Chapter 8

I'll Always Remember You

The sound of an annoying alarm came into your ears, waking you up. You slowly got up to switch off the alarm, you stretched and yawned at the same time. You finally got off your bed, making your way to the bathroom but while you were on your way to your bathroom, a striking pain came to your head. This was not the pain you would experience whenever you had memories coming back, this was even more painful. Everything in your memories came back all at once, you held your head, pressing your hands against it. You started seeing black and white dots covering your view, in a later minute, you passed out on the floor. While you lay unconscious on the floor, Taehyung somehow went into your room to wake you up but instead, he found you unconscious. "Yah... (Y/N) wake up!" He kept shaking you but you didn't respond at all, he somehow managed to carry you down where the members were already ready for school.


"Guys! Big problem!" Taehyung shouted at them while he was carrying you down, "why are you carrying her?" Namjoon asked while he was staring at Taehyung's worried expression on his face. "I think she fainted, I'm not sure! Can we go to the hospital just in case?" Taehyung said worryingly, he was panicking, not sure on what to do, BTS decided to ditch school in order to take you to the hospital. When all of you finally reached the hospital, you were still unconscious for a few more hours and BTS never left the hospital although whenever they're hungry, they would go to the hospital canteen to get some food but Taehyung has never left your bedside since. You slowly feel yourself coming back, waking up to a white ceiling, your vision was a bit blurry but it was becoming clearer as you kept on blinking, wondering where you are. You turned your head over to look at Taehyung holding your hand while you've been unconscious the whole time, Taehyung fell asleep while holding your hand, you smiled at his adorable sleeping face, you moved a bit to the side causing him to jolt up from his slumber on the side of the hospital bed.


He turned to look at you, eyes widen, realizing that he's been holding your hand ever since you landed in the hospital bed, letting go of your hand. He spoke, trying not to cause awkwardness between him and you "(Y/N)! You're awake... thank god" he sighed in relief. He got up to call the members back and as well as the doctor, once the members arrived, the noise in your hospital room got noisier but it got dead silent when your doctor finally came in. "(Y/N), are you feeling better?" he asked and you just nodded in return. "Okay.. then. Do you remember anything at all?" he asked again, "I remember passing out while going to the bathroom.." you replied. "Ah yes, you did in fact passed out but no worries, it won't happen again. One last question, do you remember anything from your past?" He asked, 'what kind of a question is that? Speaking of remembering from my past....' you thought to yourself, spacing out while looking at the window.


"(Y/N)?" Your doctor said, snapping you out of your daydream "yes. I remember everything" you said. Your doctor just nodded and checked your vitals, seeing that everything is fine, you were to rest for a few more hours then after that, you could finally be discharged. However, as you were saying that you remember everything, soft cheers and 'woohoo(s)' came from the boys who were standing by your bedside."Yah, (Y/N). Are you sure you remember everything?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity and you nodded in return. "Okay, then let me ask you something.. there was this one time where all of us and I really mean, ALL OF US did something together. What were we going to do and why were we doing it?" Hoseok suddenly asked, you confidently answered with a sassy tone "Hiking, you guys were trying to cheer me up. Duh!" You flipped your hair causing them to laugh and cheer in happiness, you laughed with them and casually talked to them for a few more hours before all of you went back home.


When all of you finally reached home, the place was hella neat as nobody was home for a least 7 hours. You dumped yourself onto the comfortable living room sofa and the television, watching whatever was on the screen while watching, you received a message on your phone, checking to see what was the message about, you unlocked your phone to find out it was from your mom.


'Sweetie, we're back in Korea. I know it's been weeks since we last messaged you about what we were doing but now that we're in Korea, we're on our way back home. And also, why didn't you go to school? I received a call from your teacher saying that you weren't at school. The strange thing is that the boys weren't at school too, do tell us what is going on when we're finally home'


You jumped out of the sofa, running around trying to clear things because the house became messy as soon as you and the boys came back from the hospital. "Guys, help me clean the house. Please. Mom and dad are coming back, they won't be happy to see this mess around" you said while cleaning the house. And with the boys help, the house was sparkling clean before your parents arrived back home. You heard the front door being unlocked, all of you quickly went to the sofa, trying to act casual while watching the television.


