Busan to Seoul

Mommy Goddess & Daddy Jerk




Hello I'm back. My nanny woke me up and help me have a shower and dress up. Chee prepared a very comfortable outfit for me today because we will be leaving Busan and transfer to Seoul. I have seen Seoul couple of time since Goddess bring me sometimes with her if she needs to be at the Hotel. Ok..I'm done.. Need to have breakfast already.


"GOOD MORNING GODDESS, BARBIE, CHEE & LOLLI!!!!!!!!" I greeted them with all my might....kekekekeke...


"Someone is happy....Come on Baby Dee and have a seat..." That's Barbie... I took the seat between Goddess and Barbie.. Since we are at the kitchen counter.


"Goddess why are we leaving this house??" I asked her because I don't get it why need to leave. I want this big big house.


"Can you stop calling me Goddess.. Can you call me Mommy while them Auntie.." Here we go again... I pouted..


"But Goddess, I want it that way.. I like it.. Barbie, Chee & Lolli love it anyway. It's just you who doesn't want it..." And I am the Drama queen in the house..... You see Goddess falls on that trick all the time... I act hurt and with a bit teary eyed... I saw my Aunt's chuckle, they knew that I am acting again.. Lolli said I can be a star since I am good at it... So i was thinking.. How can I be star by acting??? Like you know, those twinkling up the sky...kekekekeke... Kidding..I know what Lolli means....kekekekekekeke... it's the one on TV doing drama.... peace to everyone and much love to Lil Dev!


"Dara, just let her be.. Just think of it as a replacement for Mommy.. Goddess is a nice name.. I like mine.. how about you girls??" Barbie said to Goddess this is why I stick to her MOST of the time because she TOLERATES me ALL THE TIME... She never failed to back me up... But we do have a little fight also... kekekekeke...


"I like it too and I don't mind at all.." See how good they are in acting as well. I got it from them.. Thank you Chee...


"Me too..It's too unique don't you think..." Lolli said... They really love me...


"You really are spoiling here...tsk tsk tsk... No wonder she become the little Devil in the house.... FINE, call me Goddess.. But sometimes you need to call me Mommy.. Arasso??" Goddess surrender... My face lits up when she said I can call her that... Yyyyiiiiippppeeee!!


"YOU'RE THE BEST GODDESS!!!!" I gave Goddess a very very very big hug and a kiss to her cheeks...


"I know...So, stop up and eat..." I smiled at her then started eating my food.....


"Goddess, why are we leaving Busan??" I asked them again... I am really sad... New place for me and new day care for me, it would be really really hard.. I looked at them then they look at each other...


"Because baby our business is already growing and we all need to be there most of the time. If we will be staying here it would be too hard for us to travel back and forth to Seoul and Busan....And Mommy needs to work most of the time in the Hotel now since we have new projects..." Goddess said which all I understand is... Business means plenty plenty of money and work means no time for Jaedee... *sigh* I pouted...


"What's with the big sighed Dee??" I looked at Barbie..


"WORK..." I simply said...


"What about work Dev??" Chee asked this time...


"Means no time for Jaedee.... Business is ok with me because we will have plenty plenty of money.... But Dee don't like work!" I sighed again and pouted. I just look down.


"Aaawwww... Come little Angel.....wait it doesn't fit you.. You are already named Little Devil..... Come to Barbie.... You see, Business and Work comes together. If we will not work we will not have plenty plenty of money... No toys, no shopping, no parks, no cars, no gadget, no travelling.......like nothing...... You understand???" hhhhmmmm I will still have to try to understand what Barbie said.... Business+Work=Money??? Like what I do for Chee??? I work for her then she paid me so it's called Business....... Ohhh...... I get it now... kekekekeke


"Neh neh...But you will have no time for me then... I will be sad all the time...."


"Dee, you can come to Mommy to work after your school or if you have nothing to do... I already asked someone to prepare us our own room at the hotel so you can be with Mommy all the time. So don't be sad. And beside your Aunt's will be there as well since they will be helping me." Goddess took me from Barbie and I smiled at her.... I can be with Goddess all the time....


"OK... When are we going to Seoul? Do we have a big big house like this as well??" I am curious. So i have lots of lots of questions..


"We are living after we eat and we do have a house there but not as big as this. But it's still a big big house..." hhhmmm not as big as this?? I will just see then..


"OK.." Then i wiggle from Goddess hold and went back to my seat and finish my food...


After I ate, Goddess told me to go to my room and check if I left something..... So i did...







"Dara will you be alright??" Bom asked..


"I don't know....." Dara said...


"You are scared to see him right??" CL said..


"Too be honest YES!!.... I don't know what will I do if I see him... There are so many what if's... He is popular and by the time someone knew me that I am the heries of Park Hotel then it would be a big problem. I don't care about myself, I am worried for my daughter. When they found out about me being the owner of Park Hotel, they will try to dig everything they can to know me. It will affect Jaedee's life and I will not forgive myself if something bad happen to her...." Dara facepalmed as she said those words..


"Dara we are here...We already vowed to each other that we are not living each other side no matter what..." Minzy said...


"I know..And I am thankful that even God took a lot from me, atleast He replaced them. And I have you guys...." Dara said..Girls smiled at her....


"GROUP HUG!" Bom said and they did....


"Promise me that for the meantime, we will keep low profile.. I will not announce yet that I am the Heries.. Arasso?? And for that Jerk...I hope not to see him in Seoul even if he is an Idol now!" Dara said...but the little devil heard them...


"Daddy Jerk is in Seoul Goddess????"




Because a LOT Subscribe and also with your COMMENTS I decided to work on this Fanfic as well.



Sorry for the grammatical error and also for my wrong spelling if there's any.


Check also my very first Fanfic.


She's and IDOL and a GANGSTER


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Chapter 33: Pls I hope you can find the zest to get back to this story
Chapter 33: I love the story, hope you can continue and finish this story authornim, jebal?
hilariously funny in so many ways. I am officially loving the Kim family esp little Jaedee
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 33: Authornim, update juseyo..
Chapter 33: When will you update this story authornim? It's such a nice story! Thanks..
greiyz_14 #6
Chapter 33: Oh how I love this beautiful story!please don't forget to update authornim please please
afourse #7
Chapter 33: hiiii authornim.... remember this story??? please update soon... i like ur story...jaedee FTW!!
Obey_kp0pp #8
Chapter 33: Please update authornim!! I love this story soo much i cant count how many times i reread it!!!! Hope you update on one of these days!!!
greiyz_14 #9
Chapter 33: Please update this story authornim please,please
DerpyTroll #10
Are you still gonna update? ><
I miss this already