How Can I Make You Mine?

You Will Always be My Everything

Kwangmin's POV

I quickly put all my books inside my school bag after the school ended. Finally we can go home!

"Hyung! Let's go home together~"

"No. Go home with your friends!" He replied coldly.

"Hyung! Pleaseeeeee..." I pouted.



I grabbed his arm and pulled him.

"Yah! Let me go!"

He tried to protest and pulled his arm, but he gave up as I am much stronger than him. As both of us were walking on the school yard, someone called me.


I turned back and saw No Minwoo, my classmate. He fell down earlier today and I helped him.


"U-ummm... I-i..."

He seemed to be nervous, how cute. I smiled at him. Minwoo blushed, this is kinda weird. Suddenly, I heard Youngmin-hyung talked to Minwoo.

"Talk properly, shortie! You are wasting my time!"

"Hyung! Don't be so rude to him!"

"I-i just want to say thank you to Kwangmin-ssi for helping me this morning..."

"You thanked me already this morning, Minwoo."

"Hehe. By the way I made this during cooking class, please accept it."

Minwoo handed me his handmade chocolate that has been wrapped nicely. I accepted it with a huge smile on my face.

"Thanks! Wow it looks good~"

I patted his head. This made him blushed even more. Why did he blush whenever I touch him?

"Okay then, I'm going home now."

Minwoo was about to left me and Youngmin. I saw that he couldn't walk properly because of the wound on his knee.

"Minwoo-ya! Does your knee still hurt? Can you walk?" I asked him.

"Don't worry! It does hurt a little, but I'm completely fine~"

I grabbed his hand and helped him to walk.

"I will walk you home. I'm worry that you will fall down again!"

"No! I'm fine! It's okay, Kwangmin-ssi!"

"I don't accept any rejections."

"It seems that you will go home with him. So, I will walk alone then."

Youngmin left me and Minwoo. He seemed to be annoyed on something. I sighed.

"Forgive him, Minwoo. He is always like that. But, he is actually a very good boy."

"It's okay. I understand, Kwangmin-ssi~"

"Okay, let's go home! And don't call me 'Kwangmin-ssi', just call my name only!"

"O-okay... Kwang... Min..."

"That sounds better. Let's go!"

I held his hand and walked him home.


Youngmin's POV

Ughh! I hate this! Why should Minwoo liked Kwangmin. Seeing them together made my heart hurts! Along my way home, I could not stop thinking about Minwoo and Kwangmin.

Finally, I reached home. When I entered my house I heard my mom shouted from the kitchen.


"Nope. I'm Youngmin."

Mom came out from the kitchen and stared at me coldly.

"Where is Kwangmin?"

"How should I know?" I answered without seeing her face.

She hit my head. I bet that she would be shouting the whole night after this.

"Is that how you talk to your parent? You moron!"

I gave her an evil smirk that could make her more angry.


She slapped me hard. I glared at her.

"I am really sad to have a son like you! You are so useless, unlike your brother. You don't deserve to be his twin! How I wish you don't exist in this family!"

"Yeah. Who wants to be his twin? And for your information, I wish I have a better family."

After done talking, I left my mom and went to my room. Maybe I should go and take a nap.


"Hyung... Wake up! It's time for dinner!"

I woke up as I felt Kwangmin shook my body.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost eight."

"I will be going somewhere after this. Just go and eat with mom and dad."

"Hyung! Why do you always skip dinner? You need to eat more! Look at you! You are so skinny!"

"Mind your own problems, Kwangmin! I am completely capable on managing my own life."

"Fine. I will wait you downstairs."

He went out from our room with a sad face. I just could not help but to feel guilty. I am sorry, Kwangmin. I just can stop this jealousy.


I wore black leather jacket with black shirt on it, also my black skinny jeans. Not forgetting my piercings, accessories and thin eyeliner. This is how I look when I am going to the night club.

"Hyung! Are you going to the night club again?"


