Chapter 3

I'll Always Remember You

Another day of school and school made you hate studies even more but you can't do anything about it and just attend to make your parents happy. But hey! At least you get good grades even though you never made the effort to study at home at all and it was only a few months before your college entrance examinations yet you already knew that you're probably going to ace the examinations and get into a good university alongside with BTS. However, today you woke up extremely early which gave you the time to take your shower slowly and you finally get to eat a proper breakfast but once you finished your shower and went down to the kitchen, no breakfast was prepared so you decided to just head to the same convenience store to buy something, hoping that it would keep you alive during class until lunch. After you finished buying whatever you needed, you received a message from Taehyung.


'I just saw you went in the convenience store. Stay there! I'm coming for you - V'


"Seriously?" You muttered under your breath, walking out of the convenience store you see Taehyung looking at you. "Morning!" He greeted you with a huge smile and a wave, "morn---ing" you replied with a yawn. Since you met Taehyung outside the convenience store, both of you decided to walk to school together. However, more of BTS came joining in while both of you were already half way to school, "(Y/N)! Surprised to see you here, morning!" Seokjin said, "morning guys" you greeted them back. The normal routine starts now, BTS walking through the doors, girls squealing at them... so on and so forth. However, you walked in with BTS this time, leaving the girls to stop squealing and stare at you instead making you feel a bit uncomfortable because there were too much stares but a few girls were glaring at you, realizing that it was Song Ye Rin, the most 'popular' girl in school because she was pretty but in reality, she's the biggest alive in the school. Ye Rin was already glaring at you, scanning your whole body, 'tsk-ing' while you walked past with BTS but that didn't stop you from walking with BTS. The school bell rang and all of you except Namjoon and Yoongi of course, parted ways only to meet again during lunch and after school. After a few hours in class, the school bell rang and it was lunch, "(Y/N) ah, we'll see you at the usual place okay!" Namjoon said before leaving with Yoongi.


Finally, you were left alone in the class while you continue to pack your things, a group of girls came in and closed the doors, you turned to see who it was, you realized it was Song Ye Rin and her minions, "what do you want?" you asked bravely. Ye Rin pushed you back into your seat, threatening "you know what I want. Don't you remember my warning last time? If I see you walking or even TALKING to them, you're dead" Her threat means nothing but you can't do anything because you're outnumbered and trapped. While you're in the classroom being bullied, BTS wondered where you are. Ye Rin and her minions kept slapping you and even pulling your hair, you felt defeated and you didn't know how to escape the torture. As soon as Ye Rin tried to land another slap on your face, her arm got hold by a male student and it turns out it was Namjoon. BTS walked in and Hoseok grabbed your bag while Jimin helped you walk out, Namjoon warned them to not touch you again before something happens to them, however, he said it sarcastically but BTS didn't want you to get hurt again. After all that happened, they tried to stay by your side but you assured them that you were fine.


"I'm brave okay, I can take that like a man! Though... I'm a girl" What you just said made them laugh but you laughed with them as well. After school however, you had the feeling that something bad was going to happen but you brushed it off like nothing is going to happen. While you were walking out of school, you had your earphones on so you didn't hear a thing but you knew that BTS aren't behind you and you continued walking like nothing is going to happen. However, as soon as you turned to look at your side, you realized that someone on a bicycle is coming at you with full speed and you can't do anything but stand on your spot, frozen as ice. The cyclist hits you, making you fall hard on your but you sprained your ankle in the process. BTS saw what happened and rushed over to your side, they couldn't chase after the cyclist because he was already long gone, "are you okay?" Jimin asked, since you sprained your ankle, Jimin carried you on his back while the rest followed until you got home safely but Jimin stayed to treat your sprained ankle. "You worry me so much... sometimes" Jimin blurted out, realizing what he said, he kept quiet and continued treating your ankle. "Sorry" you replied, he looked at you and smiled, "as long as I'm here for you, I'm fine". What he said made you turn red, he already had feelings for you and you're starting to develop feelings back but you don't know it yet. The day ended with you spending time with Jimin all day until your parents came back home because he didn't want to leave you all alone.


The next day was still the same and you arrived just in time for school without BTS this time when you reached your class, you found your desk scribbled with nonsense and of course, it was Ye Rin's doing and you can't seem to give a damn about it. When class ended, Namjoon and Yoongi went over to your desk just to check if you were okay, "(Y/N) ah, you okay?" they asked, you assured them that you're fine, they felt relieved and classes resumed. Same routine happens again, school bell rings, you pack your things and head to the usual place but while you were walking, students began throwing things at you, specifically speaking girls kept throwing things at you. But they stopped when they see the boys coming over to protect you and cover you from the things being thrown at you. You felt safe whenever they appeared, you found yourself slowly feeling happy whenever they were around but they stopped to look at you because the pain was coming back.




Flashback [Memory #5]


While heading back to class, you started skipping but half way through, you lost your balance and fell flat on your face, busting your lip. You started crying softly so that no one would know you were crying. "Are you okay? I saw you fell" a male voice popped out, you looked up and saw a strange boy talking to you. You wiped your eyes and sniffed, "I'm fine" you tried to stand up but your ankle didn't cooperate with you so you fell again. "Come on, I'll help you out. Let's go to the nurse" The strange boy took your arm and put your arm over his shoulder. "Well, this is great" he said but you just stared at him and he stared back. "What?" he laughed, "I'm Jimin, Park Jimin. Sorry if that took so long" He apologized but you were glad to finally make a new friend, "I'm (Y/N) and.... thank you" you hoped to keep this friend. "You're welcome. So.... sometimes I see you alone, don't you have friends?" He asked, "N-no... I'm bad with people... I guess" You answered but it was true, you were bad with people and you can't seem to make friends either. "That's okay. From today onwards, I'm your friend!" Jimin smiled and both of you reached the nurse's office, both of you waited inside while the nurse went out for a bit. However, he patched you up and both of you talked, learning about each other at the same time. "It's really good to know that I have a friend now" You smiled while resting on the bed, "hey, I'm glad to be your friend. You seem like a really nice girl" Jimin smiled while he accompanied you until you fell asleep.




