his bed, he was daydreaming. He did not look good with his pale face and thin body. But at least he did not use the oxygen tube anymore, just the infuse left.

"Minwoo... My love..."

He looked at me, his eyes widen.

"Kwangmin..." He said weakly.

"Yes, it's me, dear..."

I smiled even though it was hard. He loved Kwangmin so much and I loved him too much.

Minwoo rose from his lying position and sat down on the bed. He hugged me and burst into tears.

"Where have you been? I miss you, stupid! People said you had died! I couldn't believe it and kept waiting for you, but you just came now! I began to think that you really left me!"

"Sshh... Don't cry... I was hospitalized due to the accident. I'm sorry..."

He released my hug.

"Hospitalized, are you okay? Did you get serious injuries?"

"No... I'm fine..."

I his hair and forced a smile, tried my best not to cry.

"Where is Youngmin?"

"Actually, the doctor made a mistake. Because we are twins, he was mistaken between me and Youngmin. He thought I was died, but I am not Youngmin. He even called our school and said that I was died. So, everyone thought that I had gone, but I explained to them already. I was not able to tell you because you refused to communicate and turn off your phone."

"So... So... Youngmin had gone?"

I nodded. I lied, but it is the best for him.

"No... I can't be... Youngmin..."

He started to cry even louder and I hugged him. I cried with him. He actually cared about me, I was happy and guilty on the same time.

I am so sorry, Minwoo...




A/N: Hey, guys ^^ i couldn't believe that i actually killed kwangmin here *I'm sorry, kwangmin ><*. I was lack of ideas when i was writing this chapter, so i am sorry if the story doesnt make any sense. from your comments i assumed that almost all of you didnt want kwangmin to die... I am so sorry to make him die here, please dont be angry and unsubscribe this story T.T. I hope i can write better on the next chapters and thanks very much for my readers and subscribers :D


SilverSea_SpiritStar: I'm sorry i killed him here T.T hehe me too, i feel that Minwoo is fine with the jo twins, especially youngmin^^ thanks for reading :D

maknaeseungmin : I'm sorry i made him died here >< but i promise it will be happy ending^^ tanks for reading :D

ZazieBee: I'm sorry i killed him here T.T Kwangmin loves youngmin too muchh,  their parents kicked youngmin from their house.... dont cry >< but i promise that it will be a happy ending^^ thanks for reading :D

95lineyoung : eonnie~ dont cry >< hehe youngmin is so strong! thanks for reading :D

invisiblephilline25: kwangmin saved youngmin because he loves youngmin too much hehe. thanks for reading :D

RyoShiro: he saved youngmin who was almost being hit by the car T.T thanks for reading :D

wiko_skY : I'm sorry that i made him died T.T thanks for reading^^

ppyongGF31 : Thank you so muchhh!!! no... i will try to make it because i want to make another fanfictions with different pairings after i finished this one. im sorry i killed him here T.T thanks for reading :D

mello_marshmallow: im so sorry i killed him here! but it will be a happy ending~^^ thanks for reading :D

mikainekorui : hehe this is the chapter 5... please read them after you finished your exam. good luck! thanks for reading^^

I hope you guys like this chapter^^ please kee reading and support me! :D ppyong~






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Chapter 6: I freaking love this story! Update soon please. ;)
Chapter 6: ; ; omo omo i stayed up to read this wah drama
youngwoo 4eva
ranrenRINrunron #3
Chapter 6: New reader here ^^
This story is so asdfghjkl >,< cute, lovely, awesome and heartbeat story... I waiting for the update, please update soon dude >.<
joanna20 #4
Chapter 6: I m new reader! Is a good story! Please update soon! Ty
leeyahrafee #5
Chapter 6: i really love this story, keep up the good work! ^^
gothiscinsan #6
Chapter 6: Omgg you left us hanging author-ssi~~~ ㅠㅠ update when you can plssss~~~
Chapter 6: Their parents were stupid! Kwangmin was gone, so why can't they accept Youngmin and take care of him like Kwangmin as Kwangnin's replacement?
Minwoo's stupid too... -.- he said he felt that the fake Kwangmin loves him more.. so why don't he get together with him? Well, I know it'll be hard to believe it at first, but I know he'll still get along with Youngmin right? Youngmin loves him more than Kwangmin do.. Aww.. that's sweet :)
Chapter 6: Kyaaa...
Your story is awesome!
Please update soon.. >.<
So poor Kwangmin had gone. Minwoo, please forgive Youngmin.. >.<