"We're home!" You heard your father shout when the door finally opened. "Welcome home" you turned around and greeted them. The boys quickly greeted them happily, "did you boys sleep over in this house again?" your mom questioned them, making her tone sound like it was an interrogation "y-yes" all of them said in sync. "Okay then. But I have one question for all of you" your mom said in a serious tone, all of you looked at her, wondering what question is coming. "Why didn't all of you go to school? You know your studies are important" Your mom carried on nagging on how school is important, studies are important and everything else a mother would nag about. "Auntie but you see... (Y/N) here fainted in her room this morning so we brought her to the hospital and skipped school" Namjoon spoke up for the rest. Your mom however, understood the situation and let it slide for once. The day ended with you finally having a family dinner along with the boys and a movie night, however, it was also the boys' last night in your house and the next day after school was the time for them to head back home. 


The next day, you woke up normally like every other morning. You slowly walked to the bathroom, took a short shower and then changed into your uniform, getting ready to head to school. You walked down to see the boys already ready for school, they were just waiting for you "(Y/N)! Are you feeling better?" Jungkook said while skipping to you and you nodded in reply. The walk to school with the boys was as per normal, casually talking and laughing. Classes started and someone, somehow passed you a note in class. 


'Meet me on the rooftop during lunch -NDH' 


'NDH?' the letters were on your mind, wondering who was it but then, you realized it was only the transfer student. 'What could he possibly want now?' you thought before falling asleep in the next class. 




A/N: Hello!!!!! HEHEHE, chapter 8 is finally up! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait :( I've been out of my house, constantly going out without rest. Can I talk about what happened today? I'll just say it anyway.. So like, today I went out to meet my friends, ate cheesecake bingsu and went 'prom dress' shopping with my mother! :') And time check, it's 01:13AM in the morning, Sunday 151115 ;_; Also! At the same time that I'm constantly updating this fanfic, I have another fanfic that I'm working on with my friend! If you wanna read it, I'll put the link below :') (Self promo time: follow my twitter @/yyosoap! We'll be great friends <3) 

The story I'm working on with my friend (note: we share an account, called H2JOON): 
"Bitter & Sweet"

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mehmeh984 #1
Chapter 12: Awww... can you please write like a bonus ending or something? The's abrupt. :( but if you want i can be your friend!
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Really??? This can't be the end!!!
Chapter 8: OMG!!!! I loved this! I read all of this last night, and I can't wait for a new chapter! Thank you Author-nim.

I feel like the new transfer guy is going to be the bad character? The time when they bumped into each other, the letter written by Jimin WAS IN ONE OF THOSE BOOKS and the No Dong Hwan or whatever his name was, picked it up because it slipped out of the book... that's why he said that she'll regret rejecting him, right?

Since I really want the update quickly... can I suggest something? I wish that No Dong Hwan or that Ye Rin would do something to 'ME' while BTS are somewhere busy with something and the one that comes to save me isn't Jimin but someone else from BTS. Like someone among the members actually had feeling for me but because Jimin was first he never got the chance to confess or something, you know? Like 'the-nice-guy-who-always-gets-rejected' in k-dramas...
Chapter 7: Yes, about the letters. They seem to work when you read the chapter on the laptop. But I read it on my phone at that time. I guess my phone just wanted to tease me or something. But I guess it's working again. Anyway great chapter again. Don't say it's a boring one. Because it isn't.
Chapter 5: I like your chapter BUT there's one problem. The first one, two or three letters in every line can't be seen. So I had to try and guess what word you could've meant. It was easy but can you explain me why the letters are hidden/ not visible?
Chapter 3: I sonst think that your chapters are confusing. I didn't get confused at all. And~ the funny thing is that I'm nearly exact like the you-character. :-D. I can't really find friends at all even though I have a childhood best friend who lives a bit far from me. Also Since I changed some time ago I'm not good with people. Not that I was before... Anyways I really love your story! <3
Chapter 1: I really like your story! I wish you Tage besteht Puck for your story! <3