Chapter 10 (LAST CHAPTER!)

I'll Always Remember You

You looked at Taehyung scanning his facial expression, he looked like he was about to cry. You didn't want him to cry, you felt bad for rejecting him but you felt like it was the right thing to do. You didn't like disappointing people either but you just continued to stare at Taehyung while he stares back at you, you smiled, touching his face "I'm still here for you Tae" trying to calm him down. Taehyung smiled although you knew that there was still a lot of pain behind his beautiful smile "I know (Y/N)... Aren't you supposed to look for Jimin?" he asked, still smiling but slightly. "No, not yet.. I need to know what's in this letter first.. before looking for him. Remember, we'll grab ice cream later okay?" You smiled, trying to help him smile truthfully again. "Go on ahead first, I just want some time alone" Taehyung said, removing your hand from your face slowly. You just nodded, you understood on how he's feeling.


You started to walk but you stopped in your tracks "(Y/N)?" Taehyung said softly, causing you to turn around to look at his face. You could see tears slightly rolling down his cheeks but you chose to ignore the fact that he was crying "don't bump into the rabbit, No Dong Hwan, okay?" He tried smiling. You nodded and smiled back, "okay Tae". You started to walk away from where Taehyung was, you ran as fast as you could until you stumbled upon a tree outside, 'I think I can be alone here' you said while finding a good spot to sit, trying to hide yourself behind the huge tree.


Taehyung on the other hand, he finally breaks down and started crying due to heartbreak but he understood how you truly felt about Jimin yet he was glad that he had met you. He was glad that he's still able to be friends with you but he also knew that overcoming his own feelings for you would be very hard for him. After a few minutes of crying his eyes out, he stood up and went to the toilet to wash his face, his eyes were a bit swollen from crying too much but he felt that it was for the better.


While you sit under the tree, protecting yourself from the sunlight. You finally could read what Jimin had wrote in the letter although.. you weren't supposed to open it until they actually finally left the house but you didn't care.. you were too curious to see what Jimin had wrote. Somehow, you felt nervous upon reading whatevr Jimin wrote but you squinted your eyes only having to see a little, you finally opened the letter.


"Annyeong (Y/N) ah ~~! You must be wondering why am I writing to you right? I have a few things to say! Ah.. well... I hope we won't turn into awkward turtles after this! You know how I felt when you said you didn't remember me? I was depressed, my own best friend couldn't remember me....but now you remember right? I was overjoyed with happiness when you did but of course i remained calm to seem cool to you I also really want to thank you for tutoring me the day before the math test, i was really scared i would fail and the others wouldn't bother to tutor me anyways, their math is at the same level as me. But this isn't what i really want to say, the main point is.... I really like you, i really do. ever since we were young. I'm really back you're back here and remembering everything about us. I would be overjoyed with happiness if you would accept me but....i don't honestly think you feel the same. But even if we don't, we can still best friends right? Ah this is really embarrassing! Thank you for remembering. Thank you for tutoring me. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you.


- Park Jimin, your chimchim"


Tears were filling your eyes but you wouldn't cry. He felt the same way, you didn't know that, he probably didn't want you to know but you were glad that he felt the same way, you would've felt stupid if it was an unrequited love, you didn't like the thought of an unrequited love but then, you remembered that Taehyung was going through an unrequited love. You were saddened by the thought of Taehyung but you heard a bunch of footsteps coming your way, you quickly wiped the tears away and stood up, trying to hide the letter behind your back.


You looked at who was coming, it was Song Ye Rin and her minions, "what do you want?" you tried asking her bravely. "What do you have behind you? Your pregnancy letter?" She asked, walking towards you. "No? Pregnancy letter, I thought you had it" You coughed, folding your arms, revealing that you were holding a letter. "This .... oh? A letter, let's see who is it from" She immediately grabbed the letter and reads it, "Park.. Jimin? This a joke. He doesn't like you, he likes me." She said, tearing the letter apart. You saw her ripping it to pieces, you had tears in your eyes "Stop! That's from Jimin!" You tried to stop her but her minions were holding you back, you knew that no one could save you. All of you were behind a tree, no one could see you. ", do you know how much Jimin oppa loves me? He doesn't even care about you. He's not even here to save you" she said, her words were too strong. Your vision went blurry due to the tears in your eyes but you could see that they brought a baseball bat with them, '' you said in your mind. You couldn't save yourself, you were outnumbered. "This" she swung the bat to your stomach, "is for trying to get close with them". The pain was unbearable but you knew you had to stay strong, "and this" she swung the bat again, "is for thinking that Jimin oppa likes you" and this time, the swing she pulled on you was harder than before, causing you to cough out blood. "This is fun" she said, "last one okay" she said again, swinging one last hit on you.


