Chapter 1

I'll Always Remember You

Early in the morning you heard your alarm going off, still feeling sleepy you got out of your bed lazily and went to turn off your alarm then proceeded to take a shower before heading to eat breakfast. It's still early and no one prepared breakfast so you decided to head down to the 24/7 hr convenience store to buy a can of cold coffee and a piece of bread. After that short walk, you then proceeded to walk to school while eating your small breakfast, when you finally reached school you realized that only a few students had arrived, ", I'm too early" you looked around talking to yourself but you just shook your head and walked to where all the teachers are. "May I help you?" a voice popped out behind you, making you jump a little bit. "I'm sorry! I was just wondering-" you tried to tell the lady that you wanted your school schedule but she interrupted you, "oh! I know you! You're (Y/N) right? I'm your homeroom teacher!" she told you in excitement, 'she knows me? Thank god but wait, I haven't seen her in this school before. Is she new?' You thought to yourself. "How are you feeling? Oh! Before I forget, here is your class schedule! There's still time before classes start, it's good that you're early. Most of these students tend to be late sometimes. Now that you're here, you know your way around school right? Don't be late for class! I'll see you soon! Bye!" She handed you your class schedule, she made you smile because she talked like a rapper before going off.


Only 10 minutes left till class starts, you walked to your locker and placed whatever books you didn't need for the first class, you heard the entrance doors open and a bunch of girls squealing at whoever came through. You turned your head to look who came through, a group of seven good looking boys came through but non of them caught your eye. 'Tsk, what's so good about these guys?' you thought to yourself, as you continued staring at the boys, you caught one of them staring back at you, locking his eyes into yours. 'Huh? He looks familiar....' You thought to yourself, shaking your head, the school bell rang indicating that classes were starting. You went into your class and half of the students were already present, the teacher came in and greeted everyone, "good morning losers! I'm kidding. Okay! Like I told you before, there is a new student joining us. She isn't new to the school but she's new to this class, she had a year break but she's back. (Y/N)! Please introduce yourself" You stood up as soon as you heard your name being called, "Uh, hi I'm (Y/N). Like what she said, I just got back. There isn't much you need to know about me, I'm just here to learn and graduate" You said while scanning the entire classroom, only then did you realize that two of the boys from the group earlier on were in the same class as you.


One of the two was already asleep while the other was staring carefully at you like he already knew you from somewhere, they seemed so familiar but you can't recall ever meeting them in your life. After a few hours in class, the bell rang indicating that it was time for lunch. You were already hearing whispers among students but it doesn't surprise you because you already knew that no one in the school liked you, now that you're back in school you went to the usual place behind the school where no one would find you. Before leaving the cafeteria, you noticed that the seven boys weren't anywhere to be seen 'that's strange, why aren't they here? wait.... why am I even thinking about them? Now that's even weirder' you thought to yourself while walking to the usual place. Upon reaching your destination, you noticed that the seven boys were already taking over your place. "H-hey! Wha-" you tried asking them why were they doing there but you got interrupted by a choco colored haired boy who went by the name, J-Hope, "You're finally here! Come and sit! It's been a long time since you last talked to us, we miss you!" He pouted, leaving you confused standing in front of them. "Aren't you going to sit down? We don't have all day to eat lunch you know" Someone else in the group said that, leaving you even more confused than ever.

You looked at them carefully one by one, realizing that two of them were in the same class as you but they didn't look smart to you at all. "Oh! You two!" You pointed at both of them, "you're in my class! I didn't catch your names at all...." Once you said that you didn't catch both of the boys' names that were in you class, surprised them all. "Yah, (Y/N), don't you remember us?" A red-haired boy asked but you shook your head, leaving them to whisper among themselves only making you curious to wonder what they were talking about. They called him the leader of the group and smartest one, he goes by the name Rap Monster but the group calls him Namjoon. He took out his phone and started dialing a number, "auntie! It's me, Namjoon!" He started talking to somebody on the phone, only to find out it was your mother, "the group's doing fine! I'm just calling about... you know.... because she doesn't seem to remember any of us!..... Ah, I get it. Okay! Thank you auntie! We'll swing by your house later after school okay! We miss your house" Namjoon hung up and stared at you for a few seconds, "you seriously don't remember us at all?" Again, you shook your head and proceeded to just sit beside one of them and placed your lunch down, suddenly vivid images started appearing in your mind, leaving you to use both of your hands holding your head to prevent anymore of it happening because it was too painful for you to bear.