When you're back to your senses, the boys were looking at you with excited faces instead. "What did you remember this time?" Jimin asked while all of you walked to the usual place, "the day I first met you" you replied. He looked shocked and surprised but he was so happy, he started shouting 'she finally remembers me' causing the rest of you to block your faces feeling embarrassed by Jimin's actions. "If you really do remember, when and WHERE did I first met you?" He questioned you like he was interrogating you. "Back in elementary school where I fell down and YOU! helped me up then we became fast friends from there" you smiled, leading him to sit down and tearing up. "Woah woah, d-don't cry!" you thought you made him cry but he was extremely happy because yes, finally, you remember who he was. "So if you remember him, you'll remember us... right?" Taehyung asked and you nodded in agreement. All of them cheered and hugged you because they made a deal that if you finally remember them, they'll treat you to something really good and if you don't, you have to treat them to something so that made you hope that you would remember them faster. You kept thinking of how they keep trying to protect you and how they're always trying to stay beside you from time to time, you felt special and you know somewhere inside of you that you never regretted the day you met them. Another pain comes back and by this time, you're already used to the pain.




Flashback [Memory #6]


First day in high school you were anxious to see what kind of people you'll find in school, you were attending the same school that Jimin was going to. You felt guilty for sticking by him like a ghost but you didn't want to lose your one and only friend. After weeks of being in school and your friendship with Jimin is still there though he had new friends, he found time to hang out with you. Until this one day, he decided to shut you out, "Jimin ah~~~~~! Let's go get lunch together!" You jumped around happily, linking your arms to his. "Can you stop being irritating? Leave me alone and find friends" He pushed you aside and started walking away, leaving you confused on the ground. You felt tears coming but you held it in and walked away, far from wherever Jimin was. You stumbled upon a bench behind the school, you started going there by yourself everyday during lunch. It's been a month ever since you last talked to Jimin, you feel really lonely but it was okay. 'At least he's happy' you thought to yourself while you were enjoying lunch by yourself. When you got interrupted by three boys who looked arrogant but they were panting, trying to breathe. "Are, are you (Y/N)?" You were surprised but you nodded anyway. "Finally.. we found you. I'm Seokjin and these two are Taehyung and Jungkook, AND! Jimin has been looking everywhere for you today" Seokjin told you, 'Jimin was... looking for me?' you thought to yourself, Taehyung called the rest of the group and you finally met the six boys that Jimin has been hanging out with. However, you didn't know that you were going to love all of them like they were your brothers except Jimin of course, you had a crush on the boy since you guys were kids.




"Did you remember something?" Hoseok asked but you shook your head, lying. You knew you remembered something, the faces were blurry but you know it's them. However, you can't really confirm if it was them or not yet you know that Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi were inside and another addition, Seokjin was in it too. You're still confused to what was happening but you accepted it anyways and you were prepared for whatever was coming. 




A/N: OMG! I'm rocking this. Hiiiii! By the time that you read this, I probably already completed Chapter 4 and just waiting to publish it while doing Chapter 5 :) Stand by, this story can be confusing at times and even when I'm typing all of this and doing the chapters, I get confused myself. (whats wrong with me idk) 

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mehmeh984 #1
Chapter 12: Awww... can you please write like a bonus ending or something? The's abrupt. :( but if you want i can be your friend!
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Really??? This can't be the end!!!
Chapter 8: OMG!!!! I loved this! I read all of this last night, and I can't wait for a new chapter! Thank you Author-nim.

I feel like the new transfer guy is going to be the bad character? The time when they bumped into each other, the letter written by Jimin WAS IN ONE OF THOSE BOOKS and the No Dong Hwan or whatever his name was, picked it up because it slipped out of the book... that's why he said that she'll regret rejecting him, right?

Since I really want the update quickly... can I suggest something? I wish that No Dong Hwan or that Ye Rin would do something to 'ME' while BTS are somewhere busy with something and the one that comes to save me isn't Jimin but someone else from BTS. Like someone among the members actually had feeling for me but because Jimin was first he never got the chance to confess or something, you know? Like 'the-nice-guy-who-always-gets-rejected' in k-dramas...
Chapter 7: Yes, about the letters. They seem to work when you read the chapter on the laptop. But I read it on my phone at that time. I guess my phone just wanted to tease me or something. But I guess it's working again. Anyway great chapter again. Don't say it's a boring one. Because it isn't.
Chapter 5: I like your chapter BUT there's one problem. The first one, two or three letters in every line can't be seen. So I had to try and guess what word you could've meant. It was easy but can you explain me why the letters are hidden/ not visible?
Chapter 3: I sonst think that your chapters are confusing. I didn't get confused at all. And~ the funny thing is that I'm nearly exact like the you-character. :-D. I can't really find friends at all even though I have a childhood best friend who lives a bit far from me. Also Since I changed some time ago I'm not good with people. Not that I was before... Anyways I really love your story! <3
Chapter 1: I really like your story! I wish you Tage besteht Puck for your story! <3