Thank You

Beneath the black canvas

Thank you—: 

In this polluted world;
Littered with hatred and ill will—
I saw you, far from my reach,
Holding out a hand for me to take, 
And whilst all the source of my lights dimmed, 
There is you lighting up a candle from another side of the world, 
Brighten every corner of my room. 


All I see is you, the one who colored my gray heart red, 
The one that painted my cloudy sky blue, 
And also the one that put me under a blanket of comforts,
You are, to me, so warm, so kind-hearted. 


Though the words aren't enough to describe how perfect you are to me,
But I want to say, just, to you, a gratitude which I could never transfigure into a patch of rainbow, 
A thank you, for being born, for being a person who told me I am mattered. 

Thank you. 

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Thank you!
I should really publish a poetry book, shouldn't I? lmao XDD


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Chapter 5: Yes Jongin don't ever give up on hunnie~~
Chapter 2: is this will be a separated fics later or just continue from this thread?