Flashback [Memory #1]


"(Y/N) ah~~~~!" You turned around to look at Taehyung calling out for you, waving ridiculously even. You smiled and started jogging towards him, "you looked ridiculous waving you know that" you told him that while both of you were walking to the rest of the group.




The faces of the group of boys were blurry but you could easily recognize Taehyung's face but not his name. Coming back to your senses, the boys were staring at you with concern and worry written all over their faces, "(Y/N)? Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" Questions like 'are you okay?', 'do you need to go and see the nurse?', 'is your head hurting?' were popping up at the same time. However, you were trying to remember who were all the boys in your mind. "I'm fine" you coldly replied them causing them to sigh in relief. You looked up and scanned their faces, recognizing Taehyung's face from the flashback you had a few seconds ago. You pointed at him, "you! I think I remember you...." you wondered, "me? Yah, do you even know my name?" He asked but you shook your head. "See. Guys, she doesn't remember us" he shook his head in disappointment, "you don't even remember.... your own childhood... best friend?" A red-haired boy who went by the name, Jimin, asked and still you shook your head causing him to sigh in disappointment and standing up to walk around. "I can't believe this" Jimin said before standing up. "S-sorry" you muttered under your breath, "it doesn't matter! We'll help you remember us then!" A black-haired boy suddenly spoke up. "Since you don't remember us, I guess we'll introduce ourselves... again. See if our names ring a bell! Lets start with the leader shall we?" A brown-haired boy spoke up as well.


"Kim Nam Joon! Or Rap Monster" Namjoon did a peace sign by his eyes.

'Pft, what kind of a guy goes by the name, Rap monster?' you thought to yourself.

"Jeon Jungkook"

"Kim Taehyung" You recognized Taehyung by his face and now, you finally know his name.

"Park Jimin"

"Min Yoongi" A blonde-haired boy spoke up, you questioned yourself about his hair color in confusion.

"Kim Seokjin"

"Why am I the last? Oh, it's Jung Hoseok"


After they finally introduced themselves, you still couldn't find any interest in them. The school bell rang and you tried to escape them by leaving first but you were stopped by Namjoon and Yoongi, "(Y/N) wait! Don't leave us, we have classes together... remember?" You remembered that both Namjoon and Yoongi is in the same class as you while the three of you were walking back to class, Namjoon stopped you and Yoongi went into class first, "(Y/N).. why is it that you remember everything else but not us? Even your childhood best friend?" he asked. 'I have a childhood best friend?' you thought to yourself. "I don't know, my doctor told me that some of my memories were gone but he also said that they'll come back, it's just a matter of time and by the way am I supposed to even remember you guys? You and the boys look like trouble!" You told him before going into class, "we're actually the most important people in your life including your parents and oh! Before I forget, we're going home together. I told your mom that me and the guys are coming over today" he told you before both of you went back into class. After school ended, you managed to escape school to get home before the boys followed you.


"They can't possibly know my address... right? Right! They don't know it of course, I don't even know them!" you talked to yourself while hurrying home. You finally reached home and changed into your comfy clothes before settling down on your bed, 10 minutes into your resting time you hear your door bell ring. "I'll get it!" you shouted and started hurrying down to find out who was it. When you finally opened the door, "who is it?" you asked. Looking up to see who it was, you realized it was the seven boys from school. "You left us in school, thanks" Taehyung said, "can we come in now?" Namjoon asked. "S-sure. But how did you ev-" you tried asking but your mom interrupted, "boys! It's been a long time since I last saw all of you!" You saw your mom walking up to them giving each of them a welcoming hug, 'what the f-' you thought to yourself. When all of you were sitting in the living room, your mom starts talking about your childhood days with Jimin and even opening photo albums to see pictures of you and Jimin, 'I guess... He is my childhood best friend... But if he is, why can't I remember him? That's weird' you thought to yourself but shook it off as you went to the kitchen to get a cup of orange juice for yourself. "(Y/N)! Get them a glass of juice please! Since you're already at the kitchen" you heard your mom asking you to do things, you felt frustrated but you calmed yourself down and got glasses of juice for the boys.