You dropped to the ground, not being able to move, they began walking away. 'I'll get you.. soon' you thought in your mind, you slowly got up, holding your stomach. You were in so much pain but no one could help you so you slowly limped to the nurse's office, trying to get help. "Oh my god! What happened to you?" The nurse quickly hurried to you, getting you to lay on the bed. "I fell, badly" you said, lying through your teeth. "You're so clumsy! Aigoo, where does it hurt?" The nurse asked and you lifted up your shirt, revealing your stomach. It was badly wounded but it wasn't a serious injury "are you sure you fell?" the nurse asked again while she grabbed medication for your stomach. You didn't answer, you were silently crying, your face was facing the other bed beside you. After minutes of laying in bed, the nurse was finally done "there! You're all fixed up now ~ but, just stay here to rest for another few hours. I'll get one of your classmates to come here and bring your bag once school is over" she said, standing up to clear the things and going out to your class.


You turned slowly to your side, facing the window and empty bed, drifting off to sleep.


You then only woke up when the school bell rang, indicating school was finally over. You slowly got up but you also heard the door opening, "(Y/N)!!!" you heard someone shouted, it was Taehyung followed by Seokjin and Jungkook. "... Guys?" you said softly, they turned around and rushed to you, "what happened? Are you okay? You disappeared on us! What happened?" they kept bomb barding you with questions at the same time, you shushed them but you were debating in your mind on whether to tell them the truth or not but you decided to tell them anyway, you couldn't lie to them, they could spot lies easily. "I got beaten up" you laughed at the thought that you were beaten up by the most y person alive along with her servants, "why am I so stupid?" you started crying at the thought that you weren't strong enough, you felt weaker than ever. You were useless on trying to save yourself but you couldn't, you were helpless. Tears kept rolling down your cheeks again but they stopped when the three lovable boys hugged you in comfort. "It's fine (Y/N). You're not stupid at all but you're strong. You're stronger than whoever went to beat you up, we'll still love you although you don't remember us.. before" Taehyung said, trying to cheer you up.


You were glad to have friends like Taehyung and the rest of the members, you heard the door opening again, revealing it to be Jimin entering with worry written all over his face. "(Y/N)!" Jimin shouted, rushing over to you, touching your face, hoping that you were fine. "I'm fine, really" you smiled at him, touching his face. Your swollen eyes tells a different story but Jimin knew that you would tell him what happened soon. After Jimin entered the nurse's office, the rest of the members came rushing in with your bag, "(Y/N)!" they shouted. Startling you but leaving you to laugh at how worried they were. After a while, you knew that you were still in pain but you had to act fine, in order to not worry Jimin and the boys but Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin knew that you were in pain and they also knew you got beaten up but they didn't knew who had the nerve to even beat you up.


You were walking slower than usual but you were lucky that they were making a fool of themselves again on the way back home, you smiled at how happy they were, they made you happy. Jungkook noticed how much pain you were in and stopped in his tracks to wait for you "why aren't you walking with them?" you asked while you walk side by side with him. "You were lonely plus, I know that you're in pain. Do you need my shoulder for support?" he asked kindly but you didn't want to burden him, "it's fine kookie, I can manage... I guess" you said.


