
Beneath the black canvas


To the ground under my feet I screamed—
For it to listen,
For it to keep the gravity stronger,
To hold me still. 

To the world around me I cried—
For it to behold,
For it to witness—
The blood that's flowing down my trembling torso;
To notice my pain. 

To the people I let out my loudest shriek—
For them to hear me, 
For them to come and save me,
But silence—
Only silence resonates across the earth beneath me,
Deafening, sickening. 

And nothing. 
Nothing has come and saved me. 
No one. 


— Jane l

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I should really publish a poetry book, shouldn't I? lmao XDD


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Chapter 5: Yes Jongin don't ever give up on hunnie~~
Chapter 2: is this will be a separated fics later or just continue from this thread?