Flashback [Memory #2]


It was a cold afternoon, you felt lonely without BTS by your side. You also knew that no one in the school practically liked you but they also don't want to mess with you, "aw... are you lonely now? Too bad. Your 'oppas' aren't here to protect you" a female voice popped out in front of you and you realized it only belongs to the most y person that ever lived but somehow pretty, Song Ye Rin. She's obsessed with trying to get BTS' attention especially Jimin but you can't be bothered by her, Ye Rin and her minions started playing with your hair and pushing you around. "Stay away from them, will you? They're mine" she warned you. "Who is yours? Did you mean us? Sorry but we're not your property and stay away from (Y/N)" Yoongi appeared and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you up and he decided to put his arm around your shoulder, protecting you. "Y-yoongi oppa!" Ye Rin shouted while both Yoongi and yourself walked out with the rest of BTS following behind you but while you and BTS were leaving, you heard Jimin talking to Ye Rin. "I really hate girls like you. Leave (Y/N) alone if you still want friends okay" He said it in the nicest way possible, making you smile while you were facing the floor, walking out.




Another vivid scene came up your mind, hurting your head again. Once you got the flashback again, you dropped the tray of glasses using your hands to press against your head, trying to make the pain go away. Once you came back to your senses, they all gathered around you, your mom, Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung and Seokjin were trying to clear away the broken glasses because there were too many lying around while Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin were guiding you to rest on the sofa. "Are you okay?" Jimin asked, all of them were concerned about you. Seokjin passed you a glass of water to drink, "thanks" you said. All of them were wondering what actually happened and you finally decided to explain what was going on because you experienced the same thing during lunch today. "A memory came back" you said. 




A/N: THIS JUST GAVE ME A MISSION TO COMPLETE! This story is a short one, yes. It's going to be short because it would only consist of 10 chapters. Sorry sorry, I don't plan to make stories with chapters that go beyond 20 at least. ;_; 

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mehmeh984 #1
Chapter 12: Awww... can you please write like a bonus ending or something? The's abrupt. :( but if you want i can be your friend!
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Really??? This can't be the end!!!
Chapter 8: OMG!!!! I loved this! I read all of this last night, and I can't wait for a new chapter! Thank you Author-nim.

I feel like the new transfer guy is going to be the bad character? The time when they bumped into each other, the letter written by Jimin WAS IN ONE OF THOSE BOOKS and the No Dong Hwan or whatever his name was, picked it up because it slipped out of the book... that's why he said that she'll regret rejecting him, right?

Since I really want the update quickly... can I suggest something? I wish that No Dong Hwan or that Ye Rin would do something to 'ME' while BTS are somewhere busy with something and the one that comes to save me isn't Jimin but someone else from BTS. Like someone among the members actually had feeling for me but because Jimin was first he never got the chance to confess or something, you know? Like 'the-nice-guy-who-always-gets-rejected' in k-dramas...
Chapter 7: Yes, about the letters. They seem to work when you read the chapter on the laptop. But I read it on my phone at that time. I guess my phone just wanted to tease me or something. But I guess it's working again. Anyway great chapter again. Don't say it's a boring one. Because it isn't.
Chapter 5: I like your chapter BUT there's one problem. The first one, two or three letters in every line can't be seen. So I had to try and guess what word you could've meant. It was easy but can you explain me why the letters are hidden/ not visible?
Chapter 3: I sonst think that your chapters are confusing. I didn't get confused at all. And~ the funny thing is that I'm nearly exact like the you-character. :-D. I can't really find friends at all even though I have a childhood best friend who lives a bit far from me. Also Since I changed some time ago I'm not good with people. Not that I was before... Anyways I really love your story! <3
Chapter 1: I really like your story! I wish you Tage besteht Puck for your story! <3