He smiled at the fact you finally called him Kookie but he grabbed your arm and decides to put it over his shoulder, trying to support you in your walking. "Thanks, I'm glad to have all of you" you told him. While you were walking, the boys were still making fun of themselves but Jimin looked behind, staring at you "JEON JUNGKOOK! What are you doing! Go away shooo~ I can take over" Jimin said, walking towards you. "What! No! Go away 'chimchim'~' Jungkook mocked him, "... this kid" Jimin started chasing after Jungkook, leaving you on the spot but you were laughing at how funny they were. You clenched your stomach, you were still in pain and you can't laugh as much. "Are you okay?" Jimin suddenly stopped chasing after Jungkook to attend to you. Jungkook looked at both you and Jimin, smiling, he walked to the rest of boys and started making fun of the rest of them. "Y-yeah.." You said while he grabbed your arm to put over his shoulder. "You can tell me what happened" He said, a worried tone took over his normal tone. "I'll tell you soon. I just want to rest at home.. on my comfortable bed" You said while the both of you were walking.


Finally, after minutes of walking. You finally reached home with the boys and of course, your parents were back in work and there wasn't any food but you couldn't eat anyway, so why bother? You slowly walked up to your bedroom with Jimin's support, leaving the boys in the living room to entertain themselves. "You should rest, I'll go home with the boys" he said, trying to leave but you grabbed his hand. "Don't leave" you said and he didn't. He sat by your side the whole time, listening to your problems and worries. By his side, you felt safe.


And by the time you finished talking, it was already nearing the evening and you fell asleep on his shoulder, the boys would've probably went home already. "We're home!" your mom shouted but you were already soundly asleep on your bed. Jimin gently placed your head on your pillow, covering you with your soft blanket and kissed your forehead, "I love you (Y/N)" before leaving your room. While Jimin was getting ready to leave your room, your mom opened the door, "oh! Jimin ah. What are you doing here?" She asked, you knew that you didn't want Jimin to tell her what happened in school so he lied for you. "Ah, (Y/N) asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep" he said. 




A/N: OOPS! AND THAT'S THE END KIDS ~ Waaah! It's been hell of a journey (not rlly) HAHAHA, I teared up a bit tbh. :") It was fun writing this story out, I hope everyone enjoyed it! AND BY THE WAY! Please comment on whether if I should do another story or oneshots! Come on~ By the way!! I'm actually working on another fanfiction with my best friend!! I'll leave the link down below if you wanna check it out ~ It's also a BTS fanfic! Also, follow my twitter hehehe @yohwanmon - I changed my UN! @/yyosoap is my personal account but I highly doubt I'm gonna tweet there often ;-; I may be posting a oneshot anytime soon so look forward to that! :') 

Bitter & Sweet 

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mehmeh984 #1
Chapter 12: Awww... can you please write like a bonus ending or something? The's abrupt. :( but if you want i can be your friend!
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Really??? This can't be the end!!!
Chapter 8: OMG!!!! I loved this! I read all of this last night, and I can't wait for a new chapter! Thank you Author-nim.

I feel like the new transfer guy is going to be the bad character? The time when they bumped into each other, the letter written by Jimin WAS IN ONE OF THOSE BOOKS and the No Dong Hwan or whatever his name was, picked it up because it slipped out of the book... that's why he said that she'll regret rejecting him, right?

Since I really want the update quickly... can I suggest something? I wish that No Dong Hwan or that Ye Rin would do something to 'ME' while BTS are somewhere busy with something and the one that comes to save me isn't Jimin but someone else from BTS. Like someone among the members actually had feeling for me but because Jimin was first he never got the chance to confess or something, you know? Like 'the-nice-guy-who-always-gets-rejected' in k-dramas...
Chapter 7: Yes, about the letters. They seem to work when you read the chapter on the laptop. But I read it on my phone at that time. I guess my phone just wanted to tease me or something. But I guess it's working again. Anyway great chapter again. Don't say it's a boring one. Because it isn't.
Chapter 5: I like your chapter BUT there's one problem. The first one, two or three letters in every line can't be seen. So I had to try and guess what word you could've meant. It was easy but can you explain me why the letters are hidden/ not visible?
Chapter 3: I sonst think that your chapters are confusing. I didn't get confused at all. And~ the funny thing is that I'm nearly exact like the you-character. :-D. I can't really find friends at all even though I have a childhood best friend who lives a bit far from me. Also Since I changed some time ago I'm not good with people. Not that I was before... Anyways I really love your story! <3
Chapter 1: I really like your story! I wish you Tage besteht Puck for your story! <3