"Night clubs are not good for your health, hyung!"

"Shut up! Just continue doing your school assignments."

"Hyung, stay here... Don't go..."

"I won't."

"It's so cold outside..."

"I don't care."

"Even if I cry will you still go?"

"Yes. You won't be able to change my mind."


It was almost 1 a.m when I went out from the night club. I decided to go home because my friends had gone home.

'I guess those stupid parents will yell at me again later.' I thought.

Suddenly, Minwoo's face came into my mind. I really love him and I need to make him mine.

"He-help me!"

While I was busy with my thoughts, I heard someone screamed and I followed the direction of the sound. Behind a big tree in a nearby park, I could see two punks were pinning a small boy against the tree's branch.

"Hey cutie, what are you doing here this late?" One of them said.

"L-let me go..."

"No. You are going to enjoy this."

Those punks started to touch that poor boy's body. I felt pity for him, but I was afraid to help him. What if they beat me up?

That boy yelled and I could hear that he was crying. I couldn't keep quiet, I have to help him. As I moved closer, I could see the boy's face.

It was Minwoo. I felt my really furious. With all my courage, I punched one of the punk's head so hard and he passed out. The other one stared at me.

"Hey, kid! What did you do to my friend?"

"Let go of him!" I hissed.

"Hey, you are pretty. Let me pleasure both of you~"

I punched his face and grabbed Minwoo to run away. We stopped after I felt that those punks were far away. I faced Minwoo who looked afraid.


I yelled at him. Since I was so worry about him, I couldn't control myself to yell at him.

"I-i just moved to this area several days ago. I was lost, and I couldn't find my house. Those people saw me and tried to me... I-i..."

He burst into tears. Great! I felt like a bad person. I patted his head softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just..."

Before I finished my sentence, Minwoo hugged me so tightly. He cried even louder.

"I was very afraid, Youngmin-ssi!"  

Crap! My heart was beating so fast. I was sure that my face was red. Nervously, I hugged him back. 




A/N: Hey, guys. I couldnt believe that there are people who bother to read this story. I am really happy. Thank you very much *bow*. Please do tell me if you do not like this story and give some suggestions on how to improve it. I hope you guys will keep reading. Once again, thank you :D

Now, I will reply your comments~^^

@SilverSea_SpiritStar: thank you so muchhh :D hope you like this chapter as well~

@ZazieBee: Thank you so much :D Opposite to other story? which one? I hope you like this chapter. Please keep reading ^^

@mikainekorui: Thank you very much ;D yeah, i love kwangmin here too. They both are in love with Minwoo, but i am confused about who will be     chosen y minwoo at the end of the story. I hope you like this chapter and please keep reading^^


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Chapter 6: I freaking love this story! Update soon please. ;)
Chapter 6: ; ; omo omo i stayed up to read this wah drama
youngwoo 4eva
ranrenRINrunron #3
Chapter 6: New reader here ^^
This story is so asdfghjkl >,< cute, lovely, awesome and heartbeat story... I waiting for the update, please update soon dude >.<
joanna20 #4
Chapter 6: I m new reader! Is a good story! Please update soon! Ty
leeyahrafee #5
Chapter 6: i really love this story, keep up the good work! ^^
gothiscinsan #6
Chapter 6: Omgg you left us hanging author-ssi~~~ ㅠㅠ update when you can plssss~~~
Chapter 6: Their parents were stupid! Kwangmin was gone, so why can't they accept Youngmin and take care of him like Kwangmin as Kwangnin's replacement?
Minwoo's stupid too... -.- he said he felt that the fake Kwangmin loves him more.. so why don't he get together with him? Well, I know it'll be hard to believe it at first, but I know he'll still get along with Youngmin right? Youngmin loves him more than Kwangmin do.. Aww.. that's sweet :)
Chapter 6: Kyaaa...
Your story is awesome!
Please update soon.. >.<
So poor Kwangmin had gone. Minwoo, please forgive Youngmin.. >.<